Looking for Pirates Ger/Eng (new players welcome)

  • Ahoi,

    looking for 1-2 Pirates to sail. New players are welcome. I am a 2018 legend and Athena 10 veteran. Captains ships and Discord are available. Love to steer the ships.

    bin auf der suche nach 1-2 Piraten mit denen man die Meere unsicher machen kann. Gerne auch komplette neu Einsteiger die grad angefangen haben. Bin schon etwas länger ingame unterwegs. War bereits 2018 Legende und Athena 10 (war damals max lvl). Am liebsten Steuer ich die Babys. Kaptainschiffe und Discord sind vorhanden.

    If you interested here is my sea of thieves gamertag feel free to add me.
    Bei Intresse hier mein sea of thieves gamertag könnt mich gerne adden.


    am besten kopiert ihr den name wenn ihr adden wollt im name ist eine null kein o ;)
    best is copy paste the gamertag in the name there is not an o it´s a zero ;)

  • 8
  • hey there!

    I was looking to join a somewhat dedicated group. My other friends have kinda bailed on the game, but I'd love to get back into it. I am in my mid 30s and was looking to play on a semi regular basis like maybe once a week or once every 2 weeks. I am pretty open in terms of schedule as well. I'd love to get the chance to join your crew if you're willing to have me. Please let me know. I am a PC player and my tag is Snapp1eApp1e17

  • hello,

    yea sure I added you in the x-box app. Feel free to text me when you see i am online :)

  • I'm a new player and would like to trial out for your crew captain. I'll send a request via xbox

  • Aye got you I add you too :)

  • @cr0m4905 Got it!

  • @snapp1eapp1e17 @BlunterYeti988 nice! I am on all the weekend I think when you wanna sail chat me in the x box app :)

  • Still looking for Crewmates so add and text me when youre interested :)



    am besten kopiert ihr den name wenn ihr adden wollt im name ist eine null kein o ;)
    best is copy paste the gamertag in the name there is not an o it´s a zero ;)

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