Forsaken Hunter Adventure Speculation

  • First of all, I thought the trailer was awesome! However, there are two things I would like to speculate on ahead of Thursday:

    Are we going back to the Sea of the Damned to rescue Merrick? I would love to be able to revisit Dead Man's Grotto or another island within the underworld. Secondly, I am assuming Wanda and Duke are working with the Dark Brethren.

    My guess is that the "information" Wanda and Duke need involves freeing Davy Jones from his prison. I'm not sure why they would go after Merrick and not Belle, but maybe Merrick has knowledge on where the Ferryman is keeping Davy?

    It feels like Rare is building up to something big. Rathbone is still out there somewhere and we still don't know the identity of the "Captain." (my guesses are that the "Captain" is either an original character or someone like LeChuck. I know people have been guessing Captain Hook, but to be honest, I don't think the guy who is regularly running away from crocodiles could effectively lead a team of piratical bad guys like the Dark Brethren.)

  • 18
    just for funstory & lore
  • @lucky11 said in Forsaken Hunter Adventure Speculation:

    I know people have been guessing Captain Hook, but to be honest, I don't think the guy who is regularly running away from crocodiles could effectively lead a team of piratical bad guys like the Dark Brethren.

    I hope you are aware that the crocodile in question is a metaphor for man's greatest fear and that makes Hook one of the best villains in English literature.

  • I feel that if Captain Hook was who they were building up to, we would have already seen Mr. Smee, there is no Hook without his Mr. Smee...

  • Unless I missed something, How did Mer die?
    He seem confused to even be there in the first place.

    "Mutual friend" seems as someone sent Mer there as a deal for Information.

  • @burnbacon said in Forsaken Hunter Adventure Speculation:

    Unless I missed something, How did Mer die?
    He seem confused to even be there in the first place.

    "Mutual friend" seems as someone sent Mer there as a deal for Information.

    Trailer seems to hint.

    Seems to be lines of dialogue that suggest he's being attacked right before waking up in the sea of the damned

    Probably confused because he was blindsided or they got him from behind, was my impression

  • Better question:


    Or he could have just yeller for the wraith you know?

  • @thorumsu said in Forsaken Hunter Adventure Speculation:

    Better question:


    Or he could have just yeller for the wraith you know?

    Why would the wraith care.. its job is to just guide people on. Not go in saving everyone who didn't make the train.

    And realistically why would any of those guys risk losing their ability to return if thats their chance back, to fight the Dark Brethren.

    Even if they would (they probably would) Maybe Merrick doesn't want to endanger everyone else's ability to return, or their trip on the ferry by sprinting to the ferry and hiding on it with everyone else.

    We don't even know what the Dark Brethren can do in the SotD

  • @tre-oni I think he may have been stabbed, as when he wakes up, he's clutching his chest, and even sort of looks at his hand, as if he's expecting to see blood.

  • @valor-omega said in Forsaken Hunter Adventure Speculation:

    @tre-oni I think he may have been stabbed, as when he wakes up, he's clutching his chest, and even sort of looks at his hand, as if he's expecting to see blood.

    Definitely did. Probably wasn't ready for it either, which is exactly why he wakes up confused until realizing.. "yeah I died"

  • @metal-ravage said in Forsaken Hunter Adventure Speculation:

    @lucky11 said in Forsaken Hunter Adventure Speculation:

    I know people have been guessing Captain Hook, but to be honest, I don't think the guy who is regularly running away from crocodiles could effectively lead a team of piratical bad guys like the Dark Brethren.

    I hope you are aware that the crocodile in question is a metaphor for man's greatest fear and that makes Hook one of the best villains in English literature.

    I wasn't. And Disney's Peter Pan was the 1st movie I ever saw in theaters (special screening) as a child. Mind blown. 🤯
    Tick tock. Tick tock. 🕰

  • @galactic-geek Yep, if Peter Pan was a child forever, Hook wanted to be a bully forever and age was his worst enemy.

  • @metal-ravage said in Forsaken Hunter Adventure Speculation:

    @galactic-geek Yep, if Peter Pan was a child forever, Hook wanted to be a bully forever and age was his worst enemy.

    The irony is that if he wanted to live forever, he was already in the right place.

  • @galactic-geek And still he had to fulfill his destiny, being a bully till the end. If you read the book Hook's character is way darker.

  • @metal-ravage said in Forsaken Hunter Adventure Speculation:

    @galactic-geek And still he had to fulfill his destiny, being a bully till the end. If you read the book Hook's character is way darker.

    I think it's interesting you use the word, bully. I think he was far worse than that.

  • @galactic-geek said in Forsaken Hunter Adventure Speculation:

    @metal-ravage said in Forsaken Hunter Adventure Speculation:

    @galactic-geek And still he had to fulfill his destiny, being a bully till the end. If you read the book Hook's character is way darker.

    I think it's interesting you use the word, bully. I think he was far worse than that.

    He was the ultimate bully alright. The way he tricks Peter and the Lost Boys in order to locate the entrace to Hangman's Tree was a typical bully move.

  • @galactic-geek said in Forsaken Hunter Adventure Speculation:

    I think it's interesting you use the word, bully. I think he was far worse than that.

    Waaayy back, when I was a lad in elementary school, my family watched the Peter Pan musical with Mary Martin alot. Two of the funnest songs in there where Hook's "scheming songs", where his crew played him a tune while he came up with his next dastardly plan.

    We would often sing those songs. Only later did it occur to us that we were singing upbeat, quirky songs about straight up murdering children.

    And there was no innuendo about it. The first song ended with, "and one by one, they'll die" while the second one had "to murder all the boys" right there in the lyrics.

  • Now that the gameplay trailer is out- and this is avoiding as many spoilers as I could.

    I think we have an idea who the assassin might be, and you probably saw them during the cinematic trailer of Forts of the Forgotten. I forget how the name is spelled, but I think it's Armaranta or something? That salty sea dog who sat in front of the Sea Dog Tavern before Arena closed always had their own perspective of how they wanted Sea Dogs to be run, with Demarco always being against it due to how it betrays the spirit of his Arena.

    I imagine after Sea Dogs disbanded, now the remaining Sea Dogs representatives are living out on their own on the seas, and are either being recruited by Ramsey, The Reaper's Bones, the Dark Brethren, or are dead. Demarco is dead, not too long after Ramsey told him to shut down his arena due to the events of Season 6 incoming. The shopkeeps at the Sea Dog tavern have been approached by Reaper's Bones members, and Armaranta... is a member of the Dark Brethren with Wanda leading the charge.

    Now, the newly released Gameplay Trailer made it all the more obvious since Wanda is in the Sea of the Damned with Duke.

  • @nex-stargaze I feel like that would be too easy though.

    My guess is Wonda. When she was captured, it appeared as if she didn't break, but I think that was just a ruse. I think she's actually in cahoots with her sister. 😏

just for funstory & lore
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