Future Updates

  • Updates decide a games future. The updates put out the past year and a half, even before covid have been 1 week lasting updates. We haven't gotten a tall tale in over a year. The constant emporium updates are giving rare money to put into mediocre updates. I love the game, but soon your gonna have to start caring about all players, not just new player who will obviously enjoy these newer updates. I'm guessing after the steam players get bored you will move to playstation to get new players to bring in the money. Just make a good update and stop being lazy!

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  • I think part of the reason there are no new tall tales is one: Covid
    Two: A portion of the community doesn't like tall tales because they feel like it interrupts the emergent encounters within the game.

  • @rockaceyt that portion must be really small...

  • @uzugijin And why would you say that, there are more posts on the forums asking for PvE servers then there are ones asking for more Tall Tales.

  • @rockaceyt because we don't really need to ask for those. the community always appreciates more lore added into the game including tall tales! the reception and praise is more than enough feedback to Rare that players indeed like tall tales. The game is about story creating; we players may fabricate our own, but SoT itself has one or two too and they are awesome (for the first time, at least) not to mention that there is a certain youtube channel that feeds on SoT lore many enjoy watching...

  • @uzugijin And would this certain lore channel be Captain Falcore who actually made a video called "Tall Tales Are Wrong"

  • people can complain all they want about the fort of fortune but I think the environment of interaction it has created is a dream come true for many that are high roller pvers and pvpers alike

    voluntary chaos where there is massive wealth to gain if I win and it's no longer bouncing around from event to event until the server hoppers that can take me out come sink me? sign me up

    They hit it out of the park with FoF and no it's not going to die. It's not player activated and is worth a lot of gold and brings a lot of emissary flags around (more emissaries is a big deal for random servers)

    This absolutely catered to long time pvers like me and all pvpers AND casuals AND everyone because anyone can be the last one standing in chaos.

    People can nitpick it all they want but it was exactly what servers needed. A+ for the new event

    and here is a huge perk. It can emissary grade 5 in one event for athena

    this is huge as it does what I've been suggesting a long time which is to make athena 5 flags and their emissary quests more of a thing on any random server. More athena 5 flags out there = win. More athena loot circulating = win. This is going to make servers A LOT more interesting

    A high value mass mayhem event out in the open where wild combat is an actual thing rather than just waiting for tuckers to arise from the fog after the grey man dies is a breath of fresh air

  • @rockaceyt yeah you got me! :) it turns out i was wrong all along and i even lied to myself because in truth I hate when lore interrupts my gameplay and i always prefer the game to be unpredictable rather than to have an optional storyline to follow. I think tall tales ruin the sandbox experience for many of us especially when we expect loot from sinking others and then we find a broken pedant instead which we cannot even sell. It's disgusting! And the last thing we need is more mechanics and events being introduced via tall tales. It simply has no compability with SoT because SoT is just a pirate game.

  • I'm excited for today's update too. 😅

  • @uzugijin I like Tall Tales (but not the commendations, doing each five times is a little much) I was just explaining that a good portion thinks they are a waste of time.

  • @rockaceyt yeah fair enough, but tall tales are just a good way to put story into the game and make us have a little more and unique adventure. you don't have to play them so i don't see why they would interrupt anything.

    imo, i don't think heart of fire was the last tall tale. i would die inside if it was.

  • @uzugijin Yeah according to fandom heart of fire is part of an ongoing story arc so no worries.

  • Tall Tales take a lot of work for very little return. Players go through them once, or up to 3 times, and then never touch them again.

    This is why they haven't bothered making new ones lately, as they've been focused on building systems that are constantly being used - events, seasons, deeds, etc..

  • @d3adst1ck Part of the reason people don't do them is because they never even try it cause doing everything you need for the shores of gold curse seems very daunting.

  • @wolfmanbush Interesting. I find FoF to be rather bland. It isn’t the fact it adds chaos for me, it’s the fact that it’s unoriginal. We have a total of 3 fort types now. Instead of creating a new type of fun event, they rehashed the old ones, increased the difficulty and gave a bigger payout. I can bet money it didn’t take them a month to make that.

    I love this game (sometimes) and rare. But this was lazy

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