Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?

  • Starting to notice this more and more every session. People spamming the DPI switch when eating food after missing a shot underwater. As someone who doesn't abuse it, I can only laugh at those bad enough at the game to resort to it. This isn't like other exploits and glitches with combat. This requires zero skill to pull off and is breaking the game deliberately to gain an advantage. Similar to lag switching.

    I have been recording my encounters with this and submitting them as tickets and moving on. I just wanted to gauge the temperature of the room.

    Do you think this is this cheating? Is it a tactic? Do you see no problem with it?

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  • @satanicnemesis said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    Starting to notice this more and more every session. People spamming the DPI switch when eating food after missing a shot underwater. As someone who doesn't abuse it, I can only laugh at those bad enough at the game to resort to it. This isn't like other exploits and glitches with combat. This requires zero skill to pull off and is breaking the game deliberately to gain an advantage. Similar to lag switching.

    I have been recording my encounters with this and submitting them as tickets and moving on. I just wanted to gauge the temperature of the room.

    Do you think this is this cheating? Is it a tactic?

    I report it with video evidence any time I come across it and the feedback from Rare is always that the player(s) responsible has been suspended/banned. That tells me everything I need to know.

  • @stainiak I have yet to receive any feedback like that. Although I am glad to see me recording these encounters has not gone to waste.

  • @satanicnemesis

    what does spamming DPI switch?
    I'm not aware what it does?

    the lag-switching was also sonething that i didnt know, maybe all the sweats complaining about bad hitreg need to pull it off :D jk :D

  • @stundorn said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:


    what does spamming DPI switch?
    I'm not aware what it does?

    the lag-switching was also sonething that i didnt know, maybe all the sweats complaining about bad hitreg need to pull it off :D jk :D

    DPI switching changes the sensitivity of your mouse on the fly. When you're in the water you can up the sensitivity to crazy levels (depending on the mouse) and then rock it back and forth. This makes your character model go crazy and pretty much unhittable.

  • @stainiak was testing it with a buddy and you can still hit them where they were standing. That was over the summer though so maybe it changed.

  • @Stundorn @Bronzeinquiztor

    Here is an example

  • @stainiak @SatanicNemesis

    thanks i know what it is (DPI) , i use it sometimes for myself and switch between 2 settings that differ 400 dpi, but not for SoT.

    Meanwhile all the sweaty exploits and such make me laugh and not want to PvP against all these ridiculous gamers ;D

    seem all weak to me, bad PvPers who need to do this and more bad sportsmen!

    to me this is cheating!!!

  • I've seen it a couple of times lately. It just makes me laugh at how desperate they are... I even tell them I'm playing on controller, they don't need to be that sweaty XD

    You can actually hit them though, the hitbox is still there, it's just a little harder to find.

  • @satanicnemesis said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    Do you think this is this cheating?

    I don't think it constitutes cheating but It's definitely wrong.

    Is it a tactic?

    No, it isn't. No matter how much anyone says "it's just one of those high skill nuances!!11!!" -- it really is not...

    Do you see no problem with it?

    Yeah I think it's a problem. Not every mouse has a DPI switch. Why should someone else be able to get an advantage that I don't have just because they bought a higher end mouse? I don't see how Rare can patch it though.

  • @stainiak I do that trick with my controller all the time, have not had any bans or reports so far. My controller is set to max sensitivity so I can spin in water like a broken off turbo prop blade. If I ever get email from Rare I will sent them screenshot of my controller settings with message "Go Away"
    DPI switching does not work correctly Mouse spins but movement left right is still the same on keyboard, However, controller at max is the way to go because makes your character spin and circle center thus people can't really target you.. And if you have Elite controller or better you can adjust sensitivity on the fly.

  • @chronodusk sagte in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    Yeah I think it's a problem. Not every mouse has a DPI switch. Why should someone else be able to get an advantage that I don't have just because they bought a higher end mouse? I don't see how Rare can patch it though.

    you know people use hardware crosshairs and makros etc...?

    people also have different powerfull rigs.
    xbox old and new
    a 3 yeaar old laptop with 15" Monitor at 50Hz and People running it in 4k @144 Hz or even 240Hz with 120+ fps etc...

    I say it's cheating, a hardware crosshair in your monitor is maybe not.

    i use none of it, dont have a monitor that can do that, but i run in 2k @144Hz with good fps between 80 and 120 depending how many ships are around.

  • @jadescissors32 said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    @stainiak I do that trick with my controller all the time, have not had any bans or reports so far. My controller is set to max sensitivity so I can spin in water like a broken off turbo prop blade. If I ever get email from Rare I will sent them screenshot of my controller settings with message "Go Away"
    DPI switching does not work correctly Mouse spins but movement left right is still the same on keyboard, However, controller at max is the way to go because makes your character spin and circle center thus people can't really target you.. And if you have Elite controller or better you can adjust sensitivity on the fly.

    Only because you've not been caught before. If only there were some way for Rare to find out about you doing this.... Oh.

  • People have been debating for a while now on whether or not this is an exploit. I argue that it is an exploit because there are already hitbox issues in this game so boosting your DPI and spamming your mouse back and forth is exploiting the hitbox issue.

    People who abuse this are the same people who cover their sensor when playing laser tag. lol

  • Even if you can still hit them by shooting at the center of their rotation, it's still a cheap move because a lot of people won't know that. It should be fixed.

  • @stainiak said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    @jadescissors32 said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    @stainiak I do that trick with my controller all the time, have not had any bans or reports so far. My controller is set to max sensitivity so I can spin in water like a broken off turbo prop blade. If I ever get email from Rare I will sent them screenshot of my controller settings with message "Go Away"
    DPI switching does not work correctly Mouse spins but movement left right is still the same on keyboard, However, controller at max is the way to go because makes your character spin and circle center thus people can't really target you.. And if you have Elite controller or better you can adjust sensitivity on the fly.

    Only because you've not been caught before. If only there were some way for Rare to find out about you doing this.... Oh.

    LOL You mean RARE would have a problem with me running my controller on highest sensitivity (one they allow in their settings)?
    If they ever sent me complain about it I will post that on Twitter and hashtag Microsoft in it for most idiotic ban ever. I have my controller on highest setting for some time. So clearly they don't share your concerns. In fact since settings are in the game they can easily search who has controllers set to max.

  • @d3adst1ck Thats why if you use XBOX controller, there is no center. Nobody can hit you .
    It takes practice to use controller at the max but once you get used to, its a absolutely crazy what you can do with it.

  • It's one of those things that if enough people do it most will resort to it to keep up.

  • @jadescissors32 said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    @stainiak said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    @jadescissors32 said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    @stainiak I do that trick with my controller all the time, have not had any bans or reports so far. My controller is set to max sensitivity so I can spin in water like a broken off turbo prop blade. If I ever get email from Rare I will sent them screenshot of my controller settings with message "Go Away"
    DPI switching does not work correctly Mouse spins but movement left right is still the same on keyboard, However, controller at max is the way to go because makes your character spin and circle center thus people can't really target you.. And if you have Elite controller or better you can adjust sensitivity on the fly.

    Only because you've not been caught before. If only there were some way for Rare to find out about you doing this.... Oh.

    LOL You mean RARE would have a problem with me running my controller on highest sensitivity (one they allow in their settings)?
    If they ever sent me complain about it I will post that on Twitter and hashtag Microsoft in it for most idiotic ban ever. I have my controller on highest setting for some time. So clearly they don't share your concerns. In fact since settings are in the game they can easily search who has controllers set to max.

    Outstanding logic. Do you seriously not get that you're boasting about cheating/exploiting here? How would it be an idiotic ban to remove someone exploiting? Setting a controller's setting to max is not the same as someone then actively exploiting that fact to, as you have helpfully admitted in here, make you unhittable.

    As for you posting on Twitter.... how are you getting on with Microsoft? Have you managed to get them to make Rare turn chat back on in arena yet?

  • @stainiak I can run my controller on any settings I want. There is no cheating here or exploit.
    Just because you think something, does not mean it is.
    Stop spreading FUD.
    In fact people who constantly spread misinformation on this forum should be banned.

    As for the Arena lack of voice chat I opened ticket and its "Under investigation" . If more people open tickets they will have to re-enable voice.

  • @jadescissors32

    You are talking as if you don't actually understand the issue in the OP. I run my controller at max sensitivity as well (and it's an Elite also).

    There is a WORLD of difference however between the highest sensitivity on a controller and the type of sensitivity achievable with DPI switching on a mouse.

    Like I said, the hitbox is still there, just a lot harder to find when players do that. I think there could be things Rare could do to combat it, such as setting an upper limit on movement speed in a given time, but I don't think they will. It's up there with bunny hopping as one of the most annoyingly pathetic things about combat in this game for me that really takes me out of the game.

  • @realstyli I do understand what OP means, he/she thinks its DPI switching. My point is DPI switching is not really a problem because person spins in one spot. Vs with controller at max you circle, or when you bunny hop it makes you jump much greater distance and its easier to randomize.
    None of that is exploit or cheating. Its using tools available.
    There is no rule in game that says you have to move slow and only left and right.

  • @jadescissors32 said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    @stainiak I can run my controller on any settings I want. There is no cheating here or exploit.
    Just because you think something, does not mean it is.
    Stop spreading FUD.
    In fact people who constantly spread misinformation on this forum should be banned.

    As for the Arena lack of voice chat I opened ticket and its "Under investigation" . If more people open tickets they will have to re-enable voice.

    Do you need me to quote you saying you become unhittable again? No misinformation here, I have quotes from you for everything.

  • @stainiak Me using high sensitivity on controller so I can move so fast so I become unhittable is cheating ? Since when ?
    Show me rule where it says I need to play slow ? When There is rule like that you may have something until there is rule like that you are spreading FUD and I can move as fast as I want.
    We all have controllers, we all have the same sensitivity settings.

  • @realstyli said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    Like I said, the hitbox is still there, just a lot harder to find when players do that. I think there could be things Rare could do to combat it, such as setting an upper limit on movement speed in a given time, but I don't think they will.

    I don't know if it's that easy unless they can somehow only apply the rotation limit when you are underwater and not on a ship or land (and I'm not sure how floating on the surface of the water would work).

    The only reason this works like it does is because your axis of rotation is offset when underwater to give you the feeling of swimming vs. being able to rotate freely on the surface. They could easily fix it by just removing the rotation offset, which means trying to do this would just spin you in place instead of glitch your avatar position out, but this would probably make swimming feel less like swimming.

  • @d3adst1ck If they doing DPI switch than its easy, just fire at the center. It will hit. I find those easier than regular swimmers since they just rotate making nice big target like a bulls eye.

    If they using controller its much much harder, you have to actually target character and predict circle they are making. Which makes hitting it very hard. Doable but very very hard.

  • @jadescissors32 You're not providing any new information or really contributing to the thread in general. We all know that you can hit in the center, that's not the problem.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    @jadescissors32 You're not providing any new information or really contributing to the thread in general. We all know that you can hit in the center, that's not the problem.

    Clearly not everybody know this, otherwise this topic would not exist. People who use DPI switch are not a problem, all they doing is delaying inevitable. In fact making it easier. I don't want that to stop, makes easier for me. :)

    P.S. This topic would be much more helpful if it was like that:
    Q: "People using DPI switch how can i combat this?"
    A: "Aim at center of rotation like a bullseye< press fire"

  • @jadescissors32 said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    @d3adst1ck said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    @jadescissors32 You're not providing any new information or really contributing to the thread in general. We all know that you can hit in the center, that's not the problem.

    Clearly not everybody know this, otherwise this topic would not exist.

    That would be an incorrect assumption. I do know this and the thread exists to see the common consensus from the players here.

    In my experience, it doesn't hit every time, and it's a frustrating thing to deal with as it can waste ammo in the water when you need it.

    Just because you have high sensitivity option doesn't mean abusing the tech to warp underwater is not an exploit.

  • @jadescissors32 said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    P.S. This topic would be much more helpful if it was like that:
    Q: "People using DPI switch how can i combat this?"
    A: "Aim at center of rotation like a bullseye< press fire"

    That would be helpful if that is what the thread was about, but it isn't.

  • @satanicnemesis

    That would be an incorrect assumption. I do know this and the thread exists to see the common consensus from the players here.

    In my experience, it doesn't hit every time, and it's a frustrating thing to deal with as it can waste ammo in the water when you need it.

    Just because you have high sensitivity option doesn't mean abusing the tech to warp underwater is not an exploit.

    There two reasons why you won't get hit.

    1. You aimed incorrectly which is no different than any other aiming
    2. You got hitreg issue which is no different than any other time you getting hitreg

    So to answer your questions

    Do you think this is this cheating? ----No its normal game-play
    Is it a tactic? ----Yes, you need to be fast, and fastest pirate wins, although controller is better to do this.
    Do you see no problem with it? ---- No and I don't see why this would be problem since sensitivity setting is just for that purpose to make your movement fast.

  • @jadescissors32 said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:

    @stainiak Me using high sensitivity on controller so I can move so fast so I become unhittable is cheating ? Since when ?
    Show me rule where it says I need to play slow ? When There is rule like that you may have something until there is rule like that you are spreading FUD and I can move as fast as I want.
    We all have controllers, we all have the same sensitivity settings.

    The players I've reported and then been notified have been suspended/banned is proof enough for me. I'm happy to post the communications from Rare here.
    Or maybe someone from Rare would like to actually set the record straight, because if this is an allowed 'tactic' then Rare owes a number of players an apology.

  • @jadescissors32 said in Thoughts on DPI swiching in water?:


    That would be an incorrect assumption. I do know this and the thread exists to see the common consensus from the players here.

    In my experience, it doesn't hit every time, and it's a frustrating thing to deal with as it can waste ammo in the water when you need it.

    Just because you have high sensitivity option doesn't mean abusing the tech to warp underwater is not an exploit.

    There two reasons why you won't get hit.

    1. You aimed incorrectly which is no different than any other aiming
    2. You got hitreg issue which is no different than any other time you getting hitreg

    So to answer your questions

    Do you think this is this cheating? ----No its normal game-play
    Is it a tactic? ----Yes, you need to be fast, and fastest pirate wins, although controller is better to do this.
    Do you see no problem with it? ---- No and I don't see why this would be problem since sensitivity setting is just for that purpose to make your movement fast.

    Do you believe lag switches in online games are not cheating?

  • @stainiak If Rare really banned somebody for using High sensitivity on either mouse or controller than yeah they owe apology.
    Rare is making Microsoft Gaming services look bad.

    Quality game Bugs
    Servers having issues
    Random bans including made by rare employees associated with streamer
    Disabling content

  • @satanicnemesis Not sure what do you mean by lag switches ?

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