The Most Dangerous Type Of Pirate!

  • I have been trying to figure out a general consensus what people think is the most dangerous type of pirate on the seas for a while! I have had a number of answers from different players.

    When i asked, Phuzzybond said the pirates that you cant predict if they are friend or foe from how they act are the most dangerous, and Hitbo (it may have been pace, but i think it was hitbo) said any pirate whos really good at naval is the most dangerous.

    So my question is, what do people think is the most dangerous type of pirate, is it the unpredictable, naval, tuckers or double gunners? Or is it something completely different? I would love to know what people think the most dreadful and dangerous foe to face in battle is!

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  • The most dangerous pirate is the underestimated pirate

  • Depends what you wanna call dangerous, but I would say the fun unpredictable ones that make you not mind so much that they just took all your loot.

  • The pirate who knocks. They ARE the danger.

  • The one with the competent crew when not running solo.

  • Someone that is consistently very accurate with cannons at any range.

  • @wolfmanbush Very true, this is how I play games. Not the fastest and I dont pull insane no scopes, but I trick my into safety that the victory in their pocket and then flip the whole situation around.

    Its art really, I enjoy the most to trick decent players, they are more careful and youll need to be creative.

    Never reveal your cards, I dont understand why some players are just standing with a blunderbass next to the ladder, just step back a bit and let them climb into the end of your barrel.

  • A pirate who is part of a well co-ordinated crew is what I find the most dangerous. You can be the best at PvP but if your crew doesn't communicate, the crew will probably fail.

  • @a10dr4651 Thats a mood, i have had a crew mate who was more dangerous for our ship than if i had been solo, they kept trying to anchor turn mid battle at every turn just cause he had seen a video where some one anchor turned once, good friend, but i was pulled away from the cannons so much cause they thought anchor turning was gonna win us the fight with their ship right behind us.

  • @faceyourdemon said in The Most Dangerous Type Of Pirate!:

    @wolfmanbush Very true, this is how I play games. Not the fastest and I dont pull insane no scopes, but I trick my into safety that the victory in their pocket and then flip the whole situation around.

    Its art really, I enjoy the most to trick decent players, they are more careful and youll need to be creative.

    Never reveal your cards, I dont understand why some players are just standing with a blunderbass next to the ladder, just step back a bit and let them climb into the end of your barrel.

    It's how I have won pretty much all tough fights and many fights where people just assume based on things like ship cosmetics (I rarely use any) or lack of initial aggression in general

    all of the times I have won against tdm focused crews it was because they assumed all they needed was the board/camp which is technically true but if someone can naval and watch ladders it's a tough time for a crew that abandons naval for the camp attempts

    the crews that assume they are taking out a person that won't be able to defend while I am chilling at a sea fort or in the open sea minding my own business

    always important to never assume that just because someone doesn't start fights or look for fights it means they don't know how to fight/defend

    a lot of merchants for example aren't looking for trouble but if it finds them they will put up a helluva fight

    Respect the potential of every opponent and never get caught off guard.

  • The quiet pirate who has no mic.

    The duo pirates who join your brig together who seem to hit it off quicker

    Any pirate who doesn’t use a flare and has alliance flag up, but makes a be line for you shouting “form an alliance”

    Any pirate who just rowboats to you from a unknown location and acts like he was just sunk…

    Group of pirates who are “getting off” and want to give me all there loot on deck…

  • Server hoppers with white sails and an unpainted ship, sailing a brigantine - no reaper flag.

    Its not even worth fighting that sort of crew, but they likely arent collecting loot or trying to finish events, so its possible to just avoid the storm till they get bored and leave for the next server.

  • @wolfmanbush Oh I call them "Merchants of Death".
    They will not go down easily

  • @goldsmen said in The Most Dangerous Type Of Pirate!:

    what do people think is the most dangerous type of pirate?

    The pretty ones. Too darn handsome/beautiful for their own good.

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