ARENA as a standalone game?

  • No this isn't a ''bring back Arena Plox'' Thread.

    It's more so a wild thrown out question if me and a few others that are into game dev, would it be il/legal for us to recreate a Sea Of Thieves look alike game as a passion project purely dedicated and focused to what Arena was? And potentially selling the game if proven successfull?

    Meaning using the same ships and how they operate for balance and familiarity sense as well as loadouts etc, or would that be considered as a potential law suit pending at our door step?

    Bottom line is the fact that Arena still gets attention long after it's removal is enough proof that players still miss it and are craving those larger consistent ship battles to the point that it bred unique communities such as NAL/SoC/LBH/LoT, alongside a niche underground TDM community and even streamers hosting PvP events such as sink race and TruEdits CrackedCreator Series which are still popular today.
    The community is there, clearly no one can deny that, and with the influx of incoming Playstation players, it will result in more interested eyeballs.

    So could a RARE dev chime in the idea if it isn't too far fetch or if it will be shut down immediately if a Sea of Thieves Replica dedicated to the ARENA game mode went public?

    I already have an idea such as this potential title being supported on Unreal Engine 5.4, hiring developers and artists that could bring this to life.

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  • No this isn't a ''bring back Arena Plox'' Thread.

    It kind of is. Your wanting to bring Arena back by other means.

    would it be il/legal for us to recreate a Sea Of Thieves look alike game as a passion project

    if you have to ask, it mostly is. Look at all the others before you who tried to make games based off other games, "Look alike" and only to be given a "Stop that" letter from the Company.

    Arena still gets attention long after it's removal is enough proof that players still miss it

    Only those who miss it are those who didnt even play how it was meant to be.

  • @burnbacon

    Only those who miss it are those who didnt even play how it was meant to be.

    Based on what? Are you in those communities still present day?
    I love how you casually ignore the comment right below that genuinely disproves what you just said as a way to justify your assumption (Which is false).
    Maybe be more open to those communities and see for yourself yeh?

  • can only support this. Had this idea when Arena was removed and given the official reasons including the amount of work to fix it after every update compared to the number of players I kind of thought a standalone version of Arena would be ideal. Was always hoping for it and the majority of the old Arena community that I know of still wishes it back up to the current day. Most likely just dreams but hey. Just dropped in to say that you are not alone, @IX-Indi-XI .

  • Arena got self destroyed by the toxicity of the crews before every match and because it wasn't viable to keep it going anymore as a mod separate from the game.

    Let's face it, DeMarco is dead and so is the Arena, time to move on guys!

  • @IX-Indi-XI Your idea is a very good !

    [mod edit]

  • @ix-indi-xi
    So mandatory I am not a lawyer pre amble


    As long as you do not use SoT assets, or assets created by or for Rare there is nothing they can really legally do to stop you.

    Game mechanics are not copywritable, trade markable or in any other way legally protectable the same way recipes are not.

    Does this mean that microsoft can not send you a cease and desist letter ? No they sure can, they can also still file a lawsuit if they feel you are in the wrong.

    And even when you are fully in the clear, they have a lot more money and expensive lawyers and can just drag it out.

    Not saying they would, but companies can and have to be highly protective over their intellectual property

  • I've seen some kinda SoT themed tdm replica before. Not sure what it was called.
    But I think that would be cool, some of my most fun moments on this game are from arena and I'm sure alot of people think the same.

  • Make a Weird Al version of Arena

    piratical parody with nostalgic gameplay

    I remember playing some parody hunting games back in the 90s. Very similar games/design just goofier versions.

  • @ix-indi-xi said in ARENA as a standalone game?:

    No this isn't a ''bring back Arena Plox'' Thread.

    It is. Even when it's a 'stand alone game', it's still bringing it back.

    @ix-indi-xi said in ARENA as a standalone game?:

    would it be il/legal for us to recreate a Sea Of Thieves look alike game as a passion project purely dedicated and focused to what Arena was? And potentially selling the game if proven successfull?

    Yes, if it's clearly a copy of Arena with the same type of ships, how they operate, looks, etc. (like you said later in your post) you would break copyright and trademark laws and the fines for that are often huge (think about 6- or 7-figure amounts).
    Even if you do modify it so it's only the idea and not the looks, etc, you still risk getting sued for copyright infingement. Even if you would win, you would still have had to spend 6- or 7-figure amounts on lawyers.

    @ix-indi-xi said in ARENA as a standalone game?:

    Bottom line is the fact that Arena still gets attention long after it's removal is enough proof that players still miss it....

    And those players were the reason Arena got removed. Arena didn't got removed because nobody was playing it, but because the slim percentage that was playing it (2% of the playtime) was extremely toxic and caused a massive 80% of all reports of toxicity and cheating. Rare needed a lot of staff for all those Arena-reports even though only a slim percentage was playing it. It was a financial strain on the game and was pulling it down.
    By that time Arena wasn't even been played how it was supposed to be anyways, it was mostly TDM'ers who just spawncamped lesser players (wich is a bannable offence by the way) untill they were forced to quit. It wasn't about getting that chest to the final destination anymore. Most of the people who miss it are just those TDM'ers who were the problem to start with and caused Arena to get scrapped. There is a reason Rare doesn't listen to them.

  • @ix-indi-xi if you are serious about this:

    1] You're not going to get a good answer from the forums lol.
    2] Even if Rare were to reply, you'd probably get a biased answer.
    3] You should probably contact an actual (patent/IP) lawyer for actual legal advice, and make sure it's a damn good one.

    ... and 4] If this does pan out, I'd be happy to invest, strictly as a VC.

  • @theblackbellamy
    I see.

    Well a quick update, I met some individual that actually has a small Discord group and was on the same page about creating a game inspired by SoT Arena.
    Im glad im not the only one that thought about this, and from some of the comments, people are on board. (Pun intended)
    So we are talking things out right now see what can work, and branching off ideas etc.

    Obviously we would love to just heavily inspire from SoT to the point of copying the layout of the ships and how they function, as far as I know you can't sue just from existing game mechanics, but again, we are not quite sure if thats even legal even if we were to change things here and there and give a vastly different art style.
    It's still a Galleon that functions very Similar to the one in Sea of Thieves for example. How legal is that, and would we even bother copying a 1 to 1 if everything was legal?
    Blazing sails was considered a rip off from SoT, and so is Thebs TDM Gamemode ripping of weapons and forts from the game in terms of ideas.

    Bottom line is we probs want to make a fun fast paced Pirate game that is leaned onto PvP majorly that could bleed into competition if made well (balance etc.)
    It's moreso a passion project more then anything for the time being.

  • Before going any further, you might want to check out Blazing Sails on steam. It's a pirate "arena" game with a SoT like art style, whose marketing takes a lot of direct jabs at SoT itself.

    I tried it. It has promise but I came out disappointed.

    But that's just me. You might find it's exactly the kind of SoT stand alone arena game you're looking for, or not.

  • @spellsword0 said in ARENA as a standalone game?:

    Before going any further, you might want to check out Blazing Sails on steam. It's a pirate "arena" game with a SoT like art style, whose marketing takes a lot of direct jabs at SoT itself.

    I tried it. It has promise but I came out disappointed.

    But that's just me. You might find it's exactly the kind of SoT stand alone arena game you're looking for, or not.

    It's kinda like playing another Bond game instead of Goldeneye.

    The magic was Goldeneye specifically, not Bond generally.

  • Well, Palworld (Pokémon with guns and slaves) is still on gamepass.

    That being said. I think you'll be disappointed in your sales.

  • Going off of this reply, Blazing Sails proves that a pirate game with a similar "image" as SoT won't get taken down. Blazing Sails obviously has its own issues that cause it to suck but I genuinely think there is enough room to innovate on the original Arena concept so that it wouldn't be considered a copy of SoT.

    Now, obviously everyone is skeptical because the idea is based on copying Arena itself - but if it's developed in a way that creates an original spin-off of Arena wouldn't that be a totally acceptable approach? It seems like Sea of Thieves has always had immense potential as a game, especially in the competitive sense, so why not let a passion project take the concept there?

    Fully supporting this and I hope everyone understands that this is entirely a passion project for the amazing community that sea of thieves created. Yes there were toxic players in Arena, and nobody appreciated that - But almost all of the Arena community was full of friendly people who just wanted to play pirate game and enjoy it, I think it would be an awesome project.

  • @pithyrumble I would hope the goal of the game wouldn't be to profit, especially since it wouldn't be nearly as well marketed as SoT haha

  • @happypucker7192 said in ARENA as a standalone game?:

    Yes there were toxic players in Arena, and nobody appreciated that - But almost all of the Arena community was full of friendly people who just wanted to play pirate game and enjoy it, I think it would be an awesome project.

    Nah you must be lying with that point.
    Nobody was nice in Arena, nor are comp/sweaty players, So I'm wondering why the biggest SoT Streamers often play with those players till this very day.

    Jokes aside im done listening to the nah sayers.

    Idk where @PithyRumble is going with that remark regarding sales, it's a passion project with only two of us so far, we are taking it slow, we don't have a dedicated studio backed by a trillion dollar company.
    Put 2 and 2 Together.

    Then again miracles do happen, BattleBit was created by 2 people and was the biggest game for a period of time.

  • @ix-indi-xi It could not survive as an additional playmode, what makes you think it would survive as a standalone game and justify further expense in development and upkeep? They aren't going to throw good money after bad as the community has already spoken - there is very little interest in an Arena mode outside of a few noisy niche players and thus a bad investment.

  • @dlchief58

    what makes you think it would survive as a standalone game.

    Because RARE didn't do it right, nor did they try. They did one big patch for Arena 2.0 and called it a day, with small patches to fix game breaking bugs.
    Saw the numbers dwindle over time and decide to pull the plug ''oh well'' we didn't put any effort into it and the players as a result didn't bother to spend time in it. We already have our great Devs Idea of the Hourglass in Adventure so it's a perfect time to sweep Arena under the rug and cut complete support towards SOC/NAL and pretend they never existed by cutting of communication. (Which is what they did if you knew anything about the games history and the people running those communities on that part)

    I don't consider that love and attention from devs, I call that neglect...

    Same story is going on for Hourglass right now, I don't have to play the gamemode anymore to know it's in a dead state, I just have to watch a few streamers that play it to know Queue times have increased and the general motivation is no longer there.

    People want to play it, just like they did for Arena, but when constant bugs that have been out since it's launch are not patched out for a good year +, when new rewards aren't released for a good Year + . When Devs don't listen to actual PvP players that know how the game can be pushed further and how to generate interest that simply get's ignored, yeh.

    All these + other factors= a recipe for failure. At least for Hourglass it's built into adventure, or else it would of suffered Arena's fate of being removed.
    Again Arena could of been expanded into mini game modes such as TDM, instead TDM'ers had to ''ruin'' public lobbies. There was legit 100's of players that would TDM in Arena.
    Also back then Fortnite was popping the BattleRoyal gamemode, Arena could of had or at least tried to expand a gamemode into that and tap into that playerbase to bring into Sea of Thieves.

    All in all im not going to convince you as to why it's good/bad.
    I've already got a lot of positive feedback outside of forumns, the players want it, the demand is there. And Promotion won't be an issue when a lot of PvP streamers and their viewers are also looking for what I have described.
    It's just a matter of putting a lot of time and effort to make a stable product that is appealing to people and of course hit-reg that actually works...

  • @ix-indi-xi said in ARENA as a standalone game?:


    what makes you think it would survive as a standalone game.

    Because RARE didn't do it right, nor did they try. They did one big patch for Arena 2.0 and called it a day, with small patches to fix game breaking bugs.
    I don't consider that love and attention from devs, I call that neglect...

    Same story is going on for Hourglass right now, I don't have to play the gamemode anymore to know it's in a dead state, I just have to watch a few streamers that play it to know Queue times have increased and the general motivation is no longer there.

    People want to play it, just like they did for Arena, but when constant bugs that have been out since it's launch are not patched out for a good year +, when new rewards aren't released for a good Year + . When Devs don't listen to actual PvP players that know how the game can be pushed further and how to generate interest that simply get's ignored, yeh.

    All these + other factors= a recipe for failure. At least for Hourglass it's built into adventure, or else it would of suffered Arena's fate of being removed.
    Again Arena could of been expanded into mini game modes such as TDM, instead TDM'ers had to ''ruin'' public lobbies. There was legit 100's of players that would TDM in Arena.
    Also back then Fortnite was popping the BattleRoyal gamemode, Arena could of had or at least tried to expand a gamemode into that and tap into that playerbase to bring into Sea of Thieves.

    All in all im not going to convince you as to why it's good/bad.
    I've already got a lot of positive feedback outside of forumns, the players want it, the demand is there. And Promotion won't be an issue when a lot of PvP streamers and their viewers are also looking for what I have described.
    It's just a matter of putting a lot of time and effort to make a stable product that is appealing to people and of course hit-reg that actually works...

    Lot of copium for a mode that was only popular with a incredibly small portion of the audience, regardless of how you are trying to spin it as Rare's fault it failed. Numbers were never "high" and became worse due to server takeovers with people forcing TDM instead of playing as designed and the majority of toxicity reports resulting from a mode that only garnered 2% of total playtime....which continued even after comms were silenced.

    Rare may have made a few errors in handling Arena, but the bottom line it was a mode that the vast majority of players had no interest in from the start (as it took time away from the main game) and was never requested to begin with. While you say there is a demand, I can guarantee that it is much smaller than you seem to think as you are likely getting such feedback from an echo chamber. But the bottom line was it was never that popular to begin with (in either form) and would be a financial disaster to think making a stand-alone version would fare any better - players have already spoken with their time. '"100s of players" is not many at all for a game and definitely not enough to support a stand alone version, especially when they couldn't support the mode while it was in game. If there was all this interest in the mode when available, it surely would have garnered more support and care but let's be wasn't there at any time, the majority of players have absolutely no interest in Arena regardless of how you are trying to reframe the facts of the situation. Arena Mode was dead upon announcement.

  • @dlchief58
    Well if you want to be a negative hater, the door is over there.
    Met hundreds of comp players, that's why I stuck to the game. That was my community that I liked, yet it slowly disappeared. We all tried making it work, RARE didn't. Simple, their game, their vision...

    NAL had thousands in their discord. The most dedicated players of this game that stuck through thick and thin were competitive PvP players.
    LoT Streams had a lot of viewers when it went live a few months back, and that was after Arena closure in a meekly 1v1 tournament fashion.

    That's enough motivation for me and others to build something off from.

    ''Echo chamber'' yeh I love that term being thrown around everywhere. It really can be put onto anything and everything...

    ''100s'' of players is a good chunk when Steam Stats for this game is showing in the thousands and it keeps dwindling down by the month. Less then 10k average are playing the game on Steam. It's not a good look when it was almost 70k.
    SoT didn't release on steam so the peak wasn't because of the games hype release either.
    Matter of fact Im not sure why doubters like you and others resort to ''Yeah well your game won't be big as SoT, so don't bother"
    Yeah we are less then 5 people on this passion project. What do you expect? Ill be happy to even have 200 people play the game.

    Good experience, Good portfolio piece, Good everything really.
    Let's see what you've been up to yeh?

    Only now did RARE wake up 6 years later and decide to add new weapons and tools. When it's been in demand for years on end. A 6 year stale meta does that to a game... Matter of fact a lot of the ideas that you saw from the reveal trailer are straight out copy's from what the community made a while back.
    The devs had the creative concept work cut out on that aspect lol.

    People just lost interest in a game filled with bugs and hit-registration that is worse then an online Playstation 2 title from 2 decades ago. I wish I was joking about that part.

  • @dlchief58 said in ARENA as a standalone game?:

    @ix-indi-xi said in ARENA as a standalone game?:


    what makes you think it would survive as a standalone game.

    Because RARE didn't do it right, nor did they try. They did one big patch for Arena 2.0 and called it a day, with small patches to fix game breaking bugs.
    I don't consider that love and attention from devs, I call that neglect...

    Same story is going on for Hourglass right now, I don't have to play the gamemode anymore to know it's in a dead state, I just have to watch a few streamers that play it to know Queue times have increased and the general motivation is no longer there.

    People want to play it, just like they did for Arena, but when constant bugs that have been out since it's launch are not patched out for a good year +, when new rewards aren't released for a good Year + . When Devs don't listen to actual PvP players that know how the game can be pushed further and how to generate interest that simply get's ignored, yeh.

    All these + other factors= a recipe for failure. At least for Hourglass it's built into adventure, or else it would of suffered Arena's fate of being removed.
    Again Arena could of been expanded into mini game modes such as TDM, instead TDM'ers had to ''ruin'' public lobbies. There was legit 100's of players that would TDM in Arena.
    Also back then Fortnite was popping the BattleRoyal gamemode, Arena could of had or at least tried to expand a gamemode into that and tap into that playerbase to bring into Sea of Thieves.

    All in all im not going to convince you as to why it's good/bad.
    I've already got a lot of positive feedback outside of forumns, the players want it, the demand is there. And Promotion won't be an issue when a lot of PvP streamers and their viewers are also looking for what I have described.
    It's just a matter of putting a lot of time and effort to make a stable product that is appealing to people and of course hit-reg that actually works...

    Lot of copium for a mode that was only popular with a incredibly small portion of the audience, regardless of how you are trying to spin it as Rare's fault it failed. Numbers were never "high" and became worse due to server takeovers with people forcing TDM instead of playing as designed and the majority of toxicity reports resulting from a mode that only garnered 2% of total playtime....which continued even after comms were silenced.

    Rare may have made a few errors in handling Arena, but the bottom line it was a mode that the vast majority of players had no interest in from the start (as it took time away from the main game) and was never requested to begin with. While you say there is a demand, I can guarantee that it is much smaller than you seem to think as you are likely getting such feedback from an echo chamber. But the bottom line was it was never that popular to begin with (in either form) and would be a financial disaster to think making a stand-alone version would fare any better - players have already spoken with their time. '"100s of players" is not many at all for a game and definitely not enough to support a stand alone version, especially when they couldn't support the mode while it was in game. If there was all this interest in the mode when available, it surely would have garnered more support and care but let's be wasn't there at any time, the majority of players have absolutely no interest in Arena regardless of how you are trying to reframe the facts of the situation. Arena Mode was dead upon announcement.

    I also think it's not a matter of how many people would play the game in the end, if people want to make a game - especially out of their own time and resources - let them yk? You can say all you want about how much you and people with similar playstyles wouldn't like it, but at the end of the day there are legitimately people who would love to get their hands on a game like this proposed one even if it is less than 100 people(which I honestly think is a gross underestimate). No need to shoot down creativity and passion in my opinion, even if you don't think it's going to pan out remotely well.

    There is evidence that certain people liked Arena, no disputing that. And a lot of people that didn't like it, of course. If it's not for you no worries, but negative comments aren't gonna help anyone and I highly doubt the premise of this game idea is to separate and divide the community, so let it be eh?

  • @happypucker7192 said in ARENA as a standalone game?:

    @dlchief58 said in ARENA as a standalone game?:

    @ix-indi-xi said in ARENA as a standalone game?:


    what makes you think it would survive as a standalone game.

    Because RARE didn't do it right, nor did they try. They did one big patch for Arena 2.0 and called it a day, with small patches to fix game breaking bugs.
    I don't consider that love and attention from devs, I call that neglect...

    Same story is going on for Hourglass right now, I don't have to play the gamemode anymore to know it's in a dead state, I just have to watch a few streamers that play it to know Queue times have increased and the general motivation is no longer there.

    People want to play it, just like they did for Arena, but when constant bugs that have been out since it's launch are not patched out for a good year +, when new rewards aren't released for a good Year + . When Devs don't listen to actual PvP players that know how the game can be pushed further and how to generate interest that simply get's ignored, yeh.

    All these + other factors= a recipe for failure. At least for Hourglass it's built into adventure, or else it would of suffered Arena's fate of being removed.
    Again Arena could of been expanded into mini game modes such as TDM, instead TDM'ers had to ''ruin'' public lobbies. There was legit 100's of players that would TDM in Arena.
    Also back then Fortnite was popping the BattleRoyal gamemode, Arena could of had or at least tried to expand a gamemode into that and tap into that playerbase to bring into Sea of Thieves.

    All in all im not going to convince you as to why it's good/bad.
    I've already got a lot of positive feedback outside of forumns, the players want it, the demand is there. And Promotion won't be an issue when a lot of PvP streamers and their viewers are also looking for what I have described.
    It's just a matter of putting a lot of time and effort to make a stable product that is appealing to people and of course hit-reg that actually works...

    Lot of copium for a mode that was only popular with a incredibly small portion of the audience, regardless of how you are trying to spin it as Rare's fault it failed. Numbers were never "high" and became worse due to server takeovers with people forcing TDM instead of playing as designed and the majority of toxicity reports resulting from a mode that only garnered 2% of total playtime....which continued even after comms were silenced.

    Rare may have made a few errors in handling Arena, but the bottom line it was a mode that the vast majority of players had no interest in from the start (as it took time away from the main game) and was never requested to begin with. While you say there is a demand, I can guarantee that it is much smaller than you seem to think as you are likely getting such feedback from an echo chamber. But the bottom line was it was never that popular to begin with (in either form) and would be a financial disaster to think making a stand-alone version would fare any better - players have already spoken with their time. '"100s of players" is not many at all for a game and definitely not enough to support a stand alone version, especially when they couldn't support the mode while it was in game. If there was all this interest in the mode when available, it surely would have garnered more support and care but let's be wasn't there at any time, the majority of players have absolutely no interest in Arena regardless of how you are trying to reframe the facts of the situation. Arena Mode was dead upon announcement.

    I also think it's not a matter of how many people would play the game in the end, if people want to make a game - especially out of their own time and resources - let them yk? You can say all you want about how much you and people with similar playstyles wouldn't like it, but at the end of the day there are legitimately people who would love to get their hands on a game like this proposed one even if it is less than 100 people(which I honestly think is a gross underestimate). No need to shoot down creativity and passion in my opinion, even if you don't think it's going to pan out remotely well.

    There is evidence that certain people liked Arena, no disputing that. And a lot of people that didn't like it, of course. If it's not for you no worries, but negative comments aren't gonna help anyone and I highly doubt the premise of this game idea is to separate and divide the community, so let it be eh?

    If they want to waste their own time and money on a failed venture, more power to them. Me, I'm against Rare spending good money after bad on any attempts to revive a proven failed mode for their game. And these "negative" FACTS are just a reminder of the problems that they will inevitably encounter as they are intent on ignoring the history of Arena and looking at it with rose tinted, nostalgia glasses. Guarantee there is no profit in this venture if it ever got off the ground, demand just isn't there and have no faith a small group could do it justice (especially if Rare couldn't with Microsoft funding and infrastructure).

  • @dlchief58

    "facts'' Yeah spending money on a ''venture''.
    You don't spend money on a passion project, you only start spending money once you start selling the game, so you can hire new people to actually make the game better, fast.
    Actually inform yourself on how games and projects can start off.
    Because your ''facts'' are not really ''facts'' it's just as I stated, being negative.
    You don't know what your talking about, simple.
    That being said I won't be replying to you, you have no substance apart from bickering.

  • @ix-indi-xi If you genuinely want an answer to your question you need to file it in a ticket to support.

    Dropping anchor here.

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