New userinterface....I don't like it

  • Change it back. I don't like this at ALL. Its so much brighter like it took over my monitor settings and it just doesn't have all the things I've gotten used to like using the "@" and a list of names just auto populated or being able to hit reply and quote and it auto generating in my current post.

    This is just ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww

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  • @xultanis-dragon Ahoy matey!

    The @ menu and quoting work pretty much the same for me... what are you seeing that's different?

  • Completely agree.

    My issues:

    • Text is too small (yes, I'm getting old but that's besides the point!) and the font is harder to read. Serif fonts are generally better for printed media and can be hard to read on a screen if too small.
    • Posts are not "greyed out" when you read them like before, so it's hard to tell what you need to catch up on.
    • The chat window is too small (always was a little bit but now it's terrible!) and there's a lot of wasted space above.

    All in all, I absolutely HATE the changes.

  • @musicmee

    So I can hit REPLY and it will pop up with a window and I can type. That still works the same.

    However, if I scroll down to say @RealStyli and hit reply, it won't populate on the same screen. I have to do it manually.

    Example -

    I hit reply - screen pops up that I can type in - while that screen is still open I can hit reply on another name and it will put their name or post in the same post.

    It does not do that now.

    The "@" is now working, wasn't before, which means all the functions could have maybe not been implemented yet or it takes time??

    Also, when upvoting a post before it used to highlight green, it doesn't anymore to let me know I already upvoted it. Also just the lay out its self is bad.

    Used to be able to read a post without having to open it. The layout of the forum is compact and small and like @realstyli (alright the "@" didn't work that time) said the text is all small. The old font was better.

    However this is all personal. Like @realstyli I aswell could just be too old and this might be the new hit and with it forum layout for all the youngins.

    EDIT I use to also control the screen size. I could make it bigger or smaller by dragging it. Now its either full or half screen with a click.

    "I use to be with it, but then they changed with IT was, now what I'm with isn't it, and whats it, is strange and scary to me......and it'll happen to you!!"

  • @xultanis-dragon I realllllllllly hope you are calling me young here :D

    Thanks for this though matey. Will pass this info on.

  • @musicmee

  • @xultanis-dragon Hahaha. I know I am "old" but I play video games to keep me young.

  • It’s real bad on mobile. Thought my phone was freaking out.

    All the text is huge and it’s really hard to scroll long posts now.

    Although I will say it has fixed the bug where I try to upvote and it takes me to the top of the thread. And it also seems like they’re more options too. Just the layout is horrible.

  • Not a fan of the new UI so far. Hopefully with feedback it can be changed.

    When I click on a thread, it always goes to the first reply rather than the OP, so I have to scroll up every time.

    When replying, the up/down arrow doesn't allow a manual size, it's either half or full screen.

    The font in the reply window is bigger than the font on the page, as shown here:

    Overall, just feels and looks weird right now.


  • I'll be honest, the new look makes me not want to visit the site. It's just so uncomfortable to look at and browse.

  • @realstyli said in New userinterface....I don't like it:

    I'll be honest, the new look makes me not want to visit the site. It's just so uncomfortable to look at and browse.

    AGREED. I really liked the old UI

  • @realstyli sagte in New userinterface....I don't like it:

    I'll be honest, the new look makes me not want to visit the site. It's just so uncomfortable to look at and browse.

    Same, it´s so hard to look at and read for some reason.
    im on a 55" 4k TV Browsing and i need a spyglas to read the posts xD

  • @xultanis-dragon said in New userinterface....I don't like it:

    @realstyli said in New userinterface....I don't like it:

    I'll be honest, the new look makes me not want to visit the site. It's just so uncomfortable to look at and browse.

    AGREED. I really liked the old UI

    I don't get Rare's mentality of fixing what ain't broke yet the actual issues with the game remain untouched...

  • @xultanis-dragon said in New userinterface....I don't like it:

    Change it back. I don't like this at ALL. Its so much brighter like it took over my monitor settings and it just doesn't have all the things I've gotten used to like using the "@" and a list of names just auto populated or being able to hit reply and quote and it auto generating in my current post.

    This is just ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    I agree

  • This forum and its layout and functionality has a tendency to keep on changing.

    But this one is just atrocious, especially on mobile...

    • opening a new thread always scrolls me to first reply, not the OP making me have to scroll every time
    • there is weird discrepancies in font sizing between posts, preview screens and even the buttons
    • under every OP there is now 4 screen wide (on mobile) buttons; “ reply, mark unread, not watching, oldest to newest” i get the reasons for these but they are just way to obtrusive ( them together fill 50% of the reading area of the screen)
    • the “time since post” text is a couple font sizes bigger then the actual post...
    • issue since previous ui change: notifications no longer persist after you have visited a thread that can have multiple, f.i. When someone gets mentioned 4 times on different posts in the same thread, as soon as you visit the first notification magic all notifications of that thread gone

    Some of these things makes it clear that this wasn’t tested on mobile before go-live.

    And honestly i cant for the life of me figure out who would greenlight this. And with all do respect seems more like “students first forums” in sot styling then a forum from a reputable game dev

  • I wanna go back!!! Take me back, I say, TAKE ME BACK!!!

  • Two weeks later and this forum still gives me a headache to read. Which is a shame because I really want to be involved as much as I used to be. I guess we're stuck with this AWFUL UI now.

  • @realstyli

    Agreed. I was really hoping they would change it back. I have no idea why they changed it in the first place or why they even used this template that they are using.

    Its like they wanted to use some of reddit among other things??

    I don't like how the new replies are stack up showing all the past replies. I like the old system because it was cleaner but now if you try to quote a person it shows every other quote.

    Does ANYONE like this new forum lay out??

  • @xultanis-dragon said in New userinterface....I don't like it:


    Agreed. I was really hoping they would change it back. I have no idea why they changed it in the first place or why they even used this template that they are using.

    Its like they wanted to use some of reddit among other things??

    I don't like how the new replies are stack up showing all the past replies. I like the old system because it was cleaner but now if you try to quote a person it shows every other quote.

    Does ANYONE like this new forum lay out??

    Indeed. I had hoped they would actually listen to feedback, for once.

    It would be a lot better if the posts used the same font as in the composition window. I know it's not quite the pirate theme they want but it's a whole lot easier to read than what they have. What even is that font? It's all over the place!

  • @musicmee

    Hey, is it me, or did they change the UI even further?? Whenever I try to space my comments so its not just one big giant wall of text, it doesn't space.

    I just put a space between this comment and the previous one and its going to show on the Preview side that its spaced but when I post it, its going to be condensed.

    @Musicmee TELL THEM TO CHANGE IT BACK PLEEEEEASE!!!! Whoever has this love for the reddit forums, tell them to go back to reddit or to have an original ideal. This UI is horrible.

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