[Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion

  • @combatxkitty "A trial? How would you propose that work within custom servers?"

    Once they work out how custom servers work Rare could down the line run beta servers. so when you launch a server it will run its own unique set of rules/code.

    Depending on how their servers are set up will dictate how doable it is but it could be a great way to get broad feedback on trial features from the community.

    Rare just need to make it crystal clear that they have the right to remove beta servers whenever they wish.

    So with pve you just run a server that has a tiny amount of gold and rewards going and you run it over a weekend. if it breaks your game you pull it if it doesn't then you can monitor it.

    and it's not even just for PVE you could trial new ships/combat changes/new items /new mission types / maybe mods down the line if Rare ever make a mod section in UE4 like Mechwarrior 5 did.

    custom servers have a lot of potential for the game and for the sea of thieves community who knows maybe ill see you all in PVP competition down the line.

  • @matmoesa said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @combatxkitty "A trial? How would you propose that work within custom servers?"

    So with pve you just run a server that has a tiny amount of gold and rewards going and you run it over a weekend. if it breaks your game you pull it if it doesn't then you can monitor it.

    and it's not even just for PVE you could trial new ships/combat changes/new items /new mission types / maybe mods down the line if Rare ever make a mod section in UE4 like Mechwarrior 5 did.

    So.. insiders? insiders where you couldn't test stuff properly because you wouldn't know how these big changes would impact PVP?

  • @bloodybil
    open beta. after the insiders have their say the rest of the community can have a dig.
    a few games have these

  • @matmoesa said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    open beta. after the insiders have their say the rest of the community can have a dig.
    a few games have these

    Whole point of insider is that they test upcoming changes and give feedback so what's the point of letting rest of the community test them before bringing them over?

  • @matmoesa said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    open beta. after the insiders have their say the rest of the community can have a dig.
    a few games have these

    You might want to read up what the insider program is, as it is open to join for people in the community, you just have to agree to the terms and accept that what you see there might not be implemented into the game or might alter:

  • @cotu42 I was not aware I thought insiders was a private club of community active members thank you for the link.

  • So here is an idea. It may have been mentioned out here already being part of this thread for so long some things escape my memory.

    Thoughts on a Tall Tale faction? You teleport to a different instance and play it out just with your crew or on your own. Faction can have a cool name (any ideas feel free to share).

    Im just thinking of modes that wont compete with Main Adventure that SOT can throw in as the game progresses.

  • @matmoesa said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @combatxkitty "A trial? How would you propose that work within custom servers?"

    Once they work out how custom servers work Rare could down the line run beta servers. so when you launch a server it will run its own unique set of rules/code.

    Depending on how their servers are set up will dictate how doable it is but it could be a great way to get broad feedback on trial features from the community.

    Rare just need to make it crystal clear that they have the right to remove beta servers whenever they wish.

    So with pve you just run a server that has a tiny amount of gold and rewards going and you run it over a weekend. if it breaks your game you pull it if it doesn't then you can monitor it.

    and it's not even just for PVE you could trial new ships/combat changes/new items /new mission types / maybe mods down the line if Rare ever make a mod section in UE4 like Mechwarrior 5 did.

    custom servers have a lot of potential for the game and for the sea of thieves community who knows maybe ill see you all in PVP competition down the line.

    Im not sure it would create a fully accurate picture though. Also for them to test a PvE server that would require alot of work, ensuring other pirates cant kill you, attack your ship, steal your loot. That seems like alot of resources to spend on a test. I mean if they are truly going to test it it needs to be tested right. Im basing the time and resource on what a dev said as to how creating a PvE server would not be easy, sure it can be done but not without lots of work.

    I would think RARE as far as testing PvE servers would reach out to the player base (this thread isnt really it) but if they could somehow sign up players for a study and poll how many want it, how much time would they spend in it ect ect. Maybe they could run this study though their insider program. If the results show its not a popular idea then no need to even bother creating a test server.

  • Does anyone on these forums really believe that this game can have separate PVP and PVE gameplay and can be enjoyed by both PVP'rs and PVE'ers?
    There are a lot of players that say "Oh, this will never happen because of (Insert a thousand ways here) or "if they ever did that it would kill the game" or my favorite "It's a Pirate game, if you don't like it, leave and play something else" well, I'd like to think positively and say that it could happen, and may be easier than you think.

    For Example: There are physical hard drives that Rare maintains that hold the "Server side" game's code, and also contain storage space to save all our reputation and other information. Their software also interacts with the game's code that we download; this is the "Client-side" software. These hard drives are also divided into sections (or what players here call "servers" that we see and interact within the game containing the Outposts, sea posts, enemies, etc.) we interact with and record it on these "Physical Hard drives" which Rare has DEV's maintaining and monitoring.

    Now where am I going with this? I'll tell you.

    Let's say for as ONLY an example, that there are 50 "Physical Hard Drives" in a group of computers that Rare has that contains 10 "Game worlds" each. That's 500 "Game worlds" (and unless you know for a fact how many they actually have, hold the irrelevant comments please, this is only an example)

    Now, Let's now say that if Rare EVER decided to Split the "Physical Hard drives" into 25 PVP (that's 250 PVP "Game Worlds) and 25 PVE (250 Game worlds), this is how they could do it. Set up the menu screen (The one that shows two options; Arena and Adventure) that If a player wanted PVP gameplay, They would simply click on that Graphical user Interface box that says "Arena" and it would send the player to the set of "Physical Hard drives" that contain the PVP game code.

    In turn, It would direct all PVE players to the other set of "Physical Hard drives" that contain PVE gameplay (That box that says Adventure). This would take some finagling, but not be very hard for the DEVs to do, then, just enable 2 instances for the PVE Game worlds;

    1. Enable "Non-Collateral Damage" so players cannot kill other players to the PVE servers. they already have this in some instances; You cannot kill your crewmates can you? no. So please don't argue that it cannot be done.

    2. The game also "Tags" crewmates together when you do voyages and Tall tales, which "Assigns" crews to their ship, gold, and reputation, yes? This means when your crew buys a Voyage or Emissary run, the game "Tags" this crew to that voyage. (You see your names when you vote on your ship, don't you? of course you do) Hence, when a crewmate turns in chests that another crewmate digs up, the whole crew gets the credit. (Not the pirate who is sitting at another outpost.) If the DEVs code this right (and I believe they most certainly could); it would mean that if you steal any gold from another crew, you get nothing, no reputation or gold, but only the crew it has been assigned to gets it. (What about shooting a whole barrel full of cannonballs through another players ship? no. and no fire / bluster bombs either? no.)These DEV's are capable of doing this, believe it. Will they? It is not for you or I to say, so please don't say they won't.

    AND on the PVP "Game worlds", the DEVs really could leave it alone, there's nothing much to do. Players would experience pretty much everything what they have now, Collateral Damage, NPC interaction, stealing other players loot, and the ever so popular thrill of sinking someone's else's ship. and anyone who sets sail on the "Arena" (PVP only Game worlds) knows everyone is a target, thus there will be no whining about griefing, bullying, Toxicity, Etc. (Unless they are really sore losers, but hey, they actually KNEW to choose ARENA)
    Hence all players will be happy playing the game according to how they wish to play the game, no matter their gameplay styles.

    To be frank about this, (and I'm not the only one who thinks this way) If this game came out as strictly a PVE game with no PVP at all, I believe this game would still be as popular as it is today.
    Oh Yea, One last thing: I play this game and love it. please don't waste your breath trying to tell me to "grow up", "learn the game", "play smarter", yada, yada, yada... Don't try to convince me this game should not ever change because YOU like it this way. I know that, and I'm glad you do. I'm trying to just inform you all that there is a possible way to give what all of us want; a great Pirate game that caters to all: PVP and PVE playstyle players.

  • @gipperseadog Your understanding of servers and the coding of the game is rudimentary but not entirely wrong.
    Could Rare split the player base by pve and pvp intentions? yes, but it would be akin to building and then maintaining and entirely new game, it would take a lot of time and resources.
    To be clear, Rare could do what you suggest, but it is in no way "simple" or "easy" or "quick".
    The discussion isn't "could Rare do this?" but "should Rare do this?"

  • @gipperseadog

    First off, you are way off base on how the servers work. The servers are not physical, they are set up virtually by cloud. There are no hard drives so to speak. The servers are allowed to be updated in real time.

    So what would happen is if a PvE server needed to be activated due to someone choosing PvE, it would just allocate the necessary resources and open a server and use the PvE version of the game. There is no splitting of the hard-drives.

    The directional path you are using is backwards. Servers aren't active first then a player is sent to the one that is open. A server is created and open when it needs to place a player into a new server and shut down after a set number of hours.

    The cloud service though great for easy infrastructure wide updates and easy scalability. The servers are acclimated by use. Its set up virtually so there are no "physical" machines.

    Also the issue is not the creating separate servers that will be the issue, because of the cloud updating the game is easy. The issue is purely how to code the game correctly to avoid abuse and exploitation which for some reason PvE'ers just believe they will be protected from such acts.

    Kegs, fire bombs, blunder bombs, a lot of damage is not direct damage in this game. They make it to where ships don't take damage from other player ships, okay what about kegs?? Players can still swim up to your boat and detonate a keg and you now have holes. Worse part is you can't kill them so they can harass you the whole time. Loot isn't player designated so players could steal your loot. Without being able to damage other players they could freely climb your ladders and dump your loot off the side.


    Maintaining a new game?? Negative. Time and resources to code it, yes, to maintain it no. The price is scalable to need.

    Most people don't get the concept between virtual and physical. Not saying you are one of those peeps. Just saying. The servers are virtually created and deactivated as needed. Since its all virtual this doesn't cause any issues with the maintaining portion or the resources.

    The issue is and always has been the splitting of the player base and the issues that would arise from trying to create the code necessary for PvE servers in the first place.

    Like you already understand, PvE players think they will be safe from any aggression but already know thats false. They are going to get trolled by kegs, players getting onto their boat that they can't stop. It would just take WAY too much time and resources to figure out all the ins and outs to stop players from exploitating the loopholes they could find, and we are gamers, we will FIND the loopholes.

  • @xultanis-dragon Sorry I kinda phrased what I was saying wrong, you're right though.
    What I was failing to try and explain was that now Rare have two different games, which each will have their own balancing issues and requirements for new content. It would not be as simple as cutting and pasting content from one into the other.

  • @cotu42 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    Why is this reliant on the recently played players or any external approach?

    Because short of turning my ship around and fighting them while trying to give pointers, there's no real way easy to communicate?

    Why would this be based on their actions of requesting information instead of you offering it?

    Like I said, I had no way to talk to them peacefully, like via Xbox messaging, and every other moment we spent near each other they were really super trying to kill me. Makes for a difficult classroom. Lol

    Where do your actions during that time frame reflect any empathy for their position?

    They went hostile first. Once you fire the first shot, it's empathy off, as you've (the player, not you per se) told me you want to fight and/or kill me.

    Do you not claim to be a pirate that has empathy for others, that shows mercy to new players. Their white knight that comes in here to protect those that struggle with PvP while being fully capable themselves, to then turn around within the game world to slaughter them all!

    In self defense. Lol. I'm not handing anyone my loot.

    Imagine people complain about people that PvP if their white knight comes here with their cutlass dripping with their blood and goes... I think they have a point and laughs in their face while offering no mercy, they came for the chest and so they had to die!

    I feel bad for homeless people, but if one tried to rob me he's getting shot. Same logic.

    I am calling out the hypocrisy of your words here not reflecting in the choices you made within the game - while judging others and claiming they do not care or have empathy. You choose not to take a single bit of effort to try and show mercy or empathy for their situation. You can claim it afterwards, I felt so bad doing it... while laughing, but you choose to do it; You embodied the PvP player you claim to judge. No quarters given, no mercy and no peace offerings.

    If they had broken persuit, and left to do anything that wasn't attacking me I'd have left them alone. There's a clear difference between self defense and mindless attacking anything that moves.

    Empathy is lost on others? While you choose to brutally slaughter a new crew of pirates for nearly an hour, which by your own accord was so one sided that it made you laugh about how you as a single pirate were mopping the floor with them. Yet now you claim that you had zero opportunity during that entire time the chance to offer an olive branch, show some mercy and empathy or any tips or guidance? You actions speak louder than your words here.

    The reason I found them the second time was when I did go looking for them after cashing in my loot, but they had the next reaper chest when I found them, and they fired first. Thus, no attempt could be made at peace, and so I decided to teach the hard lesson of not shooting first unless you plan to win.

    Important lesson I think.

    My example of what I do, is during battle and it is within the game world. You don't need a recent player record or a personal message or an after fight breakdown session, you can talk to them within the game at that moment; even the speaking horn has pre-made selections that can be used to express a peace offering. You claim to be the one in control of the situation, yet you did nothing to show mercy or empathy.

    I really gotta emphasize the fact it was self defense, but yeah, I didn't think of the wheel of quick messages.

    Fair enough

    You can give them advise while fighting them even, like:

    • You should really guard your ladders, I keep boarding you.
    • Why are you trying to snipe me with a blunderbuss, it is only effective at close range.
    • You might want to bucket soon, as you are taking on a lot of water!
    • You might want to spawn in with your crew, because you guys keep losing the 1 on 1... work as a team!
    • You might want to try and block sometimes!

    Mostly I do this when I can, so I agree with this

    You only have control over your own actions, those actions define what type of pirate you really are... and you are not showcasing that you are a pirate that has empathy, quite the contrary; you fall more within the brutal type. Regardless of what you type here, your actions within the game are not that of one that considers others. Nothing wrong with that, as I am no saint either... but when I notice people are as new as you claimed you noticed they were, I do reach out with a peace offering; Not that it is always accepted, salty pirates and all. I even admit that at times I am the 'bad' guy, while I always try to leave an opportunity for those willing to strike a deal and offer it myself.

    I concur, and have the same mentality. But if I'm attacked first, and the messages don't get them to stop, then they're always going to the locker before I am.

    One does not have the ability to determine what others will do, but they do have control over the actions and choices they make. You are the one responsible for the actions you choose to do, your choice was to show no mercy and to beat them down till they gave up or sank. Yet claim now to be in favor of protecting them, while that protection does not address the core issue they were experiencing; their lack of knowledge on how to deal with PvP.

    Thanks dad, I never knew I was in control. I always thought it was the invisible boy in my finger. 🙄.

    Like I said, they didn't relent. So they died. Twice. Maybe next time I won't go back to try and be helpful. I dunno.

    @COMBATxKITTY I judge people based on what they show me. It's not always right, but has been pointed out by by bff here, I'm not a prophet and cannot devine things I'm not shown.

    Thank you for sharing, and I won't make that assumption about you in the future.

    It is funny, because your story that you show is the embodiment of what you claim to judge.

    I can see how you'd think that. But it wasn't my intention. Just the result of things. 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @cotu42 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    Why is this reliant on the recently played players or any external approach?

    Because short of turning my ship around and fighting them while trying to give pointers, there's no real way easy to communicate?

    Do you not have a microphone? do you not use your speaking trumpet? in a pinch you can type your messages out and have the game read it out for you.

  • @scarecrow1771 this particular instance I had my wife napping on the couch next to me, so technically I didn't have a mic. Not if I wanted to live.

    I chose life.

  • @omgitsnegan So you had plenty of ways to communicate peaceful and you chose you use none of them because of irl things.
    So this is not a failing of the game at all, only a choice that you have made.

  • @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @cotu42 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    Why is this reliant on the recently played players or any external approach?

    Because short of turning my ship around and fighting them while trying to give pointers, there's no real way easy to communicate?

    You are on their ship, killing them... all I hear here are excuses. You were dominating them no? You could have talked while fighting them.

    Why would this be based on their actions of requesting information instead of you offering it?

    Like I said, I had no way to talk to them peacefully, like via Xbox messaging, and every other moment we spent near each other they were really super trying to kill me. Makes for a difficult classroom. Lol

    Your point is - external programs are not peaceful or offensive just other channels. Just speak within the game, I do it all the time; so once again that is your choice. The game itself offers the tools, you just choose not to use them.

    Where do your actions during that time frame reflect any empathy for their position?

    They went hostile first. Once you fire the first shot, it's empathy off, as you've (the player, not you per se) told me you want to fight and/or kill me.

    Oooh so you are brutal, no empathy, no mercy, no forgiving! That is my point, you call out others while it is you that shows no empathy or mercy. Weren't you telling us how you empathized for their position?

    Do you not claim to be a pirate that has empathy for others, that shows mercy to new players. Their white knight that comes in here to protect those that struggle with PvP while being fully capable themselves, to then turn around within the game world to slaughter them all!

    In self defense. Lol. I'm not handing anyone my loot.

    Who states you have to hand out loot, aren't you a capable pirate that can negotiate while keeping themselves safe? You claim to be at our level of skill, that you know how to navigate the seas... out sailing a bunch of new players shouldn't be that tall of an order.

    Imagine people complain about people that PvP if their white knight comes here with their cutlass dripping with their blood and goes... I think they have a point and laughs in their face while offering no mercy, they came for the chest and so they had to die!

    I feel bad for homeless people, but if one tried to rob me he's getting shot. Same logic.

    What... that makes no sense at all. Homeless people aren't by definition criminals and pirates in this game are not some misfortunate individuals. This analogy is so wrong for so many reasons.

    If you do not expect in Sea of Thieves that shots will be fired and use that as an excuse to not show any mercy or empathy to others, you cannot claim that you are in here for their interests or care about them; your choices are to show no mercy or empathy.

    This is not based on their actions, you do not control their actions and I am not stating to recklessly anchor your ship. I am stating to offer out a hand, because by the sounds of it you didn't reach out at all and you were also killing them, but they shouldn't try to kill you right.

    Combat, Stealing, Sneaking are all part of the game and is what we all accept. These actions are acceptable within the society of pirates in the Sea of Thieves. These are not criminal acts, that is just how disputes are settled within this world.

    I am calling out the hypocrisy of your words here not reflecting in the choices you made within the game - while judging others and claiming they do not care or have empathy. You choose not to take a single bit of effort to try and show mercy or empathy for their situation. You can claim it afterwards, I felt so bad doing it... while laughing, but you choose to do it; You embodied the PvP player you claim to judge. No quarters given, no mercy and no peace offerings.

    If they had broken persuit, and left to do anything that wasn't attacking me I'd have left them alone. There's a clear difference between self defense and mindless attacking anything that moves.

    This is not showing mercy or empathy, this is once again telling us that they are the ones in control or your reactions? We are talking about your actions here not what other people should do. Them breaking of pursuit is them admitting defeat, not you showing them mercy or empathy.

    The actions that go along with mercy, empathy and such are not the ones you showcased here. The question is how are you responding to the situation, not how the others are and this is a mistake many people make here; influence what you can, make the choices that reflect you and be the one in control.

    Empathy is lost on others? While you choose to brutally slaughter a new crew of pirates for nearly an hour, which by your own accord was so one sided that it made you laugh about how you as a single pirate were mopping the floor with them. Yet now you claim that you had zero opportunity during that entire time the chance to offer an olive branch, show some mercy and empathy or any tips or guidance? You actions speak louder than your words here.

    The reason I found them the second time was when I did go looking for them after cashing in my loot, but they had the next reaper chest when I found them, and they fired first. Thus, no attempt could be made at peace, and so I decided to teach the hard lesson of not shooting first unless you plan to win.

    Important lesson I think.

    Of course they fired! You were in a battle before, you slaughtered them! Why would they assume you are friendly? They now were the ones with loot and you were the one trying to steal from them. By your previous statements their only choice is to fire! Why do they now have to risk their treasure, while you are coming to steal from them for all they know?

    An attempt can be made, you just didn't try! This just showcases more and more that even when you have nothing to lose, you don't even attempt to show empathy, mercy or try to educate new players. You simply crush them, because how dare they do the logical thing and shoot at the person that just before then was killing them.

    You try to lay blame on the other party, their actions and state that you have no say in the matter. Yet how you respond is totally in your control! Your actions are the ones that are in question here, not those of the other crew.

    My example of what I do, is during battle and it is within the game world. You don't need a recent player record or a personal message or an after fight breakdown session, you can talk to them within the game at that moment; even the speaking horn has pre-made selections that can be used to express a peace offering. You claim to be the one in control of the situation, yet you did nothing to show mercy or empathy.

    I really gotta emphasize the fact it was self defense, but yeah, I didn't think of the wheel of quick messages.

    Fair enough

    A battle is a battle, the second time around you were the initiator... you sailed to them. So, your excuse of self defense is not valid there for instance; you already sold everything.

    You can give them advise while fighting them even, like:

    • You should really guard your ladders, I keep boarding you.
    • Why are you trying to snipe me with a blunderbuss, it is only effective at close range.
    • You might want to bucket soon, as you are taking on a lot of water!
    • You might want to spawn in with your crew, because you guys keep losing the 1 on 1... work as a team!
    • You might want to try and block sometimes!

    Mostly I do this when I can, so I agree with this

    Well you claim they didn't understand how you got on board, so I doubt you told them.

    You only have control over your own actions, those actions define what type of pirate you really are... and you are not showcasing that you are a pirate that has empathy, quite the contrary; you fall more within the brutal type. Regardless of what you type here, your actions within the game are not that of one that considers others. Nothing wrong with that, as I am no saint either... but when I notice people are as new as you claimed you noticed they were, I do reach out with a peace offering; Not that it is always accepted, salty pirates and all. I even admit that at times I am the 'bad' guy, while I always try to leave an opportunity for those willing to strike a deal and offer it myself.

    I concur, and have the same mentality. But if I'm attacked first, and the messages don't get them to stop, then they're always going to the locker before I am.

    This I understand, because let me straight; there is no problem that you slaughtered them and did it in silence even. Like that is a valid choice and up to you. Just like that I roll up to others and based on the situation will simply open fire myself or try to reach out in a friendly gesture.

    One does not have the ability to determine what others will do, but they do have control over the actions and choices they make. You are the one responsible for the actions you choose to do, your choice was to show no mercy and to beat them down till they gave up or sank. Yet claim now to be in favor of protecting them, while that protection does not address the core issue they were experiencing; their lack of knowledge on how to deal with PvP.

    Thanks dad, I never knew I was in control. I always thought it was the invisible boy in my finger. 🙄.

    Like I said, they didn't relent. So they died. Twice. Maybe next time I won't go back to try and be helpful. I dunno.

    Did you talk to them though, nobody trusts a silent pirate! They also should not trust a silent pirate, as there is no way to know their intent!

    @COMBATxKITTY I judge people based on what they show me. It's not always right, but has been pointed out by by bff here, I'm not a prophet and cannot devine things I'm not shown.

    Thank you for sharing, and I won't make that assumption about you in the future.

    It is funny, because your story that you show is the embodiment of what you claim to judge.

    I can see how you'd think that. But it wasn't my intention. Just the result of things. 🤷🏼‍♂️

    Yes, but that is our point! Based on the choices we make, how the other responds and how things act out the result can be that of a PvP battle where people lose. You take these type of stories and place your judgement! While you are here showcasing that you yourself do the exact same thing, you filthy PvPer XD

    You are showcasing exactly the issue with those that ask for PVE calling out PVP players. Just because they lost in battle is just the result of the choices of the people involved. If you want to change the result, then you have to change your behavior. You only control one side of the coin, but the whole victimhood is just people unwilling to adapt and learn. Providing an environment where they do not encounter things, does not teach them. No lessons are learned.

    There is nothing wrong in losing at times, having other people steal from you. Being in a situation where you lost your loot, your ship was sunk while you were on the island, where you got boarded and killed. Let me take your own words:

    so I decided to teach the hard lesson of not shooting first unless you plan to win.

    Important lesson I think.

    All these things are important lessons, the question is whether people are willing to learn. Those that PvE also have important lessons to learn like; Watch the horizon, Be prepared, Speak, Sail, Be quick on the island!

    Become a capable pirate, learn how you want to respond and the results might shift in your favor. Just like they did for you!

    Let me point out though that it is in your pirating style that if someone shoots first they have to prepare for battle till the bitter end. In my style they have a chance to resolve it peacefully even after shots are fired.

  • @CotU42

    Yet the idea is to have a shared world, not a PvP festivity. A PvEvP world environment and so PvE is a crucial part of it. Once again you are making my argument for me, the destruction of the PvEvP shared world uniqueness that is the Sea of Thieves.

    I just stop trying to speaking with you cause you don't understand some things i've said.
    I didn't make your argument, i'm just trying, for like... 3 posts, to tell you, some people don't want to have encounters in PvP !
    The uniqueness of the game for some people don't lye in the fact you could make random encounters. Honestly, give me an empty server just for me and i'll be the happiest man. Okay, i'm maybe alone thinking that, but i can assure you i've made many games with friends in which we didn't encounter any ships and it was great. Or when we saw some, and just sails in the opposite way.

    It's not because you like this part of the game that everyone have to like it. It's the same for my opinion. I understand some people don't want PvE servers. But eyh, for 3 years people are asking for it, so maybe, people don't want the uniqueness of PvEvP. Understand ? Or because it's not your point of view, you can't.

    And btw, i don't care if there is no danger when i'm playing. The simple fact of doing PvE events and going back to Outpost is enought for me. I don't like danger.
    Anyway that's my last post, i don't want to read a "Yeah but you're making my point because i'm saying that blablablabla"

  • @bodyglove-san

    This is a PvEvP game, if you do not want to encounter PvP ever then that means you didn't do your research in the type of game you bought. The whole concept and vision of the game was to have random encounters, so if you do not like that aspect... then you simply don't actually like the game concept of Sea of Thieves.

    You did illustrate exactly my points, I cannot help that you are showcasing what I am talking about. You cannot look at these type of additions in isolation just made for you on an individual level, the fact is that it is offered to everyone and the impact that has needs to be considered.

    If you are searching for an amazing PvE only game, there is a brand new one I have been addicted to; Valheim. As guess what I also really enjoy PvE games and no one game can accommodate everything. Find the game that suits what you are seeking, there is no need for games to change their very nature to accommodate you.

  • Since the game launched there's been so many PvE features added, Megalodons, the Kracken, Ashen Lords, Skeleton ships and alongside them, bigger adventures and tall tales to journey on. All of this is pure PvE and it's great.

    However, this is where the risk of losing well earned and incredibly time consuming spoils increases and after spending literally hours on many challenges the last thing you want to worry about is finally getting back to an outpost to fully realise the fruits of your labour.

    This is where the PvE really clashes with the PvP element and you also find some really sleazy activity from players hell bent on just robbing you of your loot you've expended so much effort to acquire with as little effort on their part. Or they will chase you all over the map for literally hours. I'm 44 years old with a wife and kids, I don't have the time or patience for that.

    There's still a risk and there's still excitement to be had - I've had a ship full of loot and have then been fending off the Kracken or a Megalodon when a Skeleton Galleon decides to surface alongside me a number of times.

    So you have people wanting to play a PvE style game and being able to really do that because of all the cool features now in place; and then you have others who want to avoid all of that effort and to steal from these people as soon as they complete the voyage - you even get some players actively seeking out and hiding away on ships that are off on Athena quests which is just ridiculous.

    You also have players behaving really badly in other ways, camping out on outposts (with no ship in sight), sinking an empty, moored ship and killing the player who's just fishing or cooking something. It's happened far too many times and that's not PvP - it's just griefing.

    There are so many great bits of PvE that work beautifully already and then there's the Arena for all your PvP needs and there's other ways PvP could continue to work.

    SoT could be changed to PvE so easily and still be incredibly engaging and enjoyable, the only thing that conflicts with this is The Reaper's Bones now as their whole remit is pretty much to steal from others (or at least not sell to the other merchants) so I don't know how you could cater for everyone.

    One option would be that PvP is disabled unless you sail under an emissary banner and then you're risking losing your spoils in order to gain more when you complete a voyage/adventure.

    If you don't sail as am emissary, you're avoiding PvP and you can still get gold and reputation at an outpost but only at the base level.

    The Reaper's Bones players can go on the same voyages but cash in at the hideout instead of at outposts - and they can still attack other players who are taking the risk as an emissary.

    You'd still get players wanting to take the risk as the reward is so much higher but you'd also accommodate casual players who just want to be left alone and don't mind taking extra time to increase their reputation.

  • @bodyglove-san said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:


    Yet the idea is to have a shared world, not a PvP festivity. A PvEvP world environment and so PvE is a crucial part of it. Once again you are making my argument for me, the destruction of the PvEvP shared world uniqueness that is the Sea of Thieves.

    I just stop trying to speaking with you cause you don't understand some things i've said.
    I didn't make your argument, i'm just trying, for like... 3 posts, to tell you, some people don't want to have encounters in PvP !
    The uniqueness of the game for some people don't lye in the fact you could make random encounters. Honestly, give me an empty server just for me and i'll be the happiest man. Okay, i'm maybe alone thinking that, but i can assure you i've made many games with friends in which we didn't encounter any ships and it was great. Or when we saw some, and just sails in the opposite way.

    It's not because you like this part of the game that everyone have to like it. It's the same for my opinion. I understand some people don't want PvE servers. But eyh, for 3 years people are asking for it, so maybe, people don't want the uniqueness of PvEvP. Understand ? Or because it's not your point of view, you can't.

    And btw, i don't care if there is no danger when i'm playing. The simple fact of doing PvE events and going back to Outpost is enought for me. I don't like danger.
    Anyway that's my last post, i don't want to read a "Yeah but you're making my point because i'm saying that blablablabla"

    The whole game isn't a 'PvP Festivity' as you put it. I've very often had sessions where I haven't interacted with any other crew because they have kept to themsevles and I've kept myself to myself.

    I agree that some people don't want to have PvP encounters and that is their choice...however I'm sorry, but they shouldn't have bought a PvPvE game. I don't particularly like the concept of BR games, it simply doesn't appeal to me...but I've not bought PUBG and then gone on their Forums demanding they change their game to suit me....

    Also the comment about this has been requested for 3 years is simply irrelavent. A little digging into the players that make these requests shows that the majority of them are 'Castaways' (New to the forum) and have played less than a few hours of the game (usually haven't bothered with the Maiden Voyage as their is an achievement for completing it). They haven't taken the time to even try and play the game as intended/advertised so they just come on here demanding change.

    Given the fact that the game is 3 years old, if Rare was even considering to implement such a mode, they would have done so much earlier in it's life cycle. Instead they have stuck to their core design principles and built their community around that. They know they can't please anyone, but you're never going to be able to! They have also dismissed the thought of a PvE mode number of times on their live streams etc.

    Your post also highlights one of the key issues with the request....

    "Honestly, give me an empty server just for me and i'll be the happiest man."

    That's fine for you and maybe a tiny percentage of those that have bought the game. The vast majority of people are quite happy with how the game is.... this can be deducted by the total number of 'For' and 'Against' posts just on this mega thread. You can also consider that only a small percentage of the overall player base is on the forum, meaning people haven't had that much of an issue with the game that they have looked up where they could potentially voice their opinions.

    A game shouldn't be changed for a minority.

  • @scarecrow1771 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @omgitsnegan So you had plenty of ways to communicate peaceful and you chose you use none of them because of irl things.
    So this is not a failing of the game at all, only a choice that you have made.

    I uh, never said it was the game's fault, man.

    Why do you always put words in people's mouths that they've not said?

  • @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @cotu42 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    The reason I found them the second time was when I did go looking for them after cashing in my loot, but they had the next reaper chest when I found them, and they fired first. Thus, no attempt could be made at peace, and so I decided to teach the hard lesson of not shooting first unless you plan to win.

    Important lesson I think.

    In all fairness to them they had no clue what your intentions were because you were silent the entire time. As far as they know you were just the guy who destroyed them for an hour and were coming back for seconds. Not sure why you were expecting a friendly greeting or maybe you wanted to see if they would attack so you could gank them again. I just say that because I had an aggressive friend PvP'er who would approach players in situations where players had every right to be weary and if they so much as made one false move he would use that as his "go" to destroy newbies and have an excuse for it when I told him to knock it off he would say "well they fired first!", needless to say we arnt friends anymore. I do hope that was not the case here.

    My suggestion to you would be next time you want to go find someone you just spent an hour ganking or anyone for that matter maybe let them know why you are coming over again and if you cant communicate then dont go over at all and leave them be. I am not saying this to be rude to you. I just know I do not like it when silent ships sail up to me.

    Im not going to judge you by this tale but it did surprise me given what your overall tone has been here. I do hope you do not laugh while ganking new players often. I think us as vets need to extend an olive branch even if they attacked first. I mean its not like they attacked you while you were fishing, you had a reaper chest, it marks you on map for combat. You say they shouldnt attack if they dont plan to win but hey they are new, they will not win all fights actually none of us win all fights, we have all been sunk.

    I think this case also shows Rare needs to make it easier for us to see the gamer tags of people we have come in contact with as they do not always show in recent, atleast for me they dont. If there was a system in game that said "you just killed so and so" then you would have had a record of the name. It also would benefit reporting purposes. Also maybe RARE can make it so xboxers can text chat in game. I mean make a keyboard pull up on the screen so xboxers can type.

    I will add I would not be pleased if my husband woke me up while gaming lol.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:


    First off, you are way off base on how the servers work. The servers are not physical, they are set up virtually by cloud. There are no hard drives so to speak. The servers are allowed to be updated in real time.

    I may be a little behind the times with recent technologies, but isn't Cloud storage involving stashing data on hardware in a remote physical location, (In this case Rares Sea of Thieves Servers) which can be accessed from any device via the internet? therefore Clients (Players) send /receive files to a data server maintained by a cloud provider instead of (or as well as) storing it on their own hard drives?
    Am I that way off base?

  • @gipperseadog said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @xultanis-dragon said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:


    First off, you are way off base on how the servers work. The servers are not physical, they are set up virtually by cloud. There are no hard drives so to speak. The servers are allowed to be updated in real time.

    I may be a little behind the times with recent technologies, but isn't Cloud storage involving stashing data on hardware in a remote physical location, (In this case Rares Sea of Thieves Servers) which can be accessed from any device via the internet? therefore Clients (Players) send /receive files to a data server maintained by a cloud provider instead of (or as well as) storing it on their own hard drives?
    Am I that way off base?

    Yes and no. Depends on what you are using the service for and what it is doing.

    Gaming servers are set up virtually when hosted by the cloud and not physically.

    In the past if you wanted to host a server for a game, you would need a separate machine with all the fixings. CPU, GPU, RAM, Hard-drive. As long as that machine was running the server was up for you and all your friends.

    That type of server was called a dedicated or physical server. The sole purpose of every resource in that machine was to run that server. If that machine goes down the server goes down.

    Gaming servers aren't set up that way anymore. Its mostly virtual servers now.

    Meaning the system takes resources from many location to emulate CPU, GPU, and RAM. Puts those together to create a "pretend" machine. The server is created and the game starts running.

    A way to think of it is basically like an emulator. I don't know if you ever used those in the past, but the old console emulators worked pretty much like a virtual machine.

    You would install a program that would set up a pretend console on your PC. Lets say the SNES and you would play Mario RPG.

    You have no physical SNES. Your computer is using resources to emulate the processor/coding of that SNES and then you would play a virtual Mario RPG.

    However, instead of picturing 1 machine doing this, picture hundreds of thousands helping to run the emulator, that way even if 100 machines go down, the Emulator is still running because its not linked to a physical location so to speak.

    So the cloud is taking resources from multiple places to create a virtual PC to act as a server for the game. It works exactly like a normal PC, its just created virtually and is not a physical machine.

    Another way to picture it, is like when you play an open world game walk into an arcade in that game and you can play the arcades. They have games like Pac Man or Galaga. The game you are playing is creating a virtual arcade and you are playing Galaga off that arcade.

    I hope that helps you understand.

  • I request the option to be able to sail from island to island, fight some skeletons, and do some fishing without being harassed by other people who find it fun to stand on my quarter deck and spawn kill me.

    I have purchased the season pass. I would be willing to spend MORE money on this game if not for being singled out as an easy target by larger crews. I don't want an intense, edge of my seat game session. I just want to relax after work and do some sailing.

    There is the Arena, why can't that be the place for PVP?

    If I am unwilling to give more money if I can't have a relaxing game, there are probably many more people who feel the same. It is highly unlikely I have a unique opinion.

    Also, for those that say the spawn killers are simply playing the game their way, I should be able to play the game my way as well.

  • @robert1marks said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    I request the option to be able to sail from island to island, fight some skeletons, and do some fishing without being harassed by other people who find it fun to stand on my quarter deck and spawn kill me.

    I have purchased the season pass. I would be willing to spend MORE money on this game if not for being singled out as an easy target by larger crews. I don't want an intense, edge of my seat game session. I just want to relax after work and do some sailing.

    Done, and done! Enjoy paying custom servers.

  • @gipperseadog

    Like the technical aspects of having separate servers is something Rare can easily do, yet that isn't the main reason to be against a separation of the two elements of a PvEvP game. It is because a separation of it means that the game no longer is a PvEvP game, but that we pick at the menu screen whether we want the PvE or PvP version of the game. Why change the choice from within the game world to outside of it? The idea is to have a shared world environment, where different motivations and playstyles intertwine.

    Then lets go into your actual gameplay elements.

    1. Enable "Non-Collateral Damage" so players cannot kill other players to the PVE servers. they already have this in some instances; You cannot kill your crewmates can you? no. So please don't argue that it cannot be done.

    Yes, you can kill your own team mates. Ever used a keg, blunderbombs or fire? You can also destroy your own ship with cannon fire, crashing it, explosives, fire and even just by bucketing water into it. Just disabling pirate on pirate damage is not enough to create a PvE environment.

    1. The game also "Tags" crewmates together when you do voyages and Tall tales, which "Assigns" crews to their ship, gold, and reputation, yes? This means when your crew buys a Voyage or Emissary run, the game "Tags" this crew to that voyage. (You see your names when you vote on your ship, don't you? of course you do) Hence, when a crewmate turns in chests that another crewmate digs up, the whole crew gets the credit. (Not the pirate who is sitting at another outpost.) If the DEVs code this right (and I believe they most certainly could); it would mean that if you steal any gold from another crew, you get nothing, no reputation or gold, but only the crew it has been assigned to gets it. (What about shooting a whole barrel full of cannonballs through another players ship? no. and no fire / bluster bombs either? no.)

    Yet have you considered when these things are assigned? What prevents people from tagging the loot as their own to then be delivered by someone else. It isn't an uncommon practice, anyone that played World of Warcraft will very well know how it is and how frustrating it is.

    For the record this is exactly how I did the Christmas event of having others hand in 50 bits of treasure. I noticed someone doing the Flame Heart event, I rowed over and each time a ship would sink and drop loot, I rowed over, jumped in swam in the water and simply touched it all to then have them collect it while I rowed back to the island awaiting the next drop. No real effort on my end, just having a nice view from my rowboat how they fought... with such a system, I would guaranteed get all the spoils from it as well, sounds amazing. You think tuckers are annoying in Adventure mode... ooofff they will have a field day with such a system, even if they die; they win. Not that you can kill them, so they can just sit there in plain sight even and nothing you can do about it.

    People don't realize that the ability to kill and steal from others isn't just offensive in nature.

    These DEV's are capable of doing this, believe it. Will they? It is not for you or I to say, so please don't say they won't.

    I bet that they could if they truly wanted to and it would take them a lot of effort and work to do so. It is nowhere near as simplistic as people like you want us to believe, setting up a server isn't the hard part. There are a lot of gameplay areas that need to be covered and would need development.

    Also, the developers themselves have been consistent in their answer about the separation of PvE and PvP: They have no interest in it. So, if it isn't up to us to say so and the developers are supposed to have the last say anyone that states that the elements should be separated have no claim to that. Those that are in favor of the shared world PvEvP experience are the ones that are inline with the developers statements.

  • @gipperseadog sorry, didn't read all you wrote, it's just too much...
    Just want to say, PvE servers won't ever happen, not only the often mentioned reasons...think about this:
    Rare has a vision of the game, they are the creators, listening to the community is one thing, but betraying his believes and visions just to serve some people who want it different nobody wants, not even you! If you can't live with that, please play something else that fits your taste better

  • @robert1marks said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    I request the option to be able to sail from island to island, fight some skeletons, and do some fishing without being harassed by other people who find it fun to stand on my quarter deck and spawn kill me.

    I have purchased the season pass. I would be willing to spend MORE money on this game if not for being singled out as an easy target by larger crews. I don't want an intense, edge of my seat game session. I just want to relax after work and do some sailing.

    There is the Arena, why can't that be the place for PVP?

    If I am unwilling to give more money if I can't have a relaxing game, there are probably many more people who feel the same. It is highly unlikely I have a unique opinion.

    Also, for those that say the spawn killers are simply playing the game their way, I should be able to play the game my way as well.

    Arena was never meant to be the only place to PvP which is why it’s not.

    You can play the game your way. I am mainly a PvE’r. If you want tips on how to solo let me know and I will message them to you.

    If you just want to relax and sail like @bloodybil said custom servers are on the way. I understand the just want to relax thing which is why some type of private server will be nice. You can relax on SOT but like any PvPVE map there is always the chance of running into someone, it’s just the genre.

  • @combatxkitty And what drives me absolutely crazy is nearly every game out is a PvP game in some form. I am okay with the games that give me the option for PvP but I don't like being forced into it in an otherwise good game.

  • @robert1marks said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @combatxkitty And what drives me absolutely crazy is nearly every game out is a PvP game in some form. I am okay with the games that give me the option for PvP but I don't like being forced into it in an otherwise good game.

    Then don't buy games in the PvEvP genre... like it isn't otherwise a good game, it is a great game within its genre; you just don't like the genre.

  • @cotu42 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @robert1marks said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @combatxkitty And what drives me absolutely crazy is nearly every game out is a PvP game in some form. I am okay with the games that give me the option for PvP but I don't like being forced into it in an otherwise good game.

    Then don't buy games in the PvEvP genre... like it isn't otherwise a good game, it is a great game within its genre; you just don't like the genre.

    This. Nobody is forcing anyone into anything, they willingly chose to enter a space that is clearly advertised containing the kind of encounters it features.

    That would be like vegans showing at a BBQ place, entering and getting seated, then complaining and being outraged they are "forced" to suffer the smell and sight of meat, "in an otherwise nice place".

  • @robert1marks said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @combatxkitty And what drives me absolutely crazy is nearly every game out is a PvP game in some form. I am okay with the games that give me the option for PvP but I don't like being forced into it in an otherwise good game.

    I have seen a trend in the up rise of games with PvP too. I actually read some studies on this. One study I read stated games with PvP tend to bring in more money when it comes to microtransactions. Another study I read discussed how while PvE game is expensive to make a game with PvP long running costs are less due to the game relying on player vs player content. I do think that has led to the rise of this genre along with it becoming rather popular.

    Like I said I mainly PvE on SOT. The PvP is not my cup of tea, realized that pretty quick. However what helps me not get all worked up is me and my friend can go hours not seeing anyone. When we do usually they keep to themselves and ones who come at us we have fun making them chase us all over. At end of day im not mad at whoever tries to attack us because I been playing how I want and they play as they want, so is an open world PvPvE sandbox.

    You say SOT "is an other wise good game" but that is to you, plenty think its good with the PvP aswell. While I do not like the PvP mechanics (ship fights can be exciting though if you are up against a skilled crew, not skilled boring as heck)I still do enjoy having that unknown out there.

    I mix my games up alot. Sometimes I want to seriously PvP (I dont consider SOT serious PvP) I will put on my war game, if I want to PvPvE SOT is pretty much my to go game since GTAO has gone down the tubes, if I do not want to see another human its The SIMS or Coaster Planet. Different moods different games.

    Also maybe the PvPvE open world genre isnt for you and that is ok. I thought Forza was beautiful but I decided I did not really care for racing games. That is for you to decide. Have you played Cyber Punk? I heard alot of their issues have gotten fixed.

    Anyways if you do want to stick to SOT message me and if you want slooping tips. Also have you thought about finding a crew?

  • @schwammlgott said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @gipperseadog sorry, didn't read all you wrote, it's just too much...
    Just want to say, PvE servers won't ever happen, not only the often mentioned reasons...think about this:
    Rare has a vision of the game, they are the creators, listening to the community is one thing, but betraying his believes and visions just to serve some people who want it different nobody wants, not even you! If you can't live with that, please play something else that fits your taste better

    Well schwammlgott, you really should've read all I wrote. I said that I play the game and I love it, but the reason this thread is so big is that there are players who play this game differently and has developed different playstyles, and there is a conflict between PVP player vs PVE players Hence the title of this mega thread is "PVP and PVE Playstyle Discussion"
    First off; Never say "PVE servers wont ever happen" They could happen If the DEVs decide it was a change that could keep the game going. If they don't, they don't. It's not up to you or me.
    You also wrote "The creators listening to the community is one thing, but betraying his believes and visions just to serve some people who want it different nobody wants, not even you!

    I firmly believe there are more than plenty of players on Sea of Thieves that would want a "PVE only" side to this game, just look at the posts; However, there are those like the game as it is, and there's nothing wrong with that. They also voice their views of why they do.
    Rare made this game to try and balance a story-rich, beautiful interactive world, but also an element of danger. The problem arises (Here comes the meaning of this thread) when you have aggressive players disrupting other players enjoyment of the game. Kinda like road rage of the seas only because the game allows it.
    So what can be done about it? That's what this thread is all about; coming up with Ideas about how it could be done to satisfy ALL the players.
    I was simply trying to convey the idea that IF the Devs wanted, they could separate the game into 2 modes; PVP and PVE. that's all, I'm not demanding they do for MY sake, but to come up with a solution that satisfies all the SoT players.
    I love this game as it is and i play everyday, but please don't ever tell someone that if they cant live with the way this game is setup, to go play something else. it's not up to you to tell them something like that.
    I hope you understand where i was coming from,

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