My personal experience with season 8, not so great in some parts I'm afraid

  • So, recently I had some bad things happen to me. Also, excuse my english, I'm not a native.
    First of all, while doing a PVP-on-demand event, during the event itself it showed "Your captain has left the crew" - me, and the ship bugged; didn't receive any captaincy/alignment bonuses etc.
    Second, while being chased by a Twitch streamer, I was attacked by a Guardian of Athena, the battle proceed as normal but the player who was chasing me wasn't transfered out of the battle zone as Rare claimed it would happen and I got mauled by both of them :)) Even more, THEY MADE ALLIANCE DURING BATTLE, WHY?
    Then, sometimes while fighting other crews in close combat I parry their sword (can hear the parry sound, we both get knocked back) - I receive damage (from the front/not jumping so they can get my head)/ they parry - it works for them.
    The season rewards work so far, besides everything shown above, everything works for me. I might suggest adding more supplies while starting the session.

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  • @johnytudler

    yep the cutlass is hitting through blocks is stupidly annoying just like the hitreg on guns.

    it would not be fair at any point to suddenly remove people, just because someone get spawned in, thats the cost of having the timeglass on, expect pvp.

    they should add ways to get more supplies, like swimming or harpooning while you are diving for enemies to attack.

  • So you had one bad run and judge the entire update based on how well it went for that specific fight?

  • about 10 runs, but most of them i had the "Your captain has left" and another crew stuck with me while fighting; i mentioned the Twitch streamer specifically*

  • You misunderstood what they said. Other crews are not removed from the battle until after they sink. So you can still fight 2+ ships at the same time regardless of whether you were matched with them or not.

    Unfortunately the sword block being inefficient is a known issue and just like hitreg they are continually trying to figure out how to improve them. Unfortunately, for some reason, these are a difficult thing for them to fix… they promise they are working on it though.

  • I've been doing all sloop battles(duos and solos) and the fights that are "even" are amazing. But I've went on the attack and been spawn camped by three ships until I sunk.
    I've also had an alliance of 2 sloops against me, sunk the one that was not part of the battle and they scuttled ship until they ended up back in the zone. I expect the worst when going on attack but I still think rare has some adjustments to make!

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