Will the "Guardians of Fortune vs. Servants of Flame" event go away any time soon?

  • This isn't a question about a voyage, but it's the closest topic I could find for my question: will this PvP event about Athena vs. Flameheart be going away in the next couple months, or is it more of a permanent gameplay feature of SoT?

    I'm a PvE solo player, and I'm really interested in the rewards available with the "Guardians of Fortune vs. Servants of Flame" event (like the skeleton curse, and an item from the Guardians' faction too). My problem is that levelling those alignments is incredibly slow for a player like me: people forming crews in the SoT Discord understandably only want "good PvPers" and/or someone who has over 1000 hours of gameplay, neither of which fit me (I've got 400 hours and can't create 600 more any time soon to get into crews for this event). So getting crews is pretty difficult, and winning is even more so (I think I have a grand total of 3 from when I was crewing with ppl).

    I've been at it for about a month and a half now (playing when I can) and am at Guardians 12 and haven't started with Servants yet. I'm perfectly fine with this rep grind for the cool rewards taking a couple years, but I haven't heard anything about how long this event will actually last. Idk if it's a permanent feature of the game that I can afford to spend years on, or if it's gonna go away in a couple months when the storyline moves on and I lose my shot at these rewards.

    Thanks for any info! :)

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  • It's here to stay

    no rush, take your time

    arena was a separate game mode that's how it ended up on the chopping block, this is built into adventure mode and will remain in the game

  • @wolfmanbush Great to hear! I'll be sure to take my time then :)

  • I will say what i do to many, if you look at the main content of every season, you will notice that it is still in the game. Small things from seasons can come and go, but the main content of any season will always stay! After all, why put the work into creating something huge and complex like this if you are just going to remove it.

  • @anumarila as long as you arent like a 12 yo kid, we dont mind you tagging along with us and bilge/cannon shoot

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