Cinematic camera for new PvP?

  • First off, I'm not totally sure if this is possible it's just an idea I had I thought would be cool.
    During my battles (ones that I'm not getting completely destroyed in) I always thought how cool it would look seeing it from the outside like in a movie. How I think a cinematic camera would work is that it would automatically record the "hotspots" during a battle and let you watch it after the battle is over. A hotspot would be multiple canons going off, melee combat, etc. (the most exciting parts to put it simply).
    I know storage would probably be a problem so you would either have to download the video or delete it.
    I'm not expecting this to be added it was just a cool idea I had, although I think it would make for some really sick YouTube videos.

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  • it would be so awesome to get opt in aerial fight cams

    we could have our own Lakitu that floats around with a camera in a cloud

    except it could be a flying creature that is added for hunter's call hunts

    outside of on demand pvp it's a hunter's call emergent spawn

    and within on demand pvp there is a unique version that flies around the area slowly where the view would be through the creature's eyes

  • @wolfmanbush
    That sounds cool but I have a hard time imagining how that would work because wouldn't it just get in the way if it is visible? I don't imagine it just being stationary the whole time. Not everything has to be something that ties into the lore of the game, just a cool mechanic that gives you a cool cinematic view of the battle.

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