Gold Curse and Briggs's Hat and Sail

  • Hi all, been playing (solo mostly) over 2 years and finally completed first 9 Tall Tales (and most others as well). I would like to get the Gold Curse but can't tell how many times I've completed the first 9 TT's. Also I got a prompt saying I was eligible for Cpt. Brigg's Hat and Sail, how do I find them? They are not in my inventory or anywhere else I have looked.

    Thank You

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  • @oneauthor947917

    Under Pirate's Log - Reputation - Tall Tales you can find all the tall tales; every original one should have a commendation (e.g. "Footsteps of the Pirate Lord") which counts the number of times you have completed them (from 0 to 5).

  • Ahoy!

    Congrats on completing those Tall Tales! If you've received the notification that you have Briggsy's hat and sails, then they should be in the clothing chest and ship customization chest respectively.

    @Lem0n-Curry gave you spot on instructions on accessing your Tall Tale progress in-game. You can also access them on the Sea of Thieves website if you click here.

  • Quick question.

    On my last days off we have done the Ashen tall tales to get the ashen curse. It required to complete the tall tale 3 times, but it made sense, since you had to also choose 3 different paths on each try to complete it. So only the beginning and the ending was the same.

    Is this the case with the Gold curse, where there is variation or is it just literally doing same thing all over again 5 times (ive read it takes 30-40hrs)

  • @zig-zag-ltu its same thing all 5 times No diffrent paths unfortunately

  • @zig-zag-ltu

    They're only half correct. They have added different locations that the Tale can take you different directions. So not completely different, but a little mix.

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