Hourglass of fate rework.

  • Many people have different ideas about this but many people i have seen posting here agree its not perfect.

    Here is my proposed suggestion on how it should be.

    If battles get interrupted by ships not involved or basically if you enter a battle and its an alliance server just waiting for invaders, its not very fun for the invader.

    The best way to make this fun is to keep it fair. Afterall we enter this to fight, not be be unfairly slaughtered.

    Rare even envisioned fair fighting as they even have solo sloopers pairing up with solo sloopers!

    So heres the way i believe it would work well…

    Hourglass of fate battle area can be entered by other ships but if you are not part of the battle you will take danage just like if you sailed off the map!

    Because of this however that means these areas will need to be away from outposts and only available in the open water which really is where you would expect most of these battles anyway.

    If you are in an alliance server and have selected to battle and you are in close proximity you will only be invaded by other alliance players. Numbers arent fairly balanced so take as many ships as you think you will need as the rest is up to you!

    If alliance ships go over the total of ships available in a server then the entire alliance will be migrated to a seperate wordspace to accommodate the battle and then merge the winners and losers back, attempting to return to the original server of instance however if it cant it will place them all in a server with room.

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  • I have not experienced this problem personally but I can agree that it does suck to get 3rd partied by another crew in general... This could be a good idea for "fixing it". I did however have a 3rd party the other day but they attacked both of our ships so it is not realy the same thing.

  • @snear-73 I personally dont mind if a third party ship wanders in which it sounds like it did for you.

    What i experienced was an entirely different beast!

    I actually spawned in and was surrounded by an alliance of 3 ships, alliance flags the lot. Just sat there waiting for enemy faction lone ships to spawn on them!

    Wouldnt mind it if i had an alliance of my own to make it a fair fight! But no, 3v1 right off the bat.

  • I can understand your frustration with that then but given all the Buggs that they have right now I do not think that is at the top of their list to fix unless it becomes a major trend for players.

  • @snear-73 said in Hourglass of fate rework.:

    I can understand your frustration with that then but given all the Buggs that they have right now I do not think that is at the top of their list to fix unless it becomes a major trend for players.

    This is a feedback forum isnt it?
    So by that logic i guess we dont post here at all til the devs post on here asking for ideas?

  • I by no means know how much the Devs look at the forms but either way the big problem right now that they are trying to fix is the invincibility bug that people a mass abusing in the PVP.

  • @snear-73 said in Hourglass of fate rework.:

    I by no means know how much the Devs look at the forms but either way the big problem right now that they are trying to fix is the invincibility bug that people a mass abusing in the PVP.

    Im sure it will get resolved at some point. But this post isnt about that.
    I posted a suggestion about the hourglass of fate and its system used to implement it.

    Feel free to post about the pvp invincibility bug or even use the bug reporting tool on the website.

  • I was just pointing out that there are bigger problems for them to solve at the moment... the hourglass as a whole does need to be somewhat reworked to avoid people cheeting the system but I would presume that patches like that are still a few weeks if not a few months out from now.

  • @snear-73 said in Hourglass of fate rework.:

    I was just pointing out that there are bigger problems for them to solve at the moment... the hourglass as a whole does need to be somewhat reworked to avoid people cheeting the system but I would presume that patches like that are still a few weeks if not a few months out from now.

    Im just posting suggestions im not dictating priorities. Thats up to the devs.

  • Fair... in the end it should be changed but it might just take some time for them to get around to it. This has the potential to be a great season but there are some big Buggs/ problems like this that need to be fixed.

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