Barrel emote overhaul

  • Ok hear me out. The new barrel emote came out and it is awesome and all but there is a flaw with it. When you interact with the emote your character becomes a barrel that does not snap to ships or islands. so lets say you wanted to stealth on a ship as a barrel, everybody thought we could stealth on ships with this new emote but no. Alas the new emote does not have a snapping feature to it. If the ship moves then you as a barrel will stand perfectly vertical not being affected and will float on their ship. So rare I know you read these suggestions and do not care what we say as community but please consider it.

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  • I'm 100% fine with how it is because it's imperfect

    I don't think it has any obligation to be a christmas present for tuckers I think it should be a fun emote for a pve/pvp environment. It will trick many in adventure and observant people will pick up on it. Balanced imo

  • I can attest to the fact that it works perfectly fine on islands - used it to spy on another crew during an Ashen Lord encounter earlier today. 😅

    I would like to see a horizontal variant of this emote though.

    EDIT: A friend sent me screenshots of size differences between the emote and the barrels on some ships, as well as a color difference on the FotD.

  • @dafitsho it's just an emote and it functions as an emote. All other barrels are static and placed manually by the devs, they don't actively snap onto anything. The barrels on a ship are linked together with the ship, so they move together.

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