Small suggestion about a new pet

  • To start, hello everyone!

    I have a lot of ideas for Sea of thieves.

    I’ll start with one that’s important to me, not necessarily to everyone, but to me a lot.

    I would like that in the game there is the possibility of having one or more snake pets.

    I find it a pity that I am forced to lock them up permanently to act as if "I had" snake...

    Imagine if Tartan Snake [ The Pirate or his grave is on Snake Island ] had to play music every time so that the snake would not be hostile, if we add this pet, it could be sinister that its cage allows for the capped and then the erected [ obviously in the game it must be bought with old parts, like any pet] But I would be extremely pleased if it were added, if that and refused I would like to debate the matter.

    Thanks in advance to the whole team, Cordialement Draco

    French version :

    Pour commencer bonjour a tous !

    J'ai pas mal d'idée comme suggestion pour Sea of thieves.

    Je vais commencer pour une qui pour moi est importante, pas forcément pour tous le monde, mais moi beaucoup.

    J'aimerais que dans le jeu il y est la possibilité d'avoir un ou des animaux de compagnie serpent.

    Je trouve sa dommage que je sois obligée d'en enfermer en permanence pour faire comme si "j'avais" se serpent...

    Imaginons si Tartan Snake [ Le Pirate ou sa tombe se trouve sur Snake Island ] devait a chaque fois jouer de la musique pour que le serpent ne sois pas hostile, si imaginons vous ajoutier cette animal de compagnie , cela pourrais sinifier que sa cage permet de le capurée puis le dressée [ evidemment dans le jeu on devras l'achetée avec des ancienne pièce, comme tout animal de compagnie] Mais cela me ferais extrêmement plaisir que cela sois ajoutée, si cela et refusée j'aimerais débattre sur le sujet.

    Merci d'avance a toute l'équipe, Cordialement Draco

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  • Imo I think the new style of emote pet has potential

    It doesn't annoy others, it doesn't interfere with others, it allows the individual to play with pets without impact on the nearby environment

    We have a lot of original style pets I say they just keep rolling with emote pets.

    Create a random emote that will randomly display one of a person's emote pets that they have

    This new style would work well with a snake imo

  • @wolfmanbush

    I didn’t fully understand your answer, I’m French, and I’m talking about the pets following you

  • Adding chickens, pigs and snakes as pets would be a little difficult, as it's models are used for the merchant alliance quests. If they could roam around your ship it may lead to confussion so, as @wolfmanbush suggested, the only way I see them coming to the game is by a pocket pet.

    Another way is adding snakes with a really different model and animations, but that's quite difficult.

  • given that the snakes in the game sound mainly Cobra, bah if he doesn’t want to break his head it is necessary to put different colors, and then if there is a pig, Chicken, or snake on a boat and it’s not in a cage would be obvious that it’s not a commodity, anyway there’s a name on top of pets if I’m not mistaken so in the end it would be easy to differentiate them.

  • What do you think?

    @Capt-Pilotes @WolfManbush

  • of course the snake will be like any other pet, completely harmless with the other player

  • @wolfmanbush Pets as emotes makes them feel dead, just a piece of prop.

    Really hoping that Rare isnt going to adopt this approach, it feels lame.

    And the Merchant animals would be the easiets pets Rare have ever made.
    Most of the animations are already done, and no it wont confuse players, pets got names and they react to the world diffrentlly.
    And so what if someone will get confused once?
    For the option we can gain here its worth it!

  • @faceyourdemon

    Well, does that mean that every time you want a certain pet you have to "waste time" seeing as you can’t do anything until that emote is over, while the other pets are completely free to roam with its owner?

  • @draco6923 It just feel very artificial to me and its a damn shame.
    Rare's design to animals and creatures is very unique and they deserve better then an emote.

  • @capt-pilotes I don't see how you could be confused if pigs/snakes/chickens wonder around your ship. Merchant animals are always in crates...

  • I agree with you, and then wild animals run away from you and attack you, obviously there are differences.

    Obviously the pet will not be able to attack the player, it is logical otherwise his unbalanced would be.

  • So ? given that this is my first suggestion, how can I know if it was accepted? Refused etc.

  • @draco6923 you cant., rare doesn't just say they are going to do things from the forums. If you see it happen, maybe you were the bug in the ear to get it started.

  • Shoulder pets first!

  • @captain-coel So I did everything for nothing?

  • @draco6923 What were you expecting? You spent the time formulating an idea for a game you enjoy. Hopefully you had fun doing that. But this forum gets pounded day in and day out with ideas and complaints. For Rare to respond to them would be insane. They keep track of the forums and from what I understand pay even more attention to those that receive lots of attention.

    You did what you could by bringing it here. Now you get to hope to see it utilized.

  • @captain-coel Ok perfect, good bah good day to all and thank you for your responsiveness

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