Emissary Flags

  • I want the ability to put back an emissary flag if it's broken after being sunk, then reclaimed.

    My crew, gold hoarder grade 4, was sunk by another crew. Upon respawn ing we, by chance, ran into them and sank them out of spite. We didn't know that broken emissary flags were a thing at the time, we were very new, and I thought I'd be able to replace it.

    Specifics: You can only put back your own emissary flag, not one you've taken or found.

    There could be a penalty, like the emissary flag would lose a level. Or maybe you have to spend a wood plank to reattach it.

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  • Unfortunately, this would be too easy to exploit. Especially as it pertains to the Athena Emissary.

  • If its every allowed (and this been asked before)

    Punishments for losing the flag need to be added.

    • Drop a grade or 2
    • Need to return to Faction and pay a fee (20,000 gold)

    This way, it more of a "Risk and Reward" type. You see someone coming for your flag, either FIGHT to defend it or Flee.
    If you lose it but are able to retrieve it (possibility is very rare) you as a faction must be punished for losing it in the first place. Okie punishment sounds bad, but a Fee to return your former flag.

    *If for a reason, you start up a new flag and happen to come across your old. The Old flag will be worthless to you. Even if you drop your current flag and try to reattach. Game will know or should. Think of a forfeit.

    idk....but I feel if players lose the flag, it there fault. If they find it...The faction should be little disappointed you lost it in the first place.

  • @timbecil001 I'm all for getting money from the company your flag was, let's say about 80% from what you would get when you lowered it...but putting it back on is a no go...because that would be easy exploitable...
    For example: you got a rank III goldhoarder flag on and see a reaper coming towards you...still far away, so you put all you supplies into supply crates and all treasure into your rowboat...then sink/scuttle your ship and hide the rowboat until you're back with your new ship, when the reaper is gone again, you put the flag back up again...
    And before you say "but scuttling doesn't count"...ok...then I ram a rock or let a skellie shoot a hole in it...

  • @timbecil001

    No. You shouldn't have gotten sunk. Take the 1G for your pride and learn.

  • @burnbacon @PithyRumble so let get this straight…a solo slooper who gets sunk by a brig/galleon its their fault? are you even serious with that bs? why are you guys so harsh? your thinking suggest you should be winning every fight your in period…sorry not realistic at all no matter how long you have been playing. sorry but no you should not be punished for being sunk…what if your a newbie sailing the seas solo slooping and a galleon comes and destroys you? you should be punished for that? yalls logic makes no sense on this one…you know how rare and hard it would be to get your flag back…if your able to achieve that, you should be rewarded for that! that is a feat! i love the idea of being able to reraise your flag…rarely would happen but a good quality of life update

  • @madfrito99

    You flew the flag. There is an inherent risk. You don't deserve a reward for getting your flag back. Shouldn't have lost it in the first place.

    I am a fairly passive player. I don't like to resort to gunpowder and steel. I can still keep you from getting my flag. It's not necessarily about winning the fight as much as protecting the flag.

  • @pithyrumble i will never understand your way of thinking. yes inherent risk…but again if your on a sloop solo or 2 man and a brig or galleon pulls up and destroys you its not your fault…your at an immediate disadvantage…they have more fire power, more people, etc yes you mave a sliver of a chance to take them down…like 1% chance…and sure you could head in the wind and try to make it to an outpost…but more likely than not your going down…now if your on a brig or galleon with full crew then i would agree with you 100%. however seeing how the majority of players are on sloops…this is a great

  • @madfrito99 said in Emissary Flags:

    @burnbacon @PithyRumble so let get this straight…a solo slooper who gets sunk by a brig/galleon its their fault? are you even serious with that bs? why are you guys so harsh? your thinking suggest you should be winning every fight your in period…sorry not realistic at all no matter how long you have been playing. sorry but no you should not be punished for being sunk…what if your a newbie sailing the seas solo slooping and a galleon comes and destroys you? you should be punished for that? yalls logic makes no sense on this one…you know how rare and hard it would be to get your flag back…if your able to achieve that, you should be rewarded for that! that is a feat! i love the idea of being able to reraise your flag…rarely would happen but a good quality of life update

    PithyRumble and burnbacon do not think this. You should be punished for sinking because you SANK! Ships are expensive man...
    "what if your a newbie sailing the seas solo slooping and a galleon comes and destroys you?"
    This sentence lacks logic. A brand new player cannot raise an emissary flag until they are level 15 in a trading company and a flag costs 20 000 gold. They do not really need to worry. Everyone gets sank, why should new players have a mechanic caters specifically to them and just them?
    "you know how rare and hard it would be to get your flag back…if your able to achieve that, you should be rewarded for that!"
    Why? You sank a ship. Nice. You still disgraced the trading company, why in the world would they want that flag back up?

  • @madfrito99 said in Emissary Flags:

    @pithyrumble i will never understand your way of thinking. yes inherent risk…but again if your on a sloop solo or 2 man and a brig or galleon pulls up and destroys you its not your fault…your at an immediate disadvantage…they have more fire power, more people, etc yes you mave a sliver of a chance to take them down…like 1% chance…and sure you could head in the wind and try to make it to an outpost…but more likely than not your going down…now if your on a brig or galleon with full crew then i would agree with you 100%. however seeing how the majority of players are on sloops…this is a great

    Is this really your only point? A sloop does not run in the wind, it runs against. Not to mention, you yourself said that majority of players are on sloops. If this is true, why do you worry so much about brig and gally's when they can be easily outran and out-maneuvered. Full stop.

  • @madfrito99 said in Emissary Flags:

    @pithyrumble i will never understand your way of thinking. yes inherent risk…but again if your on a sloop solo or 2 man and a brig or galleon pulls up and destroys you its not your fault…your at an immediate disadvantage…they have more fire power, more people, etc yes you mave a sliver of a chance to take them down…like 1% chance…and sure you could head in the wind and try to make it to an outpost…but more likely than not your going down…now if your on a brig or galleon with full crew then i would agree with you 100%. however seeing how the majority of players are on sloops…this is a great

    Hold up.

    I do Solo slooping about 95% of the time and i have raised up Emissary flags all the way up to grade 5 on my own. I have never felt the need to have a mechanic to reattach a flag if I get it back. You know why? Cause most solo sloopers won't be able to reclaim the flag.

    You'd have to be either really lucky or a PvP God to be able to retrieve a stolen flag. It'd be such a useless system for a guy like me who would never be able to reclaim a flag from a good galleon or brigantine crew. The odds are just completely stacked against you. In fact, I'll go as far as to say this:

    Such a system would benefit bigger crews who got jumped by a sneaky smaller crew, as they can just smash them and put back their flag without any punishment for sinking

    See the issue? This feature wouldn't help a guy like me who frankly doesn't stand a fighting chance against a galleon. If they sink me and take my flag, I'm already screwed. If I, however, manage to catch them off guard with a keg, they have a better chance of recovering their flag, and can then go on their merry way, and still continue to earn their extra gold, Emissary rewards, e.t.c. without missing a beat.

    No offense to you mate, but this idea isn't good, doesn't help out a solo slooper like me, and wouldn't help the majority of my kind. It only serves to benefit crews who can recover better from being stolen from. I don't want to be rude or anything, but I will call out a bad opinion, and unfortunately, this is one.

  • @madfrito99

    I solo all the time. I understand the risks. As should anyone who decides to solo. If you lose an emissary flag for any reason you don't deserve a pay out. I have to agree w/ scurvy that you're not going to be able to reclaim a flag 99% of the time because you lost to superior numbers. Larger crews will come back to curb stomp you and not lose progress. And if you lost it because you beached and forgot to repair falls squarely into "don't deserve it" territory.

  • @madfrito99 I'd be OK with the idea of reattaching your flag IF (and this is a big if) someone can come up with a way to make it not exploitable.

    If there was a means for me to reattach my flag, I would quickly do 1.5 Thieves Haven runs, get to Grade 5 Athena, collect my Emissary quest, sink my own ship somehow, throw all my loot and my own flag onto a rowie, and then continue to do however many Athena voyages I want all under the radar without that giant Athena Emissary target hanging off the top of my ship. Then, when I'm about to turn in, I would just put my flag back up and get all the benefits that I otherwise would have gotten anyways.

    Same goes with Reapers...I could get to Grade 5, sell, look at the map for where the emissaries are at, sink my ship, gather my flag, and effectively be an invisible Grade 5 Reaper.

    Prevent that from being possible without introducing other exploits and I'd support the idea of reattaching recovered flags.

  • @sweetsandman this is a good point!

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