Loot Hauls/ Disappearing loot question

  • so, i've been playing with my wife since G&G start pve/pvp whatever came along, also finished the sunken curse etc. anyways we amased a very large loot haul (which we do all the time) and now i know if i put a tonne of loot on a rowy and LEAVE it there it disappears and doesn't come back but this time we left it all on the ship, got to reapers as reaper 5 and started dropping it into rowy. only been there mabye 10 minutes and i WATCH it start to vanish, quickly go to the spot destroy the rowy loot falls to the floor. as i'm selling i watching my loot vanish before me. WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT THIS!? do i HAVE to spread all the loot out around my ship so it doesn't happen or what? i see people do loot hauls all the time same way i do and theirs doesn't what am i doing wrong. its really pising my off.. about 50% of my haul gone and it was still worth 3something mil (oh and i have video of it as well)

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  • since you have video of it you're gonna want to report that to support and include that

  • As WolfMan suggested, you'll want to contact support with a ticket give them your video so as to raise their awareness of it. That's the best course of action to take here.

  • @vowels771 As @aerotsune states, player support is the best way to go here... You can use the link below to get assistance!

    Contact Support

  • I have heard about this a few times, but never seen it myself. My understanding is that its not vanishing, just that your computer isn't rendering the loot. Does your wife see the same look vanish? did you try to kill yourself and see if it's still there? if all else fails, try turning your graphics all the way down. I think this may help (but don't hold me to it).

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