Blessing of Athena's Fortune question

  • I had an interesting question for the devs or anyone incredibly knowledgeable in the lore.
    So Pendragon, Ramsay, and Merrick are all spectral, they're ghosts, but not quite phantoms right?
    When we receive the Blessing of Athena's Fortune that turns us spectral like them, are we essentially ghosts as well, or phantoms? I know there's a difference between the two, I just want to know which we are. I'd assume ghosts?

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  • We get the blessing from the pirate lord so we tern like him so we are ghost

  • Iirc phantoms are memories of a part of someone while ghosts are the actual person turned spectral.

  • Probably a ghost. Phantoms are like evil ghosts.

  • Phantoms are memories from the Sea of The Damned. The Pirate Lord turns you like him and his is magical somehow.

    It isn't the same.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Blessing of Athena's Fortune question:

    Phantoms are memories from the Sea of The Damned. The Pirate Lord turns you like him and his is magical somehow.

    It isn't the same.

    You gotta drink the jar until you turn into a ghost

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