
  • Guys stop feeding the troll please.

  • @hadtodoit said in Cheater:

    Guys stop feeding the troll please.

    There are many people that played this new content for hundreds of fights and saw little to no cheating. Some of them streaming their encounters the entire time.

    Clips that people pass around cannot be the only focus, they are part of the whole, a whole that suggests outside of small stamp activity the separate obvious cheating encounters are a very small minority of overall fights.

    If they fix some of the extreme exploits that people are doing and find a way to bring in more interest or shuffle people around more within the content a lot of the issues related to obvious cheating will be improved significantly.

  • @wolfmanbush

    WHAO.... Can you tell me how many hours of games you have, and what level you have in the factions please?
    Because you seem to be really very strong and very informed yourself.

    People with this lobbyist speech like you are really the best, and to say that ban is already a big job... When you see how the game is managed and how cheaters cheat nowadays, say that once corrections added the problem will be solved then the really congratulations...

  • @rlk777 said in Cheater:


    WHAO.... Can you tell me how many hours of games you have, and what level you have in the factions please?
    Because you seem to be really very strong and very informed yourself.

    People with this lobbyist speech like you are really the best, and to say that ban is already a big job... When you see how the game is managed and how cheaters cheat nowadays, say that once corrections added the problem will be solved then the really congratulations...

    Outrage isn't my thing in most situations, it's not productive and it typically leads people outside of accuracy and far too often into more of a mess than the issue was to begin with.

    I have a significant amount of game experience and a low amount of hourglass experience ( I still see them daily and fight them often, I just don't dive). If I had a significant amount hour glass experience it wouldn't change anything I've said, if I saw cheating every day in hour glass it wouldn't change anything I have said, that is because the stamps are low activity and I would see the same people over and over and it wouldn't suggest widespread cheating it would suggest common cheat sightings through low activity within the hourglass.

    Hourglass has a very predictable interest/activity issue that leads some to getting stuck in stamps with not only cheaters sometimes but sometimes loss farmers, sometimes toxic behavior, sometimes this or that, low activity has people stuck in unfun situations. That also happens the other way, some people have great stamps for themselves and have enjoyed hour glass a lot, low to no cheating, low toxic behavior, pleasant experiences.

    People are only loud about the negative and since this is the flavor of the season narrative people are completely disregarding anything that counters the mass cheating narrative.

    Season 8 has the same issue I've wrote novels about for a long time, low activity, high repeat encounters. This makes pretty much everything in this game worse as the game thrives on high activity and random encounters (not predictable encounters)

  • @wolfmanbush
    i know now who you are hahaha, iam a fan of SOT but not like you.. If you dont play the new mode you cannot speak here bcs you dont play pvp and a LOT of people play PVP and encounter the problems mentioned, you are just a Pve player who think you play well, maybe one day you will start the new mode and accepte the fact that you are much worse than you thought, and you may understand what we're talking about, but for the moment, it's clear that you're lost in the discussion and that you try without understanding to embed yourself in conversations that are beyond you.
    . Then now you and your storytelling enjoy the sea...
    that is so toxic to speak with you at the end.

  • Please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of the thread. It is fine to debate the content of the post, and the viewpoints therein, but disrespecting any of your fellow pirates personally is against the pirate code, and our forum rules.

  • @rlk777 said in Cheater:

    i know now who you are hahaha, iam a fan of SOT but not like you.. If you dont play the new mode you cannot speak here bcs you dont play pvp and a LOT of people play PVP and encounter the problems mentioned, you are just a Pve player who think you play well, maybe one day you will start the new mode and accepte the fact that you are much worse than you thought, and you may understand what we're talking about, but for the moment, it's clear that you're lost in the discussion and that you try without understanding to embed yourself in conversations that are beyond you.
    . Then now you and your storytelling enjoy the sea...
    that is so toxic to speak with you at the end.

    Sure I can

    I still see and fight all the same people on my servers which are the same people I get queued with. We just aren't being thrown in front of each other after a dive. This is still adventure content, people are still seeing each other outside of diving specifically.

    I also have watched a very significant amount of streaming content specifically because of this topic as research, random streamers in random areas. Repeat fighting is very high, different cheating encounters are low, meaning most of the cheating is from the same crews, people are just having repeat fights.

    Now that they have a bunch more fight spots I encounter hour glass players much much more during random sailing and then you have common areas like reapers (I am around reapers a lot) and outposts, then there is the supp situation which leads to even more. Before they improved the dive times I was probably encountering more hour glass pvpers than many of them were, literally. Especially if we removed loss farmers and inexperienced players and only focused on skilled pvpers.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Cheater:

    There is no public data to suggest that "anti-cheat" would be more successful than what is already in place, nothing to suggest it would speed up anything or prevent anything any more than what already exists.

    I'm sorry, are you saying that there is nothing to suggest that doing more will do more than doing less? Does that really need data to back it up? Besides which, these are in many cases professional, third party companies that are being mentioned, the idea that they have zero data to back up the idea that they're worth bringing on is surely unfeasible.

    @wolfmanbush said in Cheater:

    the middle of activity in this game has already taken as big of a hit as it will ever take

    That's a very risky guess to throw around. Do you have data to back that assertion up?

  • @gtothefo said in Cheater:

    @wolfmanbush said in Cheater:

    @wolfmanbush said in Cheater:

    the middle of activity in this game has already taken as big of a hit as it will ever take

    That's a very risky guess to throw around. Do you have data to back that assertion up?

    Over 13k hours of organic experience as someone that takes risks in pve, only fights pvpers, and has a very significant amount of random peaceful interactions with other organic players in different regions. Their concerns and communicated feelings I have brought directly to the site in an effort to give a voice to people other than just content creators and people that post on the socials.

    and I've talked about dwindling organic activity for years on the forums, increased repeat encounters and lower risk taking, the effects of non organic play and increased enabling of quick action, as well as the effect of chain shots on the environment.

    and to top it off I wrote on this site over a year before season 8 that if organic activity kept taking a hit they would have no other choice than to bring in contrived combat to keep pvpers (mainly content creators) going because so much activity was being run out.

    There are posts I made before season 8 was released that predicted all the main narratives and effects of season 8.

    Cheating accusations
    Ego drama over transitioning from non competitive to competitive fighting. They couldn't handle blunder bombs and now there is curse ball drama lol
    low interest
    low activity
    people fighting the same people over and over

    it was never going to drive interest and it was never going to repair what needs repaired in the organic environment, they just amplified some of it like even more supply buffing. People sailing around with literally thousands of supplies without even touching pve is beyond ridiculous.

    Cheating isn't even a top 10 issue in the organic environment.

    Season 8 content is ONLY necessary because of a dwindling organic environment where people not only don't want to take risks but also don't want to fight, because of that long time imbalanced risk/reward.

    Cheating is happening in HG because that's where the streamers are and they are easy to find. It's that simple. There will always be some cheating there as long as the streamers are there. They aren't cheating to finish or accomplish in game things, they aren't cheating to fight random people, they are there to find names and it's content where that is very very easy because of low activity and high streamer activity.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Cheater:

    Over 13k hours of organic experience as someone that takes risks in pve, only fights pvpers, and has a very significant amount of random peaceful interactions with other organic players in different regions. Their concerns and communicated feelings I have brought directly to the site in an effort to give a voice to people other than just content creators and people that post on the socials....

    All of what you say there is fine and splendid evidence that the middle activity has taken a big hit. None of it is evidence that it has taken as big a hit as it will ever take. What is your data to back up your assertion about the future rather than that about the past?

  • @gtothefo said in Cheater:

    @wolfmanbush said in Cheater:

    Over 13k hours of organic experience as someone that takes risks in pve, only fights pvpers, and has a very significant amount of random peaceful interactions with other organic players in different regions. Their concerns and communicated feelings I have brought directly to the site in an effort to give a voice to people other than just content creators and people that post on the socials....

    All of what you say there is fine and splendid evidence that the middle activity has taken a big hit. None of it is evidence that it has taken as big a hit as it will ever take. What is your data to back up your assertion about the future rather than that about the past?

    Because the organic experience is largely the random long term solo pirate like me and a lot of new players.

    The new players will always be there as long as it's a gamepass game

    and players like me are likely going to stay because we made it through season 7 which significantly changed some important things.

    The rest of the players are social cliques. Streamers, streamer chats, forum/twitter posters. Often outside of consistent organic play.

    Xbox players largely hang out on xbox servers and alliance players never come out of hiding.

    What we have is what we will always have till the end of the game, unless something happens with the gamepass situation, which seems unlikely.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Cheater:

    All of what you say there is fine and splendid evidence that the middle activity has taken a big hit. None of it is evidence that it has taken as big a hit as it will ever take. What is your data to back up your assertion about the future rather than that about the past?

    Because the organic experience is largely the random long term solo pirate like me and a lot of new players.

    The new players will always be there as long as it's a gamepass game

    and players like me are likely going to stay because we made it through season 7 which significantly changed some important things.

    The rest of the players are social cliques. Streamers, streamer chats, forum/twitter posters. Often outside of consistent organic play.

    Xbox players largely hang out on xbox servers and alliance players never come out of hiding.

    So in short, no data at all?

    What we have is what we will always have till the end of the game, unless something happens with the gamepass situation, which seems unlikely.

    You have no idea what is or isn't coming, and no idea how that will effect the make-up of the game. Saying that there is nothing that can be done or that could happen from this point onwards to effect things further is just guessing without basis. Clearly, if cheating, for example, increases significantly its entirely possible for things to change.

    You can't throw demands for data at other people's observations and respond with guesswork of your own.

  • @gtothefo said in Cheater:

    @wolfmanbush said in Cheater:

    All of what you say there is fine and splendid evidence that the middle activity has taken a big hit. None of it is evidence that it has taken as big a hit as it will ever take. What is your data to back up your assertion about the future rather than that about the past?

    Because the organic experience is largely the random long term solo pirate like me and a lot of new players.

    The new players will always be there as long as it's a gamepass game

    and players like me are likely going to stay because we made it through season 7 which significantly changed some important things.

    The rest of the players are social cliques. Streamers, streamer chats, forum/twitter posters. Often outside of consistent organic play.

    Xbox players largely hang out on xbox servers and alliance players never come out of hiding.

    So in short, no data at all?

    What we have is what we will always have till the end of the game, unless something happens with the gamepass situation, which seems unlikely.

    You have no idea what is or isn't coming, and no idea how that will effect the make-up of the game. Saying that there is nothing that can be done or that could happen from this point onwards to effect things further is just guessing without basis. Clearly, if cheating, for example, increases significantly its entirely possible for things to change.

    You can't throw demands for data at other people's observations and respond with guesswork of your own.

    There is a difference between using experience for prediction and conversation and making accusations. I'm not going to push people for data over random opinion that isn't accusatory.

    I counter people's blanket accusations of cheating and I discuss with them their opinions and predictions

    My documented consistency and pretty solid record on prediction is open for criticism if people wanna go for it but I don't deal in blanket accusations of something serious like cheating so it's quite a bit different.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Cheater:

    There is a difference between using experience for prediction and conversation and making accusations. I'm not going to push people for data over random opinion that isn't accusatory.

    There really isn't. Accusations are judgements based on experience, its literally the exact same thing.

    My documented consistency and pretty solid record on prediction is open for criticism if people wanna go for it but I don't deal in blanket accusations of something serious like cheating so it's quite a bit different.

    People aren't making blanket accusations of cheating, no-one is saying that everyone is cheating, that would make no sense. People are saying that they're encountering a lot of cheating, that's a totally different thing. You claim people are making blanket accusations, but they're not, so it really is the same thing.

  • @wolfmanbush

    But what you don't understand is where you fight the level is low, especially with the new mode knowing that the good players are there. And no, the fights you do are not the same... Now thank you, but stop, it's useless to continue a conversation with you, you don't know what you're talking about. Try to use the hourglass and do some real pvp and come back and talk to us after

  • @burnbacon LOL

  • It’s terrible, many people are banned, but they create a new account in Microsoft in 1 minute. Without buying the game again, they cheat again, but just with a new pirate.

    Huge ban wave with more than 15k accounts gone, I guess there is a lot more to ban, not only the skin changers...
    All kind of cheats are still in use and more accounts are created everyday by these players.
    Time to wake up


    #DeadGameDeadMode #AntiCheat

  • Let them start banning by components or at least by Ip. Because people just create a new account and continue to cheat.
    And you can, in the meantime, solve the problem of the new PVP mode by forcing the teams (all the crew members) to be pirate legend to be able to launch the mode!
    Finally in the end there are plenty of solutions but for the moment nothing is done, not even an announcement on anything.

  • @rlk777

    I don’t see the point of banning by IP. It’s probably one of the easiest ban types to circumvent.

  • @wolfmanbush I really do hope they are working on something in the background.
    Because cheaters using alts is not unheard of and has been a thing for ages prior Season 8.
    I guess changes are only made (Assuming) once the problem gets out of hand.

  • @rlk777 said in Cheater:

    Let them start banning by components or at least by Ip. Because people just create a new account and continue to cheat.
    And you can, in the meantime, solve the problem of the new PVP mode by forcing the teams (all the crew members) to be pirate legend to be able to launch the mode!
    Finally in the end there are plenty of solutions but for the moment nothing is done, not even an announcement on anything.

    However, one can just change components or visibility of, or IP address, etc. Not difficult.

  • @rlk777 said in Cheater:


    But what you don't understand is where you fight the level is low, especially with the new mode knowing that the good players are there. And no, the fights you do are not the same... Now thank you, but stop, it's useless to continue a conversation with you, you don't know what you're talking about. Try to use the hourglass and do some real pvp and come back and talk to us after

    wolfmanbush is a forum troll and they only play on xbox with crossover block, so he don't see the problem even if they where to dive, because they will never se a pirate sitting on a computer or an xbox player with mouse and keyboard.

    thats why they are blantly typing nonsense and avoiding every questions asked or posted

  • @morknag said in Cheater:

    wolfmanbush is a forum troll and they only play on xbox with crossover block, so he don't see the problem even if they where to dive, because they will never se a pirate sitting on a computer or an xbox player with mouse and keyboard.

    thats why they are blantly typing nonsense and avoiding every questions asked or posted

    alt text

  • I truly believe and have faith in that Rare is working on a long-term solution to reduce cheating in Sea of Thieves. There's nothing won by verbally fight against each other here - We can all agree to the fact that cheaters exists in this game and the only effective tool we have right now to fight back is to keep on reporting the suspicous/cheating players we face on the seas (evidence is crucial). Then let Rares staff take the discision to rightfully judge the ones that ruins the game - One less cheater on the sea, even only temporarily, is still a gain for all of us.

  • @rlk777 said in Cheater:

    [mod edit]

    It doesn't serve them to have the content creators of their game advertising it for them while there is cheating and toxicity within that cheating. They don't benefit from that.

    It doesn't serve them to have their creative environment harmed by cheating.

    It doesn't serve them when people go play other games because of frustrations with this one.

    Doesn't help anything by putting out a narrative that people don't care. The players care, the devs care, and at some point things will improve because of the efforts of those helping rare with substantive reporting/feedback and Rare's efforts to at the very least patch some of these exploits.

  • @wolfmanbush

    Tou are so addicted to the forum.

    it doesn't help them to have guys like you either, you spend your time playing devil's advocate without having any knowledge of the game on normal servers. I told you that you had to go play with the shortbread before coming back here. Thank you for all your fake comments but, really, you don't need them, you are of no use for the improvement of the problems we are experiencing either. Continue your experience on xbox servers only, thank you.

  • @wolfmanbush
    The players care, the devs care, and at some point things will improve because of the efforts of those helping rare with substantive reporting/feedback and Rare's efforts to at the very least patch some of these exploits.

    what more to say than what everyone already knows? it's been more than a month now that they have known about the cheat problem and nothing is said or done. It's been more than 4 years now that they have known about the problem of accumulation of loot which makes servers lag and once again nothing is said or done. At some point, you may have to stop stroking them in the direction of the hair.

  • @rlk777 said in Cheater:

    it's been more than a month now that they have known about the cheat problem and nothing is said or done.

    That is not true. Earlier this week (wednesday) Rare had their podcast and they DID adress that problem. They said they are working on it and that they have a zero tollerance policy and will look at every report and if they see evidence of cheating they will ban them. They also said they can't go into specifics of what they are doing to adress it, because the cheaters will use that information to work around it.

  • @rlk777 said in Cheater:


    Tou are so addicted to the forum.

    it doesn't help them to have guys like you either, you spend your time playing devil's advocate without having any knowledge of the game on normal servers. I told you that you had to go play with the shortbread before coming back here. Thank you for all your fake comments but, really, you don't need them, you are of no use for the improvement of the problems we are experiencing either. Continue your experience on xbox servers only, thank you.

    You do more harm to yourself than others by doing what you are doing here. With anecdotal experiences credibility is important. When people are sharing their experiences about cheating it doesn't serve you or others that have done what you are doing by putting out inaccurate information about people like me.

    When people accuse me of cheating or of being sus or of only playing on xbox servers because we disagree it's you and others harming your own credibility.

    Anyone that is familiar with me or my posts knows I don't play on xbox servers, I never have and have never said I did, entirely made up and repeatedly posted anyway.

    That's what harms the conversation. Personal disagreement doesn't need to create personal enemies. It's counter productive for people like yourself to create personal attacks and/or spread inaccurate information that is either baseless or that they/you know for a fact is not accurate. If you keep it fair, consistent, and not personal it helps people have more confidence in the accuracy of the experiences you describe.

  • @WolfManbush
    Personally me and other people are fed up with you and your fake comments, you are of no use about cheaters and about a lot of posts, you don't play hourglass mode, so you don't know anything of the facts that we encounter ourselves. You were the first person to say that you never met a cheater like us with the hourglass, just to contradict. When you don't even play with the hourglass.
    Now your nice and you stop your post that harms the subject. We don't play normal mode anymore or almost because we're tired of it, especially since now we have a new, much more interesting PVP mode! We faced a lot of cheaters when we played games.

    Mass cheating IS happening NOW within Hourglass, i have and we have a lot a record clips of the cheating encounters. We are all waiting for a move of RARE! not you

  • @rlk777 said in Cheater:

    Personally me and other people are fed up with you and your fake comments, you are of no use about cheaters and about a lot of posts, you don't play hourglass mode, so you don't know anything of the facts that we encounter ourselves. You were the first person to say that you never met a cheater like us with the hourglass, just to contradict. When you don't even play with the hourglass.
    Now your nice and you stop your post that harms the subject. We don't play normal mode anymore or almost because we're tired of it, especially since now we have a new, much more interesting PVP mode! We faced a lot of cheaters when we played games.

    Mass cheating IS happening NOW within Hourglass, i have and we have a lot a record clips of the cheating encounters. We are all waiting for a move of RARE! not you

    That happens sometimes, we will get through it. Everyone here cares about the game, if people are not too happy with me for a while it'll pass.

    I have played hourglass and I have pvp'd against hourglass players on the servers I am on since day 1 of the season, every day.

    It's important to keep in mind that while people in HG have spent significant amounts of time waiting for 1 fight I have not played in a way that has me sitting around in the queue. There are times of season 8 where it's very likely I was engaging in more combat with HG players than HG players were.

    I have a high encounter rate in general, always have
    I do an extreme amount of fleets which is right by reapers that creates MANY encounters for obvious reasons

    So, while many 1 ship vs 1 ship battles with long queue times were happening I was seeing multiple HG ships, fighting with multiple HG ships multiple times throughout the day, often times around reapers but also in other random areas.

    I was also working on my sea fort class 100 during season 8 which is where HG were getting supplies, many many many encounters with HG ships around sea forts.

  • @burnbacon said in Cheater:

    I need to see proof before you start getting upset.

    Could easy be just them “being better than you”

    So far with season 8 a lot of players are discovering they are pretty bad at pvp (when they aren’t sinking ships with unwilling fighters)
    But instead of improving or accepting. It must be cheats.

    Now yes, there are cheaters but very few of them. And you don’t run into them every day

    Yeah all of this is true, but there definitely are some cheaters. I think they're working on an anti-cheat though..? Not sure, but fingers crossed.

  • @rlk777 I have like 2.5k hours and 600 combined levels in the new factions. Cheaters are an issue, but honestly there aren't very many of them, at least on my stamp. The real issue is that there is no anti-cheat at all, so pretty much anyone can hack if they have a credit card.

    So yeah, there are very little cheaters but they are a problem. I think that some of the people you have assumed are cheating probably aren't, but maybe a small minority are. I think in all of my games, I could probably count the number of cheaters I've ran into on one hand. At least that I noticed were cheating.

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