How to make over 200 million in one month...

  • Yes. It's being done; just check the leader board.
    Top guy has over 220 million in just ONE of the emissaries; in just 28 days!!!!
    I've been playing for over a year with only 25 million which includes every faction.
    So what am I not doing right??? What am I missing to not make that much?
    Or is there another question that needs to be asked???

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  • efficient alliance servers for the most part (splitting up loot for factions)

    regular cheese events amplifies totals

    6 ships now

    world events/fotds are all split loot, they split it up that way + whatever else they have going. 6 pve ships run efficiently on locked down servers is massive farming potential.

    the crews running the show or with some pull because of one reason or another likely just set themselves up to be the ones that get the extra cheese.

  • Actually, what you are seeing is people doing the hourglass mode. Someone who is good at PvP can make big bank in the new mode. You actually earn emissary every sink, and then also when you lower the hourglass. If you have no loot grade bonus then you earn 10k for the first sink, 12k 2nd, 14k 3rd, and 16k for 4th and beyond. The higher your streak, the more money your hourglass will give you when you turn in and if you are running emissary you will get that grade 5 bonus. Also as you collect the flags and supply crates you usually go up in loot grade, which tacks on a slight bonus. Then selling the flags themselves also count.

    If you look at all the leaderboards, Athena and Reaper are in the hundred millions, every other one is in the 10 millions. That's why I know it is a combination of the hourglass mode, as you are either fighting for Athena or Flameheart(Reaper).

    That's not to say there isn't also alliance cheesing, there's also this thing where certain content creators have people farm for them and then invite them just for the sell. There's also a known issue with cheaters, who name their accounts as the website for the cheats, but Rare is pretty good about deleting them. But if you are like my friend and did literally nothing but grind hourglass all weekend, you would have made a LOT.

  • @wolfmanbush I get the alliance servers but 221 million just don't add up. It takes one guy 2k hrs to make just 25 million, so half of the few Athena's loot...where's Einstein when you need him??? If it were Reapers, it would be more believable.

  • @abjectarity said in How to make over 200 million in one month...:

    Actually, what you are seeing is people doing the hourglass mode. Someone who is good at PvP can make big bank in the new mode. You actually earn emissary every sink, and then also when you lower the hourglass. If you have no loot grade bonus then you earn 10k for the first sink, 12k 2nd, 14k 3rd, and 16k for 4th and beyond. The higher your streak, the more money your hourglass will give you when you turn in and if you are running emissary you will get that grade 5 bonus. Also as you collect the flags and supply crates you usually go up in loot grade, which tacks on a slight bonus. Then selling the flags themselves also count.

    If you look at all the leaderboards, Athena and Reaper are in the hundred millions, every other one is in the 10 millions. That's why I know it is a combination of the hourglass mode, as you are either fighting for Athena or Flameheart(Reaper).

    That's not to say there isn't also alliance cheesing, there's also this thing where certain content creators have people farm for them and then invite them just for the sell. There's also a known issue with cheaters, who name their accounts as the website for the cheats, but Rare is pretty good about deleting them. But if you are like my friend and did literally nothing but grind hourglass all weekend, you would have made a LOT.

    Reapers has always been that way and Athena has been that way since veils which are mass profit on alliance servers

    Hg has low participation, sure a few that grind hg all day and win all the time do well but that's a new development

    Alliance servers have been regularly bumping up the totals more and more for a long time now.

    I saw 200 million logbooks during season 7 before HG even was a thing.

    The non-alliance server reapers are all extreme server hoppers being fed a lot of very fruitful servers but the 200 million stuff is almost entirely safe server cheesing.

    Keep in mind that HG has long been inconsistent for many if not most, unreliable is inconsistent so only a very few select players are going to have everything line up for them in HG to pull the massive numbers.

  • The thing about alliance servers is the money they make you doesn't show up on your ledger. It is only your personal input. So while I might make 10 mil from 5 boats selling, if I only sold 2 mil myself... that is all that will reflect in the ledger. So a person with a 200 mil logbook in season 7 could have still only had a 2 mil ledger position if they were always just sucking the alliance money. Because I also learned that logbooks count ALL gold you made. Your own, your alliance, the daily deeds, etc... So that number can be very heavily inflated if you play on alliance servers all the time. The only way to see how much gold you personally sold is the milestone for "gold sold to" and add them up. But if you weren't running an emissary flag it doesn't go to your ledger.

    So the fact ledger is only the gold you made by the items you sold personally to the representatives while having the flag raised is why I think it is more the hourglass mode peaking in lately. Though as I said I know certain content creators who have the whole server grind for them, so they can personally sell the items and get high on the leaderboard. And then there's also the cheaters.

  • @wolfmanbush If other ships sells it does not count to your emisarry value.

  • @faceyourdemon said in How to make over 200 million in one month...:

    @wolfmanbush If other ships sells it does not count to your emisarry value.

    That's not the point and not what I said

    6 ships on safe servers that are clearing everything and efficiently splitting up the loot can create massive monthly numbers for ledgers

    Community days/gold and glory/ gold rush

    These all contribute to mass coordinated numbers

    Gold rush on most days is twice a day, they are essentially in permanent gold and glory mode with locked down servers and now they have 6 ships.

    World events are mixed loot which isn't great for organic play outside of reapers but it's quite efficient for locked down coordinated servers that want to efficiently run different factions.

  • So now that we've cleared up the various ways other people make it to hundreds of millions, let's answer the more important questions

    So what am I not doing right??? What am I missing to not make that much?
    Or is there another question that needs to be asked???

    You aren't doing anything wrong. Play the way that is fun to you and don't worry about how much gold people who play a different way make.

    If you do want some tips and tricks on how to make more money when you play, we can help there. Certain activities are way more efficient for gold per time invested than others.

  • @abjectarity said in How to make over 200 million in one month...:

    So now that we've cleared up the various ways other people make it to hundreds of millions, let's answer the more important questions

    So what am I not doing right??? What am I missing to not make that much?
    Or is there another question that needs to be asked???

    You aren't doing anything wrong. Play the way that is fun to you and don't worry about how much gold people who play a different way make.

    If you do want some tips and tricks on how to make more money when you play, we can help there. Certain activities are way more efficient for gold per time invested than others.

    Hundreds of millions a month is very different than 50-90 million a month.

    50-90 is possible in extreme play with extreme efficiency

    a couple hundred+ million a month is really only realistic in one scenario

    I checked some vods of some extreme hgers and it's def not in the couple hundred million a month range

    Alliance server influence was actually at its most obvious before veils. Athena ledger had mass activity that in no way was showing on organic servers, very few were running athena and athena ledgers were going up and up over the months. The organic activity just wasn't there to support what the ledgers were saying, thieves haven runs were essentially gem runs at that point in time, less and less were doing them, athena gold making was very low, emissary tables were empty, didn't add up.

  • @sss-zan the emmisary leaderboards dont show money earned, they show emmisary value earned.

    For instance since season 7 released i made a total of 32 or so million, howver my emmisary ledger values show something different:

    • Reapers bones - 11.5 million
    • gold hoarders - 1.9 million
    • athenas fortune - 3.9 million

    That would be a total of 17.3 million this month alone. There have been 7 ledgers since the release of season 7 release so that would mean i made alot more.

    The thing is the ledger value increase usually is quite a bit higher then actual money earned when selling an item, so it gives a skewed visual.

    Still the people at the top of the ledgers are making bank and there can be multiple reasons for that:

    • people playing on alliance servers
    • people spending extreme amounts of time playing
    • HG also helps alot since every sink adds to the emmisary value however the payout only happens if they are able to sell their streak, which then adds even more to the ledger
  • Don't bother with the leaderboards. They are "rigged" due to alliance servers.

    I hope one day they actually mean something!


  • @itz-majman said in How to make over 200 million in one month...:

    Don't bother with the leaderboards. They are "rigged" due to alliance servers.

    I hope one day they actually mean something!

    They weren't bad earlier on. I used to lurk around top ten sometimes on some of them as a solo just because

    Alliance server activity significantly increased as activity was driven out of the organic experience the last couple of years.

    They are unlikely to ever do anything truly substantive about the alliance feature or alliance servers, it's reliable activity (and money) for them during times where organic activity goes down.

    It's not just this game though, ladder/ledger type stuff is nearly always heavily manipulated at the top in gaming. It's been that way going back decades at this point.

    Keep in mind when they talk pve/activity stats they don't separate all the alliance server activity, that's all included in the activity, depending on the point in history alliance server activity can be a huge chunk of overall production in the game.


    Season 7: was incredible low organic activity so alliances would be padding that season heavily and told a misleading story about participation

    Season 9: solid organic activity, much better than it has been in a long time so although alliance servers still pad those stats a lot it's not misleading on participation as the organic activity shows plenty of interest right now (we will see how it goes as the season progresses, hopefully it maintains strong interest)

  • @vito1700 said in How to make over 200 million in one month...:


    No, it's the hourglass mode. Last month i had 2.7M in the Athena ledger, by just doing the hourglass mode. I didn't even play that much (i'm only 50 in Guardians) and i only have a winrate of about 50%. Someone who grinds it continuous and is good at PvP will easily get (way) more then 100M in ledger value just for playing hourglass.

  • @super87ghost 👍ok

  • @super87ghost said in How to make over 200 million in one month...:

    @vito1700 said in How to make over 200 million in one month...:


    No, it's the hourglass mode. Last month i had 2.7M in the Athena ledger, by just doing the hourglass mode. I didn't even play that much (i'm only 50 in Guardians) and i only have a winrate of about 50%. Someone who grinds it continuous and is good at PvP will easily get (way) more then 100M in ledger value just for playing hourglass.

    200 million is over 6 million a day for a month straight

    even with gold boosts and high win rates that doesn't factor in wait times and fight times

    even the extreme hg/extreme hopper pvpers are sitting around 200 million to 500 million total in their accounts depending on how many cosmetics they have purchased in game. Years of grinding for that. Some have even used their doubloons at good times to bump it up to that amount.

    200 million a month is an entirely different ball game.

  • @wolfmanbush You have to turn in the hourglass in time ofcourse to get the money. So if they just keep fighting untill they lose, they won't get the gold.

    And ledger value is not the same as gold obviously. You can have more ledger value then you actually made in gold.

    And on top of that: that is the number for the number 1, not the number for the average high skilled player who grinds 8-12 hours a day (wich ofcourse was already an extreme)... So ofcourse it's an extreme side of the extreme, because it's the number 1, that is always the extreme.

  • @super87ghost I’ve lowered a 21 streak and not even made 1.5m gold. And that was in an 8 hour session with all the supply runs and wait times! Once you hit faction champion the wait ques are much longer!

  • If it’s the Reaper ledger, then it’s possible that someone has been doing nonstop cargo turn-ins. There are certain ways to get mass amounts of cargo in a short period of time. If this was done during the community weekend, each piece sold could be over 10k. You can potentially stack around 500 at once before the game is basically unplayable and that will get you 5 mil+ in a couple hours.

  • You can still get in the top score bracket just fine with people at such high scores. Its more than likely alliance players, but alliance servers consist of a small enough number of players that if you just put a bit of effort in, even with a fraction of that score you will be top bracket for ledger rewards.

  • @goldsmen Oh absolutely. I have never had a problem getting gold tier in every ledger while mostly solo slooping. It's not that hard if you put a lil bit of effort in it. Most of the time you need about 500-600k to get into gold tier. Only this month the Repear ledger is a bit off, since you need almost a million. Mostly because of lots of people doing Reaper ledger and Servants hourglass during the community weekend.

  • @wolfmanbush

    Been pretty bad since day 1 it came out but has been getting worse and worse when they keep pushing more expensive cosmetics and people want them and instead of playing they choose the easy route + raising companies lvl. Athena & Reaper tends to be on a crazy level if you wanna get even close to top 10 while GH/OoS I've noticed is doable since most people are max in it already.

  • @wolfmanbush Only you can add to your ledger; being in an alliance only adds to your total gold earned.

  • It's 4629 gold a minute playing 24 hours a day for 30 days.

    It's obviously a new exploit.

    EDIT: Ack necro thread, this exploit was fixed.

  • Ahoy!

    Resurrecting threads over one month old goes against our Forum rules. I will be dropping anchor here.


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