Changing Ships size in game

  • We would like to be able to switch ship size in game. When we are on a sloop and doing a quest and a friend is available to join, it would be nice to be able to go to port and just change to a bigger ship, or smaller if a player leaves.

  • 2
    feedbackgeneralxbox onequestionwindows 10
  • I used to be for this, but I've actually drifted away at this point and am now generally against the idea.

    Don't get me wrong, I absolutely understand the quality of life nature of this idea - it is in part why I previously supported the idea. That said, I see a lot of room for exploitation of this kind of system that makes it more unpalatable as I go along.

    Of course, it is possible that Rare might be able to design around that and find a happy middle ground for this concept. If they do, that would be cool, but I'm not too hopeful for it at this point in time.

feedbackgeneralxbox onequestionwindows 10
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