Italian old gamer looking for adults to set sail

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  • I am in the U.S. and normally play at night, so it is doubtful we are on at the same time, but feel free to add me if you wish. It's always good to see another old timer on the seas. Also, I play on Xbox and normally stick to the Xbox only servers.

  • @ostara-mk Your night could be my morning, and it wouldn't be that big of a problem for a good cause, exactely what you seem to be. Also i haven't that many things to do this period, so it could be done by my side. And i thank you for your reply, it was very kind of you. The only problem i see is that i am a pc player. I understand why you play on console only servers, but that's a place where, also if i'd want it with all myself, i couldn't follow you. I will add you anyways, because i respect your rank, your kindness and last but not least, because you've got Eddie in Aces High version, as your avatar. If you think it's worth a try, you feel free to invite me. If that's a wall we can't climb, you've got my comprehension, and i repeat my appreciation for your reply.

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