On PC, how do people grab their cannonballs so quickly from crates?

  • Is there a hot key for this? I see people online do it without clicking.

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  • Pressing F will automatically move the highlighted item to the opposite storage! So when players interact with barrels, they spam F to pull out everything they need, such as cannonballs in a fight or wood for repair.

  • Is there a way to grab a stack of 10 cannons at once or each time you press F you grab 1?

  • @z3phlar said in On PC, how do people grab their cannonballs so quickly from crates?:

    Is there a hot key for this? I see people online do it without clicking.

    You use the Take all or Take 1 options.

  • I had to check what I do. I do use the mouse. I press "F" to open the barrel, and then left-click on the stack of cannonballs (or whatever) to get the maximum available.

  • @z3phlar You will always grab the maximum amount possible (depends on inventory space and items available).
    With Q and E you can switch between your inventory and barrel/crate inventory.

  • Open crate using F, then hammer F until crate is empty OR your inventory can't take any more. Then hit esc and run.

    In storage crates it's a bit more work as people put all kinds of things in crates so you might end up with a load of fireworks an cursed balls en bait as well, but in general, Repeated F's will fill up your inventory from the storage crate, then esc to exit the crate again.

  • I will grab as many as you can get in you bag in the order that they are in you bins.

  • for me, it is seemingly random whether the game selects my inventory or the barrel inventory (it might vary if you have the save cursor position option on). to fix this I just use q and e to select which side I want. so if you're storing it would be F to enter, Q to select the barrel and F for each stack of items yoou want to pull out. F-E-F if you're putting stuff into the barrels.

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