(In my Opinion) needed Hourglass Changes, do you agree? No? Tell me why

  • 2 Thing i would change about hourglass battles:

    • the supplies for both ships should be the same and are not affected by what players had before the battle. This is to avoid people winning by having more supplies than enemy and removing unfair items from fights
      like 10 billion cursed cannonballs or wraith balls. Plus, tedious supply gathering would be gone too.

    • (In my Opinion) After a fight ends, the winning crew should get their ship repaired or at at least should be unsinkable for a few seconds to avoid sinking right after WINNING a fight.

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  • The second change im all for, the first one i disagree with since the supplies you have is half of the battle in most cases.

  • I should get an advantage for playing for a while and gathering supplies. War of attrition might be the only way I win.

    . If you sink 2/3 seconds after the opponent, you were gonna sink anyways. No freebies.

    What it really needs is to provide loser rep to those that want to defend.

  • the supplies for both ships should be the same and are not affected by what players had before the battle.

    Nope, I like to Prep for battle and bring in Curse balls. Hourglass isn't a "Mode" Its a Tool to locate PvP players, if they be doing a Voyage or also looking. (How would someone defending share the same resources?)

    This is to avoid people winning by having more supplies than enemy and removing unfair items from fights

    Ive won with 20 cannon balls and 5 planks, while the enemy kept using curse balls (missed tho) and also...Unfair? So its unfair for me to setup a battle ground with Kegs when someone decides to "Attack me by diving" and I sink them :p
    Its a choice.

    After a fight ends, the winning crew should get their ship repaired or at at least should be unsinkable for a few seconds to avoid sinking right after WINNING a fight.

    Maybe the first one. But if another 3rd party ship is nearby or part of the fight, you dont get repaired.

  • I've thought about it before. Supply based matchmaking. I've been in those long drawn out fights where the enemy crew has 2000+ cannonballs, 100+ chains, 50+ pineapples and loaded with curses. You fight them for 20 mins, get sunk now you have to face 2 or 3 or 4 more re-matches against them with nothing in comparison and you really dont have a chance because you won't last 5 minutes against them and your going to have chewed through everything.

    Might be a pipe dream though, I'm not sure how they could implement mandatory default supplies what if you got potential third-partied you don't have your real supplies to fight them off.

  • I've never run into any issue where I sink right after winning. If anything, temporary invincibility sounds a bit like it might encourage more reckless behavior in hopes for a win regardless of what might happen to one's ship, which I'm not sure is ideal.

    The supplies though, yeah, I agree in principle. I'm not sure how they can fix this because a nice thing about Hourglass is that you can jump in and out of it at any point with whatever you have on your ship unaffected. Suddenly locking the supplies under a certain number—or being awarded fresh new supplies in case you joined in with nothing aboard, since I guess it'd go both ways—sounds kinda world breaking and gamey compared to what it is now. But this might be a minor issue compared to the virtual stalemates or unbeatable foes due to ships carrying enough wood and cannonballs on them to reenact the Battle of Trafalgar.

    @karkona said in (In my Opinion) needed Hourglass Changes, do you agree? No? Tell me why:

    Supply based matchmaking.

    I suppose this would do it, but I guess that'd be adding fuel to the fire with the current matchmaking issues.

  • @lelinkhd

    In practice the person with more supplies doesn't always win.

    In 1v1 battles if a ship runs out of supplies they start to panic board and eventually either wins or loses. To avoid you being in this situation you should stock up at the shipwright (currently broken), the merchant, and loot your starting island, before diving.

    If you don't win your first match with that setup then you probably were out skilled--not out supplied.

    As for the automatic repair:

    It might be a good idea in solo play. It may close games faster as it allows the winning player (the one who is sinking less quickly) to be aggressive as they don't have to worry about returning to their ship to repair if they win. That's sort of up to the developers to decide if that's what they want.

    As for me, I would be happy with disallowing the losing crew to further cause damage once their ship has gonged. As in, they shouldn't be able to throw a bucket of water to sink me. Or kill me while I'm trying to repair the last hole.

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