Release Notes - - November quality of life update

  • Release Notes - - November quality of life update

    Today's maintenance window is now over and Sea of Thieves is officially back online with update, which introduces some performance and quality of life fixes alongside a new wealth of wonders in the Pirate Emporium.

    Release Notes -


    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

    Xbox Club
    Verified Discord

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  • Nice! Seems the screen flickering which was introduced with the Halloween update has disappeared (hopefully for good).

    Did get a weird audio glitch at one point.. But maybe that was my headphones.

    Overall a nice QoL update

    • Being killed by a crewmate with a Gunpowder Barrel will no longer allow players to collect the pink flame from the Well of Fates on the Ferry of the Damned.

    Hmph. Wonder if this removed when a Crewmate leaves, making them not a crewmate anymore....

  • This is great progress but there needs to be further QOL updates. SOT still encourages toxic behavior and toxic gameplay and until thats addressed by the dev team its not going to stop. Just the other day I saw someone being quite toxic in game with name calling and hes reported but its quite clear Rare isnt doing enough to stem either toxic behavior.

  • @darkzero3802 said in Release Notes - - November quality of life update:

    This is great progress but there needs to be further QOL updates. SOT still encourages toxic behavior and toxic gameplay and until thats addressed by the dev team its not going to stop. Just the other day I saw someone being quite toxic in game with name calling and hes reported but its quite clear Rare isnt doing enough to stem either toxic behavior.

    Lol nobody "encourages" toxic behavior in or around the top brass of SOT

    They allow pirates to be pirates through gameplay in no way do they encourage legitimate toxic behavior while playing

    Most people whether gamers or developers do not want to see people engage in truly toxic behavior like racial stuff identity stuff and other personal attacks. Just because someone isn't banned that someone else wants banned doesn't mean they encourage or condone poor behavior while gaming

  • Name calling? Lol what grade is this?

  • @glannigan I'm sure some of them are in 5th Grade, and I'm sure many of them act like it on the seas.

  • Why is fixing HitRegistration so complicated? Like honestly I would like to know why, as an ignorant in game developing. Thx

  • @jaoseaking I think one of the main issues is that there are so many variables in game to account for. You have 2 players on different ships, bobbing about in the sea, each player has a different machines and a different internet connections Firing single fire weapons from different ranges, whilst jumping around. Then sometimes you might have someone who is on water and one that is on land. This could again complicate it slightly more. As with all games development and testing, things take time to iron out and be tested properly. Throw COVID in the mix and Rare working from home and I'm astounded they've provided the amazing FREE content they have this year. They'll get it fixed in the end it will just take a little more time.

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