DA Sails issue

  • @maximusarael020 said in DA Sails issue:

    With the new mode I think more DA sails users are getting sunk in fights, since they are against people who actually want to PvP and not new solo pirates digging for castaway chests. I hope they realize that there's really not an advantage to using them.

    I know when I sink a player with DA sails (I'm not great at PvP AT ALL) I give them a "GG" in chat, but inside I laugh and I laugh and I laugh.

    People use them so they can see easier. That's the point of using them. Any comments other than the obvious is just trolling at this point..

    Read the room..

  • I was planning to save gold to get the full DA set, but replacing the sails with something else. Like full DA clothing, equipment, weapons, and ship cosmetic except the sails so I could use something a bit different, maybe the Cursed Bone sails.

  • @dragotech123 said in DA Sails issue:

    I was planning to save gold to get the full DA set, but replacing the sails with something else. Like full DA clothing, equipment, weapons, and ship cosmetic except the sails so I could use something a bit different, maybe the Cursed Bone sails.

    You know, this low-key denial actually brings up a very interesting point.
    One that a lot of those that argue in favor of simply removing/changing the DA-Sails
    BUT refunding the 8mil ... tend to forget.

    A lot of us actually only bought the entire DA-Set BECAUSE of the sails ...
    Only refunding the sails wouldn't quite cut it ... to say the least.

    But yeah ... do your saving I guess.

    I just hope that Rare will at least take a stance on this soon enough.
    It's a very real issue, worsening by the month ...

  • @lord-spark-0

    Then they can use them if they need them to see easier when they are dead-sailing.

    It's just funny because people are like "There's no variety of sails! I want to see all kinds of sails" but also "It's Rare's fault because the DA sails offer a huge/medium/small advantage (depending on who's taking) so they need to give an option to add the cut to all sails/change the sails so it doesn't give an advantage!" and it's like... Who cares? If they want to use the cut then you use the DA sails. If you're cool like me you use whatever you like and want (to be fair I almost always use the Captain of the Damned sails because I like using things I've earned and my girlfriend is a Disney goth princess and loves the unicorn skeleton).

  • @goldsmen said in DA Sails issue:

    The advantage is minimal. I wont ever use them because i know how to step off of the wheel and take 2 steps down to see where im going before grabbing the wheel again, which takes maby a second to do.

    Sounds like some kind of cheap trick or sorcery your using there. Stepping off the wheel to look as the helmsman. That's unheard of. What madness is this. Lol yeah always blows my mind how many people helm and don't know to step off the wheel for two seconds to look.

  • @cptnpotbeard said in DA Sails issue:

    @goldsmen said in DA Sails issue:

    The advantage is minimal. I wont ever use them because i know how to step off of the wheel and take 2 steps down to see where im going before grabbing the wheel again, which takes maby a second to do.

    Sounds like some kind of cheap trick or sorcery your using there. Stepping off the wheel to look as the helmsman. That's unheard of. What madness is this. Lol yeah always blows my mind how many people helm and don't know to step off the wheel for two seconds to look.

    A. The advantage is not that minimal. Most certainly not 'as minimal as it gets'. That's just BS.
    It is very real and not minimal at all. The tear of some Reaper Sails ... THAT is a "minimal" advantage XD

    B. EVEN IF we ignore the entire advantage thing (which we really shouldn't btw.) ... the core of the issue is the core of SoT ... THE SKINS!
    The DA-Sails are a creativity-killer. Because one thing cannot be argued. They make sailing more comfortable. Even MUCH more so on a Brig.

    C. You ever sailed a Galleon/Brig through a Storm while being pursued? ... Or simply in a hurry?
    Judging by your appraisal of said sorcery you didn't ;D
    And pls don't even bring up the sacred Curl ... It is so easy to debunk that I will not even bother for now.


    Look, I know that some of you really do not want to face the reality of this Issue because doing so REALLY is poison for the enjoyment of SoT.
    But every lie incurs a debt to the truth.
    ... And that debt is paid by every stale and unoriginal DA-Sail where instead of that could be a colorful and diverse horizon!

    I just wish Rare would at lest make a statement about this ... it would most certainly be about time.

  • @lormiun The sorcery comment was sarcasm and I assure you I've been helming longer than you have. I never use DA sails even though I own them. If you need the perceived advantage then probably should just get better at being helm and learn to communicate with your crew in a storm.

  • @cptnpotbeard said in DA Sails issue:

    @lormiun The sorcery comment was sarcasm and I assure you I've been helming longer than you have. I never use DA sails even though I own them. If you need the perceived advantage then probably should just get better at being helm and learn to communicate with your crew in a storm.

    Well I've been helming for ~1.4k hours on Discord Galleons, Sloop-Hours don't count here my man, yet maybe you actually have more :D
    That would really not put you in a better light here though ... and I did understand your Sarcasm XD

    And this entire "perceived advantage" thing is getting old.
    The only thing perceived about it is the better tactical view the helmsman is able to ... perceive.

    And to repeat myself:
    @lormiun said in DA Sails issue:

    Look, I know that some of you really do not want to face the reality of this Issue because doing so REALLY is poison for the enjoyment of SoT.
    But every lie incurs a debt to the truth.
    ... And that debt is paid by every stale and unoriginal DA-Sail where instead of that could be a colorful and diverse horizon!

    I just wish Rare would at lest make a statement about this ... it would most certainly be about time.

  • They really don't seem to care about the issue. Even if they removed them from the game then it would be back to the kraken sails for them being slightly shorter and having rips in them that you can see through a little better. Or just curling up the sail a tad since a little curl at the end has no impact on speed.

    The real issue here is how they are ugly and don't match many of the ship sets but they wont give us an option to choose sail shape separate from sail skin.

    Also the complaints about these sails are more ridiculous than people using them. If you can't afford them yourself.. Just roll up the end of your sail a bit it has no impact on your speed. Whats the problem?

  • @sanyanevskiy442 honestly I don’t like them or care about them most of the time when your in a ship to ship battle you raise your sail partly anyways so you gain better control so the big cut in the DA sails is kinda wasted beside there’s way better looking sails than those over priced things

  • @magus104 said in DA Sails issue:

    They really don't seem to care about the issue. Even if they removed them from the game then it would be back to the kraken sails for them being slightly shorter and having rips in them that you can see through a little better. Or just curling up the sail a tad since a little curl at the end has no impact on speed.

    The Kraken Sails ARE with nay a doubt also somewhat in the same category HOWEVER!
    They are LEAGUES beneath the DA-Sails when it comes to this.
    Also, there are alternatives to the Kraken Sails. E.g. the classic Ghost Sails.
    THAT is what matters. They don't hinder your creativity NEARLY as much.
    Granted, the point is valid, but if you put it in perspective, the DA-Sails issue is in an entirely different league.

    And concerning the Curl ... dude ... do I really have to debunk this?
    It actually baffles me that ppl continuously bring this up.
    Let's just say that it is ugly AF.

    The real issue here is how they are ugly and don't match many of the ship sets but they wont give us an option to choose sail shape separate from sail skin.

    You hit the nail on the head here.

    Also the complaints about these sails are more ridiculous than people using them. If you can't afford them yourself.. Just roll up the end of your sail a bit it has no impact on your speed. Whats the problem?

    And for some reason make me question humanity again with this XD
    The price is completely irrelevant, they are achievable, so they WILL be achieved.
    And then the Curl again ...

  • @maximusarael020 said in DA Sails issue:


    Then they can use them if they need them to see easier when they are dead-sailing.

    It's just funny because people are like "There's no variety of sails! I want to see all kinds of sails" but also "It's Rare's fault because the DA sails offer a huge/medium/small advantage (depending on who's taking) so they need to give an option to add the cut to all sails/change the sails so it doesn't give an advantage!" and it's like... Who cares? If they want to use the cut then you use the DA sails. If you're cool like me you use whatever you like and want (to be fair I almost always use the Captain of the Damned sails because I like using things I've earned and my girlfriend is a Disney goth princess and loves the unicorn skeleton).

    Its actually not really funny because seeing DA sails (especially a lot in S8 in the matches I have been in) are proof that people don't care about cosmetics but the 'meta' to win.. in a game with the end progression being about cosmetics..

    So, again, they pick them to see better. Thats the advantage. And it helps a lot. So in the end, people that are using them all the time obviously care..

    I'd love to use other sails but if I'm going to do PvP, I'm going to use DA sails (only on Brig/Galleon - sloop it doesn't matter).. because they do in fact have an advantage..

  • @otherfanboy said in DA Sails issue:

    @sanyanevskiy442 honestly I don’t like them or care about them most of the time when your in a ship to ship battle you raise your sail partly anyways so you gain better control so the big cut in the DA sails is kinda wasted beside there’s way better looking sails than those over priced things

    To debunk the sacred Curl as an antidote to the DA-Sails again.

    • They make you slower, it is NOT negligible, ESPECIALLY in a chase.
    • They are ugly AF, kind of negating the core of the issue, creativity and stylishness ... which is kind of what SoT's entire progression is supposed to be about.
    • They are a bothersome task that you and your crew CONSTANTLY have to keep in mind ... especially in combat I ASSURE you, you will forget about it.

    The Curl does NOT solve the DA-Issue XD
    It isn't even a counter-argument ...

  • @lormiun no I mean I curl my sails n combat to gain ship control so having a cut there does nothing

  • @otherfanboy said in DA Sails issue:

    @lormiun no I mean I curl my sails n combat to gain ship control so having a cut there does nothing

    Dude, ofc you sometimes have your sails somewhat up, and, ... yeah ... then it really doesn't matter.
    But ... you more often than not ... have them down ...


  • @lormiun yea but if your just sailing around there’s no advantage sure you can see a little better from the helm but out side of being solo you have a crew that can watch your blind spots or you know you can step off the helm for a sec to take a look, the advantage is very little to me at lest

  • @otherfanboy it has been told before, stepping away from a helm to take a look may cost you seconds to get a proper angle, and if you dont have the DA sails, and the enemy does, they might get a better angle than you, which may result in defeat, i dont understand how cant you comprehend it

  • @sanyanevskiy442 if another crew has gotten that close to you you weren’t watch your horizons…if a sec makes the different between win or lose then I’d say it wasn’t your sails that made you lose it was the other crews skill there’s always a better crew don’t blame the sails iv lost to many crews not running the DA sail and beat just as many running them it’s a skill based game

  • My two cents:

    Add another option to ALL sails: "default" or "cutout". And while we are at making it easier to see:

    Add another option: Semi-transparent sails. Or add different cutouts. V-shaped, round, big hole in the middle or "outline only" so that you can easily see ahead of your ship.

    Would lower the skill ceiling / gap you say? True, but thats the DA sails already did. So that argument is kinda invalid. Making the game more accessible is a design choice by the devs. Which is debatable if you like it or not, but making the game more accessible for only those who want to use DA makes little sense.

    I have the feeling that Rare did not intend the sails to be purely used for more visibility but here we are.

    Oh, another suggestion: Raise the position of all sails by 10 percent. No skin / shape additions needed. Everyone is able to see ahead, noone needs to feel forced to use DA and here we are. Things could be so easy in a perfect world.

  • @otherfanboy said in DA Sails issue:

    @lormiun yea but if your just sailing around there’s no advantage sure you can see a little better from the helm but out side of being solo you have a crew that can watch your blind spots or you know you can step off the helm for a sec to take a look, the advantage is very little to me at lest

    I would not call it very little, AT LEAST not on a Brig.
    But even if we'd agree on that.
    It cannot be denied anymore that a VASTLY disproportionate amount of ppl exclusively use them ... :(

  • @lormiun I almost never see them any more sure when they first came out it seemed like everyone had them but it’s been months and months since iv seen them last but if you think the sails is why you’ve lost a fight then you think to highly of those sails and need to try different things you’ll find that it was either the crew was just better than you sail be damned or just bad luck but iv never assumed a crew beat me cuz the had better sails they beat me cuz they where better that’s it

  • @otherfanboy said in DA Sails issue:

    @lormiun I almost never see them any more sure when they first came out it seemed like everyone had them but it’s been months and months since iv seen them last but if you think the sails is why you’ve lost a fight then you think to highly of those sails and need to try different things you’ll find that it was either the crew was just better than you sail be damned or just bad luck but iv never assumed a crew beat me cuz the had better sails they beat me cuz they where better that’s it

    Guess what, if this is directed to me, I NEVER ONCE lost because the enemy had DA-Sails ... because I ALWAYS used them since ~1month after their release XD
    But that is unimportant.
    What is important is that I, along with plenty of others as it seems, see them much MUCH more than you.
    And that is most certainly not an exception.
    ESPECIALLY nowadays with the greater (and much appreciated) focus on PvP.

    If that is not the case for you, than YOU are the exception :P
    You can deny whatever, BUT NOT that they are used as much as they are XD

  • @lormiun fair enough if see them a lot then you see them a lot I just don’t think they give enough of an advantage to complain about anyone can get them if they feel like it helps I just don’t think they do

  • @otherfanboy said in DA Sails issue:

    @lormiun fair enough if see them a lot then you see them a lot I just don’t think they give enough of an advantage to complain about anyone can get them if they feel like it helps I just don’t think they do

    It is not primarily about the advantage.
    You see, I am 90% of my SoT-Time, Helmsman on Discord-Galleons.
    To ME, the advantage is VERY real.
    Ofc, for others, it might seem less so.

    But as mentioned, the core of the issue is that the DA-Sails, the DA-Issue really, is a creativity-Killer.
    That is poison for SoT, and it's getting worse by the month ... week actually.

    Rare should really REALLY become vocal about this :(
    Or better, just fix the issue, there are a TON of solutions ...

  • @lormiun I’m the helmsman of my crew too and we communicate yea I get that might be hard to do sometimes but you can’t blame sails for that and as for people not being inventive with their ship lay that will never change lazy people are lazy

  • @otherfanboy said in DA Sails issue:

    @lormiun I’m the helmsman of my crew too and we communicate yea I get that might be hard to do sometimes but you can’t blame sails for that and as for people not being inventive with their ship lay that will never change lazy people are lazy

    ... ... ... Yes.

  • @axecaliburtv said in DA Sails issue:

    My two cents:

    Add another option to ALL sails: "default" or "cutout". And while we are at making it easier to see:

    Add another option: Semi-transparent sails. Or add different cutouts. V-shaped, round, big hole in the middle or "outline only" so that you can easily see ahead of your ship.

    Would lower the skill ceiling / gap you say? True, but thats the DA sails already did. So that argument is kinda invalid. Making the game more accessible is a design choice by the devs. Which is debatable if you like it or not, but making the game more accessible for only those who want to use DA makes little sense.

    I have the feeling that Rare did not intend the sails to be purely used for more visibility but here we are.

    Oh, another suggestion: Raise the position of all sails by 10 percent. No skin / shape additions needed. Everyone is able to see ahead, noone needs to feel forced to use DA and here we are. Things could be so easy in a perfect world.

    An example of the TONs of solutions there are.
    These are effectively the 'Sail-Shape-Editor' I've been talking about for ~6months XD
    Ideally in combination with customizable Harpoons and Lanterns.
    This would be GLORIOUS !!!
    (I'd probably even sign up for Insiders if they did that)

    And I PRAY that Rare will make this a Reality next season ... (but I've been doing so for the last 2 seasons already ...)

  • @lormiun that being said what ships sets you like running

  • @otherfanboy said in DA Sails issue:

    @lormiun that being said what ships sets you like running

    Well, if you ask, I dare redirect you to this video I made:

    Skip to 8:38, if you want to see what my SoT-heart would actually beat for.

  • @lord-spark-0
    Just sank another over lunch.

    laughing emoji

    I guess then that's your tradeoff. You've decided the mega-huge-absolute advantage of the DA sails is worth not using anything fun or cool. That's on you, not Rare.

    Here's a question. You've said "They assuredly have an advantage." One way to prove that has been that "If they don't provide an advantage, then why would so many people be using them?" However you've also stated that they don't matter on sloop. They don't really provide an advantage on the sloop ship is what you have said. So then why would so many people still be using them on sloop? Either you are wrong and they do provide a huge advantage on sloop, as proven by the fact that a lot of sloops use them, or they actually don't, and people just buy into a faulty "meta", in which case you would be disproving the original argument of how you can prove that they give an advantage, to wit: that if they didn't provide an advantage they wouldn't be so widespread.

    So.... anyway.

  • @lormiun so I just listed to whole thing that ship set at the end is nice btw ….but being to lazy to communicate with your crew isn’t an excuse also how often do you have your sails pointed straight like that my crew is always adjusting to catch the wind

  • @lormiun The sail shape editor would be nice. It could be like a extension to the dock where you could buy all the different shapes or something like that. I like the idea!

  • @maximusarael020 said in DA Sails issue:

    Just sank another over lunch.

    laughing emoji

    I guess then that's your tradeoff. You've decided the mega-huge-absolute advantage of the DA sails is worth not using anything fun or cool. That's on you, not Rare.

    Here's a question. You've said "They assuredly have an advantage." One way to prove that has been that "If they don't provide an advantage, then why would so many people be using them?" However you've also stated that they don't matter on sloop. They don't really provide an advantage on the sloop ship is what you have said. So then why would so many people still be using them on sloop? Either you are wrong and they do provide a huge advantage on sloop, as proven by the fact that a lot of sloops use them, or they actually don't, and people just buy into a faulty "meta", in which case you would be disproving the original argument of how you can prove that they give an advantage, to wit: that if they didn't provide an advantage they wouldn't be so widespread.

    So.... anyway.

    Omg, what kind of sad grasping for any straw - question is that XD
    Yet I am happy to answer it:

    It is true that on a Sloop the advantage is MUCH less pronounced than it is on the Galleon or the Brig.
    But true Tryhards will go for even the TINYEST of advantages. We are talking the skinny all black ninja-pirates.
    They are not that rare ...
    OF COURSE those will still use them on Sloops.

    It is significantly less pronounced on a Sloop because you can already see very well with any Sail on the Sloop really.
    That doesn't mean that you cannot see BETTER with them on a Sloop as well -.-
    Trying to use this against the fact that the DA-Sails are overused doesn't even make sense.
    HOWEVER: If there WAS no Galleon or Brig. THEN this issue would indeed be less important.
    Because I would never deny that there are WAY less "Ultra-Tryhards" then just ppl like me that simply seek QoL.
    That is not the case though :/

    But this:
    @maximusarael020 said in DA Sails issue:

    I guess then that's your tradeoff. You've decided the mega-huge-absolute advantage of the DA sails is worth not using anything fun or cool. That's on you, not Rare.

    Is just plain BS.
    Ofc it is on Rare.
    If you are presented with a choice between 2 evils.
    Then the one that forces that choice is the one to blame.
    Not you for choosing the lesser.

    It is fixable though ...
    and it would improve on the SoT dramatically :)

  • @otherfanboy said in DA Sails issue:

    @lormiun so I just listed to whole thing that ship set at the end is nice btw ….but being to lazy to communicate with your crew isn’t an excuse also how often do you have your sails pointed straight like that my crew is always adjusting to catch the wind

    The sight advantage is not really diminished that much by having the sails turned UNTIL ~[less than 270°-more than 90°] ... your sails will usually be closer to the middle than anything else. That's just normal XD

    And it's not "too lazy to communicate with your crew" ... it's simply the fact that with the DA-Sails ... it is needed less so!
    I didn't make the rules XD
    It's not my fault the DA-Issue is a thing.

  • @lormiun no your laziness is at fault not the sails, also what’s your secret to always having the wind I feel like it’s either always coming from the side or we going dead into the wind

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