Downtime is insane for pvp players with restricted time

  • As a casual pvp oriented player who also has a job, it's becoming really hard to play this game, I have more gold than I could ask for, already unlocked every skin I liked, same story with tall tales.

    So now there's nothing else for me to do than to enjoy the unique and extremely fun combat system you created.

    Arena used to give me that chance of just hoping in, having some fun, and hoping out, all in under the avg 2 hours I have to play games on my regular days.

    Now that arena is gone and I'm kind of forced to go back to adventure, I must say this down times are killing my motivation.
    15/20m avg gathering supps, 1-2h avg looking for some other players.
    And this days most folks just turn around and run away at first glance, even to the point of scuttling after getting tired of being chased for around 20 min.

    Most of my sessions, I run out of time with out even having one decent, enjoyable fight. Either servers are empty, or every ship flees on sight.

    Add to all of this the fact that fights last for about 5-10 minutes (if both parties are at a similar skill level) you find yourself wasting about 2hs of your life for 15 minutes of enjoyment at best (if you even find other players who are willing to fight).

    And what are the other options?

    • Doing pve events who most pvpers find extremely dull, repetitive and boring (btw i've been on full servers doing a FOF and people would stay far from us just because of having the reaper flag up, just imagine)
    • Endless server hops (the worst kind of downtime) looking for decent emissaries. (and by decent I mean the at least try to fight back just once or twice)
    • Quit the game...

    So before you try to anchor down this thread, no, I'm not asking to bring arena back, I know it's not going to happen. What I'm wandering is, Rare:
    1- Do you actually aknowledge all this issues?
    2- Do you have any plans on improving the user experience over all, specially the insane amount of down times?
    3- Or adding a new gamemode, playstyle, objective, or whatever you want to motivate and encourage pvp interactions? Or to gather pvpers where they can find each other and have fun fighting without ruining other more pve oriented players fun?

    Because all I see is:
    . Completely fresh new players being, harassed, spawn camped, etc. By far more experienced players (I usually board this kind and steal all their supps while cracking jokes to later leave them alone so they don't tilt) to later uninstall.

    . Decent or semi experienced players spamming new servers all day long until finally locking a server up with all their friends, endlessly farming pve until reaching max lvl on everything and then uninstalling.

    . Pvp oriented players, fewer each day, roaming around the seas engaging on anything they come across out of boredom, using other ppl ship to gather loot because it's way more fun than running around countless barrels.

    . I've found myself lately more than ever running out of time without even shooting a single cannonball because servers are either empty or the few ppl we cross paths with just surrender or sail away.

    Now for all the folks that will surely come up with those creative never seen before replies such as "Look for another game" or "uninstall" please save it.

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  • Yeah no just change your playstyle temporarily

    PvP only playstyle is very dull trying to find ships to sink because there are too many inexperienced pirates on the waves.

    Ironically you get more PvP by keeping yourself exposed while doing PvE. If you garner a PvPvE playstyle, you'll get fun fights and a good chunk of loot to sell later. Instead of looking for people to target, be the target. Y'know?

    That's probably why Rare hasn't done anything to address the dwindling PvP in adventure, because less people are trying to be targeted, and even then, there's no reason to be a target unless you're confident you can get away with having any treasure on board and sell it.

    Also the PvP in this game is partially garbo thanks to hit registration and crew size/skill imbalances.

  • Nothing in Adventure can replace the quick action that Arena offered. The only thing that comes close, unfortunately, is hopping until you find a Reaper Emissary like you're a streamer.

    What I've found the most success with is just stacking loot as a Reaper and waiting for the fight to come. It's definitely not fast, and it can at times prove to be a waste as far as PvP goes, but that's why I just pick a commendation and go for it. If I make progress towards that commendation, great. If I encounter PvP because of it, even better. If I achieve both, that's as good as I can ask for.

    But going out and finding quality or even consistent PvP cannot be replicated in Adventure the way it could be in Arena.

  • player who also has a job, it's becoming really hard to play this game

    Almost as if you have a life….which is more important to focus and video games should just be a passion of good fun and not a job

  • As a PvPer who also works 40 hours a week and tries to stream all the other hours lol I feel you as of late the seas are barren and empty. What I find usually works best if you want guaranteed PvP is hop a few servers till you find one with a reaper emissary. That way you know where the fight is and can go directly there. As far as the supply up. Yeah roughly like 10 to 15. Just buy crates then head to a sea fort. Usually enough to rumble. Also what ship do you sail on? I normally do sloop or gally and I think because of how they changed the server limits sometimes those servers are dead but I tried a brig last night and we got some pretty popping servers. So maybe try I brig. Granted I personally hate the Brig so I'd understand not wanting to sail it.

  • @cptnpotbeard Even tho I mentioned how discouraging I find to waste time by hopping, relogging, etc. I do agree thats the best shot I can give to the game for now, and I'll sure try to start playing as you say and just looking for reapers to hunt.
    Usually I run sloop, sometimes brigs, I avoid galleons find them way too clunky.
    Thanks for the tips.

  • @clasico6730 OH I agree and I hate hopping to start a session. Granted once I'm 5 and stocked I'll hop if my server is dead. Portals are my friend. Tedious though they may be.

  • its what i have said all along. the majority do not want or are not good at pvp. its not a great game to have pvp in it in the first place. combat is bad and needs a overhaul from hand to hand to ship battles. its just not fun

    dont raise a reaper flag or reapers mark because people will just stay away

    pvp should be its own mode that is strictly pvp with a variety (tdm, battle royale, etc)

  • @madfrito99 To be fair it was a great pvp game at launch. Combat was smooth. But all the updates have made servers more and more unstable as well as the original attempted fix at removing the double gun exploit added a bunch of forced animations and clunkiness to combat that also added to it's poor state. It still is a great pvp game. But to find a good fight that isn't incredibly one sided is rare. But they do happen.

  • @madfrito99 Well I have to disagree 100% this game is extremely unique, combat is like nothing I've seen before, a great mix of casual but intrincated systems, and that's the main reason I'm still hooked and can't just quit.
    I do agree on how most players make insane amounts of effort to avoid as much as they can any pvp interaction, which is what I think Rare should address asap.
    And I also fantasized about a BR kind of mode, or TDM, hope they would consider it on the near future.

  • @clasico6730 I 100% agree, even though I'm not 100% a PvPer.

    Here's what I'm hoping: Every season, Rare adds a "war" adventure like what's dropping Thursday to give PvPers a good place to fight.

    Or they let in players who don't get a ship—this way players can defend Fortresses, or fight on islands against actual pirate ships.

    Or they add a giant capture the flag component, where ships gain points from putting their flags up on Fortresses.

    Point being, there are many ways Rare can give PvPers more in adventure mode without detracting from PvEers.

  • @madfrito99 said in Downtime is insane for pvp players with restricted time:

    pvp should be its own mode that is strictly pvp with a variety (tdm, battle royale, etc)

    Boi what did we tell you about derailing threads with these responses

    You can't keep getting away with this

  • I think the game just needs some more incentive to fight. It's demoralising for newer players to lose but if they still received some form of reward even after sinking they'd be more likely to fight back. Some form of battle currency similar to arena but in a similar style to the emissary ledgers. Players could also then see where they are ranked in PvP and you earn special cosmetics each month for being in the top 25%. Even if you sink you gain something from the encounter. Of course this would need to be in a fashion that avoids encouraging spawn camping.

    Emissaries also need fleshing out abit more. A special tier of levels for each faction that can only be levelled up by opting in for PvP with an emissary flag raised.

  • Put up an Athena and go take a while finishing the 3rd part of the Veil Voyage.

  • I don’t understand how all these PvP players have such a hard time finding PvP. I avoid other players like it’s the point of the game and I feel like I see ships every 15-20 minutes which annoys me into not wanting to play

  • @bruvhandles That's just how it works. You want to find ships? There are none. You want a peaceful play session with no interruptions? Here are the sweatiest players that aren't NAL.

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