Content Suggestion - New PvE Boss Fight - HUGE Skeleton Ship (Man'O'War)

  • To introduce a new ship, one that is larger than the Galleon, into SoT has been discussed various times in the community. The usual conclusion of these threads is that making such a ship available to the players would cause a lot of problems regarding balance and server population. So I wanna talk about the possibility of adding ships like that to the game exclusively as AI opponent in a unique world event. Due to the pirates life Tall Tales we know, that a ships with more than 4 cannons per side can work for certain gameplay purposes. The Skeleton Galleons we fight right now are a decent enough challenge, but the do not pose a real threat to experienced crews. A Skeleton ship with a considerably heavier broadsside could be a nice change of pace if implemented in the following way.

    I was thinking of a ship with 8 to 12 cannons per braodside and the AI behaving in a way that they would not fire the cannons sporadically, like other skeleton ships, but more rarely in coordinated broadsides as they were common in real maritime battles in the age of sailing. This would reward players who have a good understanding of their ship's manuverability and severely punish moving into the enemy's broadside.

    A normal skeleton fleet event is a prolonged battle agains a few weaker enemies and ressource managment is its most difficult aspect. Fighting a single much more powerful opponent instead would make for some good content epic battles and feel a lot more rewarding than sinking a few smaller ships. I am hoping for an event where even surviving is a strugel. If the AI ship has enough cannons that fire all at once, even a Galleon's crew would have to stop whatever they are doing to take care of the repairs as a team if they take a full broadside. The concept of cooridanted broadsides would be especially fun it the Man'O'War uses different ammunition in a that manner. Imagine 8 different cursed balls hitting at once or a broadside of fire bombs setting your entire ship ablaze.

    So the basic concept is to take the risk-reward balance to a new extreme with this boss fight. Make the loot worth a FOTD, but one enemy broadside could end you if you are slacking. Also... seeing a ship twice the size of a Galleon on the horizon would be an imposing sight. A good spot for this event could be the southern part of the map, as the wide open ocean would be benificial to a ship of this size.

    What are your thoughts on this?

  • 17
    communityjust for fungeneralevents
  • So a major ship battle like the battle against the Flying Dutchman from the new tall tales, but as a random boss battle event in world? That sounds awesome.

  • @cptwittyinsult Others have asked for something like this and to be honest I think it would be ok. It would just be an easy sink for a sloop and brig with a competent crew. It could be be done solo to be honest.

  • Great idea! It's a very unique idea that's different from the other 2 naval combat world events (a.k.a Flameheart and skelly fleets) since those 2 generally are challenging because of the amount of enemies fighting you at once. This event, on the other hand, would be challenging because of the quality of the ship itself, and not because it has backup like the Burning Blade. Definitely a event I'd love to see in the game!

  • I like the idea, but there's a lot of questions...

    • Can you board this giant vessel?
    • Does it just roam in a patter similar to Flameheart, or does it actually try to get you in its broadside like a skeleton ship?
    • Does it emerge from the water like skeleton ships when you enter the radius? Or is it just always out sitting there waiting for a challenger?
    • Is it manned by a crew that can bucket? Or just repair like skeleton ships?

    Boarding and powder kegs can potentially make a great idea a super easy event that actually doesn't focus on naval combat at all.

  • @sweetsandman There's a thought o.o

    In Pirates of the Caribbean: Online, Flagships had to be boarded in order to be sunk - but before you could board them, you had to disable them (Do enough damage or snap the mast)

    I wonder if it could even be a Grand Maritime Union ship that crosses from one side of the map to the other with a ton of treasure in the hull?

  • @sweetsandman

    Making it a ghost ship or un-boardablbe in any way would take a lot of the fun out of it I think. A way to balance this would be to make boarding just that much more difficult by having additional crew that uses eye of reach at every oppertunity to pick off players from their ships. Those AI crew member could eventually even be set up to target gun powder barrels, so boarding would still be an option, bombing wouldd still be an option, but you would need to consider if its worth the risk bringing those barrels on your ship in the first place as the could ruin your day pretty fast.

  • This could be interesting actually. Something else I would consider here beyond the above stuff:

    • This massive vessel could have a Bilge Pump in it that allows it to remove water from the Hull, but make it so this only happens if their is no Water coming in at the time (so good pressure on the Ship and potentially some coordinated Boarding can prevent this (similar to bosses on other games that have self healing functions)
    • Consider giving it the ability, like Ghost Ships, to drop Kegs behind it if a Ship is trying to tail it in a fight

    I might even make this the final phase of the Skeleton Fleet just to update it a bit and make people potentially more interested in it. The initial Waves can feature the multiple Ship factors of it now, and the final can be just this massive Flagship (I wouldn't call it a Man-O-War though since that isn't actually any particular Ship, there are loads of types they could consider though).

    Maybe also have it so this Ship makes use of the range of standard Munitions making use of Chainshot, Firebombs, and Blunderbombs as opposed to the Cursed Balls used by the other Skeleton Ships.

    And while we are at it, restrict the acquisition of Chainshot to this and Active Forts. This is just something I would personally like.

  • I know all you pirates out there that want the most difficult gameplay imaginable to enjoy a game, but I certainly hope this behemoth wouldn't surface on MY starboard! I know my limitations; and it's NOT "Apocalyptic, Ship on fire, 8-12 cannonball holes in my hull nightmare-mode" 8-12 skellies firing 8-12 cannons at my sloop?
    hmm... no thank you. I leave that to the hard core "Kill me, I DARE you" pirates, and on some other server.

  • Something like this could be put in place as the captain of the fleets. Would be cool.

  • Newbie players have enough trouble as it is with the random skeleton ships that spawn. Even the fleet.

    Bigger ship would blow them out of the water

  • I wouldnt mind something like this so long as:
    its a marked world event.

    it has slower speed and much slower turning to compensate for its huge size and firepower.

    the LOOT is worth the long battle it would take to sink the thing.

  • @cptwittyinsult

    I actually made a detailed post on such fight long time ago. I even came up with some phases of the fight, some of which included having to board the skelly man'o'war to disable certain parts of it, in order to be able to bring it down. The reward was also juicy.

    I have no idea why I couldn't find this post though. Spent a good 20 minutes trying a week ago when we were talking about adding more events to the game. No success though.

  • @sweetsandman said in Content Suggestion - New PvE Boss Fight - HUGE Skeleton Ship (Man'O'War):

    I like the idea, but there's a lot of questions...

    • Can you board this giant vessel?
    • Does it just roam in a patter similar to Flameheart, or does it actually try to get you in its broadside like a skeleton ship?
    • Does it emerge from the water like skeleton ships when you enter the radius? Or is it just always out sitting there waiting for a challenger?
    • Is it manned by a crew that can bucket? Or just repair like skeleton ships?

    Boarding and powder kegs can potentially make a great idea a super easy event that actually doesn't focus on naval combat at all.

    To answer all your points in a simple way, I think it should have all the those core functions that skeleton ships do. It should however have some sort of extra gimmicks to make it unique.

  • @herrdave3849 said in Content Suggestion - New PvE Boss Fight - HUGE Skeleton Ship (Man'O'War):

    @sweetsandman There's a thought o.o

    In Pirates of the Caribbean: Online, Flagships had to be boarded in order to be sunk - but before you could board them, you had to disable them (Do enough damage or snap the mast)

    I wonder if it could even be a Grand Maritime Union ship that crosses from one side of the map to the other with a ton of treasure in the hull?

    This would be awesome for either GMU ships or a giant skeleton ship.

  • Imo , this ship could appear anywhere in the map , randomly , amidst a thick green fog. The crew would be of phantoms (20+) and they would be able to board player ships.

  • i think this could make a cool pirate legend voyage instead, puts you up against a legendary ship in a certain area similar to the ghost ship events. loot would be some athena loot + some regular stuff, with new loot like a captain skull of ancient fortune.

communityjust for fungeneralevents
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