XBOX Keyboard and Mouse STILL not working after the new update

  • @rwiththeshan it’s fixed for the most part, but you can still not be able to mark the map like when you go to click on an island scrolling through UI Skip page and I think that’s about it but they also said ship crest things were fixed, and those are still not fixed. I can still not see my ship title at times, but other than that, the keyboard and mouse issue seems fixed for the most part.

  • @Sharkboy6847 That is wonderful, that is all I care about at this point the keyboard & mouse glitch had been a problem for 3 months almost, and now the pain is over...

  • @rwiththeshan My same exact thought process lol, I’m just glad the main issue is fixed lol.

  • @rwiththeshan
    Ahoy Mateys

    This seems to have been resolved now. Logged in a few times and stuff working correctly as fat as keyboard and mouse goes. There are other issues though but don't know the entirety of them.

    Hope this helps

  • @doomi73 Mouse and keyboard is limited on xbox series x. I have 6 buttons on my mouse, and I utilize them all. Before season 11, they all worked fine. After the, so say, fix, I can only use 4. Thumb buttons and the left/right clicks work. My page up and page down buttons cause all other inputs to be cancelled. I used page up to cycle weapons, and when I move while trying to cycle weapons, my character will stop and change weapons. Then I would have to re engage W to move forward.

  • @sharkboy6847 It's not entirely fixed. I have a major issue where my character stops moving when I switch weapons. My cycle weapon command is binded to my page up button on my g502. I can still play the game if I rebinded it to so.ething else. I just wish they would make mnk 100% accessible on xbox; not 95%.

  • Hmmm… When I played it seems mostly fixed, the only issue Im experiencing after their update that mostly fixed it, is being able to mark the map like on an island, or scrolling in a ui will skip a page and also when pressing windows key to go on Xbox ui when I press it and then go back both times my camera angle changes.

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