Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best ‘Hiding Place’ Screenshot [RESULTS]

  • After the day I’ve had I needed a good laugh and I must say your screenshots hit the mark.
    Thank you everyone who enters this weekly competition, it is appreciated!
    Todays loot goes to @fenris-ulf-76 and his leg! :D

    Well done me matey!

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  • Ouch! That gotta hurt,
    I bet that pirate is now using a peg leg

  • @butterfinger750 Lol! Mate There were soo many awesome pics taken and funny sayings that I was like, I probably don’t have a peg leg to stand on here but what the heck. Lol. Thank you and yes indeed, that mate won’t be sitting down for awhile. You all rocked it with all the awesome pics. Cheers.

  • @lizalaroo Wow. Just Wowwy. Lol. Thank you ever soo much for choosing my glitched foot rest. Lol. This was my first contest on here ever and I was looking at all the awesome, funny pics that everyone took and I was like, well, might as well give it a shot. I still cannot believe it and I took 30 screen shots on my phone so I could capture your message forever hopefully and not lose it. Your message was awesomely nice and you have no idea how just a few words can make a day, or month, lol, feel like you just won the lottery. This made my year pretty much and again, to everyone, thank you ever so much. I’m new to all this sadly so I really do not know how to even collect or obtain this awesome loot. Lol. If anyone could help, I would be forever grateful. Cheers and Peace!

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