SAVE Pendragon, or RESURRECT Flameheart? Why I think Pendragon is the best choice.

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  • Agreed as long as it is done right. Should be very interesting to see how it will change the game and especially the main adventure

  • @impymidna2303 Flameheart ofc! They've been teasing him for over 4 years. What would be the point of all that if we just let Pendragon win?

  • I have no idea what's going on yet.
    Is there to be a new video coming today explaining the choices?

  • @zerrryy Pendragon is by far the most coolest pirate hero in the story, yet Flameheart's plans were thwarted time and time again, and his fated return might happen during this adventure, and if our side should fail and Pendragon is saved, perhaps he'll find another way. But I can't think of any other way he'll come back besides this. lol

  • @zig-zag-ltu But then I started thinking, will it be bad to have Pendragon killed? His Sword of Souls is very powerful and that could be useful against the undead.

  • @impymidna2303 I have to admit, I have not done majority of tall tales, but it looks like he is alive/dead/alive so they can just resurrect him when needed :D. We could also have him in ghost form too ^^

  • @zig-zag-ltu I think the best choice for me is to save Pendragon, but would both this or the other choice still result in the inevitable return of Flameheart? I really don't know.

  • @impymidna2303 Ramsey sent me to dig up marauder chests and blue gems for too long I'm afraid xD I just wish there was some kind of solo content for reapers, apart from being demi-god in pvp or ganking unsuspecting ships which I personally dislike and do it very rarely.

    Can't wait to see what's gonna happen, also Season 8 ^^

  • Pendragon caused all this wiping his sword on everything...

  • Lore wise the best choice would be save Pendragon,like would you rather sidea guy that maked errors or a guy who wants to all follow his orders and call him king,and burn thoose who does'nt? Im late,i know

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