Sloop needs a buff!

  • In my opinion, the sloop needs a buff.. It's too slow and easy to disable. I think increasing the sloops speed (with wind) makes more since now that both other ships move at the same speed. Back when there were only 2 ship types it made sense the way each ship worked.. Now, with the addition of chain shot a sloop is too easily disabled, by giving the sloop a reinforced mast, it would help it to compete with other ships more.. I also think giving the sloop 2 cannons (on each side) would help increase its chances of survival, even if that means increasing the number of cannons on a brig to 3. Also this has been suggested for a long time but increasing the height of the railing on a sloop, even if only on the back, would help to not get knocked off by cannons/blunders as easily.. Please consider these suggestions as I am sure more than just solo/duo sloopers agree.

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  • Sloop is suppose to be Slow. Its 2 man ship.

    Its only easy to disable any ship (all ships take same damage by chainshot) nobody is different, you just got to make sure they dont get the shot off.
    So No need to "protect" the mast.

    Why two cannons on a sloop? Sloop has two people.
    One should manage the wheel and Sails. While other manages cannons and repair.s Its a duo ship and work as a team (tho you can alternate if best results)

    Railing supposed to be that height for easy exit/jump off ship and entry. If you fall off by your own doing (walk or running) is own fault. Being knocked by cannon or blunder is suppose to happen, that what meant for.

    I solo sloop, and I dont agree. But I can see the frustration on why you feel these changes might help. But it will only make issues.
    (small one is balancing)

  • @kingmickey2120 said in Sloop needs a buff!:

    In my opinion, the sloop needs a buff.. It's too slow and easy to disable. I think increasing the sloops speed (with wind) makes more since now that both other ships move at the same speed. Back when there were only 2 ship types it made sense the way each ship worked.. Now, with the addition of chain shot a sloop is too easily disabled, by giving the sloop a reinforced mast, it would help it to compete with other ships more.. I also think giving the sloop 2 cannons (on each side) would help increase its chances of survival, even if that means increasing the number of cannons on a brig to 3. Also this has been suggested for a long time but increasing the height of the railing on a sloop, even if only on the back, would help to not get knocked off by cannons/blunders as easily.. Please consider these suggestions as I am sure more than just solo/duo sloopers agree.


    You clearly don't understand how carefully crafted the balance already is between the 3 ship types to play to their individual strengths.

  • I’ve been sunk by more sloops than all the other ships combined.

    Deadliest thing in the seas

  • Railings?

    Move when you see a cannonball headed towards you...

    Sloop is fine. Don't let them get close enough to chainshot.

  • I would recommend going and watching Fuzzybond, Beardageddon, or Boxyfresh who are basically full time sloopers. I remember when first starting to play and especially solo slooping those guys were a big help. Sloop can be extremely powerful and I consider it to be the best ship in the game. Good luck my man!

  • Honestly the sloop is fine, but I think the cannonball knock back is to much for it to be fair in comparison to the other ships

  • @zergfanboy said in Sloop needs a buff!:

    I would recommend going and watching Fuzzybond, Beardageddon, or Boxyfresh who are basically full time sloopers. I remember when first starting to play and especially solo slooping those guys were a big help. Sloop can be extremely powerful and I consider it to be the best ship in the game. Good luck my man!

    I watch them. Actually got most of what I said from streamers like Cobbobles and Boxy tbh

  • @galactic-geek said in Sloop needs a buff!:

    @kingmickey2120 said in Sloop needs a buff!:

    In my opinion, the sloop needs a buff.. It's too slow and easy to disable. I think increasing the sloops speed (with wind) makes more since now that both other ships move at the same speed. Back when there were only 2 ship types it made sense the way each ship worked.. Now, with the addition of chain shot a sloop is too easily disabled, by giving the sloop a reinforced mast, it would help it to compete with other ships more.. I also think giving the sloop 2 cannons (on each side) would help increase its chances of survival, even if that means increasing the number of cannons on a brig to 3. Also this has been suggested for a long time but increasing the height of the railing on a sloop, even if only on the back, would help to not get knocked off by cannons/blunders as easily.. Please consider these suggestions as I am sure more than just solo/duo sloopers agree.


    You clearly don't understand how carefully crafted the balance already is between the 3 ship types to play to their individual strengths.

    I'm getting what I've said from mainly Cobbobles.

  • @zergfanboy said in Sloop needs a buff!:

    I would recommend going and watching Fuzzybond, Beardageddon, or Boxyfresh who are basically full time sloopers. I remember when first starting to play and especially solo slooping those guys were a big help. Sloop can be extremely powerful and I consider it to be the best ship in the game. Good luck my man!

    Also I'm not just starting, jsyk

  • @pithyrumble said in Sloop needs a buff!:


    Move when you see a cannonball headed towards you...

    Sloop is fine. Don't let them get close enough to chainshot.

    Cool how you see it that way. Also not always about being close enough. When you have anywhere from 2 to 4 people all spamming up to 5 chainshot each at you one is bound to hit. I'm getting this from very experienced players. Just wanted to see what others think

  • @kingmickey2120 said in Sloop needs a buff!:

    In my opinion, the sloop needs a buff.. It's too slow and easy to disable. I think increasing the sloops speed (with wind) makes more since now that both other ships move at the same speed. Back when there were only 2 ship types it made sense the way each ship worked.. Now, with the addition of chain shot a sloop is too easily disabled, by giving the sloop a reinforced mast, it would help it to compete with other ships more.. I also think giving the sloop 2 cannons (on each side) would help increase its chances of survival, even if that means increasing the number of cannons on a brig to 3. Also this has been suggested for a long time but increasing the height of the railing on a sloop, even if only on the back, would help to not get knocked off by cannons/blunders as easily.. Please consider these suggestions as I am sure more than just solo/duo sloopers agree.

    lol I sloop sometimes just catch a mermaid when you get knocked off and run when you see a ship when your a sloop never hit the break at all and sloop moves faster so you can run more than other ships can chase you and yes chain shot for mast is a meta but no one goes after wheel or capstain on sloop so nope I disagree

  • @kingmickey2120 said in Sloop needs a buff!:

    @galactic-geek said in Sloop needs a buff!:

    @kingmickey2120 said in Sloop needs a buff!:

    In my opinion, the sloop needs a buff.. It's too slow and easy to disable. I think increasing the sloops speed (with wind) makes more since now that both other ships move at the same speed. Back when there were only 2 ship types it made sense the way each ship worked.. Now, with the addition of chain shot a sloop is too easily disabled, by giving the sloop a reinforced mast, it would help it to compete with other ships more.. I also think giving the sloop 2 cannons (on each side) would help increase its chances of survival, even if that means increasing the number of cannons on a brig to 3. Also this has been suggested for a long time but increasing the height of the railing on a sloop, even if only on the back, would help to not get knocked off by cannons/blunders as easily.. Please consider these suggestions as I am sure more than just solo/duo sloopers agree.


    You clearly don't understand how carefully crafted the balance already is between the 3 ship types to play to their individual strengths.

    I'm getting what I've said from mainly Cobbobles.

    wow one of a toxic streamer's advise this is why you learn how to play the game but what ever i'm getting salty a bit

  • If your being chased, sail against the wind, if doing that would put you too close to them(if you had to turn) work your way around or inbetween some rocks/islands and make a turn, then you would get distance on them and should be able to keep it.

    Otherwise with the wind, open ocean with nothing to go around, they will catch up, more sails to catch more wind.

    I dont like the cannon shots knocking me around either but thats when im fighting a skele and trying to repair underneath and i just keep getting bounced around under my deck. I guess im just supposed to tank/avoid the shots and sink them 1st versus repairing and shooting.

    Chainshot is supposed to take out the mast, otherwise there is no point in having it and they could just try to shoot it with normal cannon balls or set it on fire. I personally just try to set your ship on fire to cause more problems for you, versus a chainshot since im not that accurate.

  • This thread seems aggressive, anyway, the sloop in alot of ways has an upper hand. The extra maneuverability allows you to go left and right staying in front of the enemy bow hammering them with cannons chainshot blunderbombs firebombs everything you can think of cursed balls. Learn the ways of the sloop, if you have a duo get them to board so they sink faster

  • @turkaspy said in Sloop needs a buff!:

    This thread seems aggressive, anyway, the sloop in alot of ways has an upper hand. The extra maneuverability allows you to go left and right staying in front of the enemy bow hammering them with cannons chainshot blunderbombs firebombs everything you can think of cursed balls. Learn the ways of the sloop, if you have a duo get them to board so they sink faster

    yeah this is why aggressive i'm sort of salty lol

  • Sloops are one of the deadliest ships in the seas.
    Not even chainshot is too bad.

    Many times i have gotten the sail up, repaired and unfurled before i even stopped.

    The only disadvantage you have is you are outnumbered.
    No amount of buffs will fix that though.

  • @closinghare208 lol yeah okay dude. Know what you're arguing before saying something. Cause the whole point is cause it's way to easy to completely disable a sloop vs anything else. As far as "toxic" players go just chill cause you don't know real toxicity if u think he's toxic

  • @turkaspy said in Sloop needs a buff!:

    This thread seems aggressive, anyway, the sloop in alot of ways has an upper hand. The extra maneuverability allows you to go left and right staying in front of the enemy bow hammering them with cannons chainshot blunderbombs firebombs everything you can think of cursed balls. Learn the ways of the sloop, if you have a duo get them to board so they sink faster

    It wasn't agressive till the comments section started going off. Telling me idk what I'm talking about when my suggestions come from guys with 1000s of hours into the game.

  • @elderterdkin said in Sloop needs a buff!:

    If your being chased, sail against the wind, if doing that would put you too close to them(if you had to turn) work your way around or inbetween some rocks/islands and make a turn, then you would get distance on them and should be able to keep it.

    Otherwise with the wind, open ocean with nothing to go around, they will catch up, more sails to catch more wind.

    I dont like the cannon shots knocking me around either but thats when im fighting a skele and trying to repair underneath and i just keep getting bounced around under my deck. I guess im just supposed to tank/avoid the shots and sink them 1st versus repairing and shooting.

    Chainshot is supposed to take out the mast, otherwise there is no point in having it and they could just try to shoot it with normal cannon balls or set it on fire. I personally just try to set your ship on fire to cause more problems for you, versus a chainshot since im not that accurate.

    I know what I'm doing dude. Have plenty of hours into the game also the suggestions come from other people, not me, those people have 1000s of hours into the game

  • @kingmickey2120 said in Sloop needs a buff!:

    It wasn't agressive till the comments section started going off. Telling me idk what I'm talking about when my suggestions come from guys with 1000s of hours into the game.

    I never said you were the one being aggressive. And I too have 1000s of hours into the game.

    And just because one does have 1000s of hours does not make them more valid than other people who ALSO have 1000s of hours.

  • I agree that the sloop should be faster but that's about it. To me, a slow sloop just means you will need to engage more with other ships when they are the aggressors, and will be able to catch bigger ships far less often when they are fleeing. I have not once heard an argument that would say buffing the sloops top speed would be OP, and most fail to engage in the premise of the debate. I don't blame you for thinking the community is closed minded to the idea because they are.

    To all those who say the sloop is the ship they sink to most, it is also 1) the most commonly sailed ship, and 2) the easiest ship for streamers to get a group together. It's also more difficult to spot and contrary to the opinions expressed here, are usually underestimated. Whether the ship is "good" is a different story.

    I believe the sloop is attractive due to it's convenience more so than stats. It's slow sinking is really the highlight, making it necessary to board. Most of the time, this is the main way that sloops win combat by forcing a crew to board it and either killing off the boarders or using maneuverability to make them miss. Otherwise, maneuverability is overrated if you can't fend off the boarding meta, or are too poor at boarding yourself to make your shots count.

    You have to be all around good at the game to excel with a sloop, and I can only laugh at those pointing to streamers as evidence of the sloops superiority. That's not a great way to show how it is a good ship for the average joe.

  • @kingmickey2120 said in Sloop needs a buff!:

    @closinghare208 lol yeah okay dude. Know what you're arguing before saying something. Cause the whole point is cause it's way to easy to completely disable a sloop vs anything else. As far as "toxic" players go just chill cause you don't know real toxicity if u think he's toxic

    lol I have solo slooped before I had a crew in this game so I know what i'm talking about and he is toxic when he plays with pace and I am pretty chill i'm not the salty one when I said I was I was making a joke

  • @calicorsaircat said in Sloop needs a buff!:

    I agree that the sloop should be faster but that's about it. To me, a slow sloop just means you will need to engage more with other ships when they are the aggressors, and will be able to catch bigger ships far less often when they are fleeing. I have not once heard an argument that would say buffing the sloops top speed would be OP, and most fail to engage in the premise of the debate. I don't blame you for thinking the community is closed minded to the idea because they are.

    To all those who say the sloop is the ship they sink to most, it is also 1) the most commonly sailed ship, and 2) the easiest ship for streamers to get a group together. It's also more difficult to spot and contrary to the opinions expressed here, are usually underestimated. Whether the ship is "good" is a different story.

    I believe the sloop is attractive due to it's convenience more so than stats. It's slow sinking is really the highlight, making it necessary to board. Most of the time, this is the main way that sloops win combat by forcing a crew to board it and either killing off the boarders or using maneuverability to make them miss. Otherwise, maneuverability is overrated if you can't fend off the boarding meta, or are too poor at boarding yourself to make your shots count.

    You have to be all around good at the game to excel with a sloop, and I can only laugh at those pointing to streamers as evidence of the sloops superiority. That's not a great way to show how it is a good ship for the average joe.

    yes this is why he doesn't get it and most people run I have seen that are on a sloop

  • @daringclarky said in Sloop needs a buff!:

    Sloops are one of the deadliest ships in the seas.
    Not even chainshot is too bad.

    Many times i have gotten the sail up, repaired and unfurled before i even stopped.

    The only disadvantage you have is you are outnumbered.
    No amount of buffs will fix that though.

    yes that's true he's another salty one because he got his loot stolen and was chased and doesn't know how to maneuver a sloop

  • @stevent2002 said in Sloop needs a buff!:

    i dont understand why all the replies are so against your suggestions. what i think people fail to realise is in a fight of equal skill the sloop crew is very unlikely to win. all of your suggestions are great

    That's not true.
    It just means that different strategies need to be done.

    A bigger crew will win with outright offensive if they are equally as skilled (even so not guaranteed) so the smaller crew needs to play smart and put them into a vulnerable situation.

    There's more to pvp than swinging swords and cannon balls.

    Changing the status quo of which ships sail the seas or how each ship perform when they are already pretty balanced isn't going to do anything but make things worse.

    A competent duo sloop can really hurt a competent gally and brigantine though. Some duos don't even need to board to sink either.

    A skilled helmsman and gunner can easily get into a blind spot, put holes in a ship and prevent repairs with blundershot. There's many many other things they can do too.

    If I had to go into a firefight I'd still choose the sloop. It's a war ship.

  • The only thing deadlier than a sloop, is a sloop that's chasing after you against the wind....yar!

  • @oneeyed-w1lliam said in Sloop needs a buff!:

    The only thing deadlier than a sloop, is a sloop that's casing after you against the wind....yar!

    Oh no! Not a sloop chasing us against the wind! Whatever shall we so!? 😱

    [Turns sideways into the wind] 😏

  • The ships are fine as they are. Carry a megakeg and use it. Sloops were never meant to go blow for blow with the other ships. If you use them in this manner you'll suffer. Play wise and be deceptive.

  • @kingmickey2120

    Sloop is a different vessel to manage than any other ship. You have to play VERY safe in order to prevent yourself from being sunk by a brig or a galleon because they have more cannonballs. You have way more maneuverability than any other ship so you have to use that to your advantage and get behind or in front of their cannons. With a brig or galleon you can just get into a cannon battle with the opposing ships as you probably have enough firing power to take down an opposing ship, and you have enough speed to run away if things get dicey. But with a sloop you have to have a completely different playstyle than you do with a galleon or brig.

    And while a sloop does only have 1 mast to take down and it can't move, that mast also has a very quick fix time compared to the galleon. It takes 3 seconds to raise the mast as a duo on a sloop. And I think 7 to raise it on a galleon, as well as you have to raise all 3 masts. There are obviously downsides to each ship type. The sloop for example like you said, you can easily get knocked off by cannonballs and then you're screwed. But in return for this downside you have the upside of being able to be very maneuverable and you're able to avoid the situation entirely if done correctly.

    I think the reason why people have such a problem with the sloop rather than the brig or galleon, is the fact that you need such a different mentality and playstyle in order to be effective against good crews when you drive a sloop, and in a brig or galleon you can just roll up and cannon them with no real downside. If you tried that with a sloop against a galleon then you would get rolled. I'm not saying it's easy, and it is very annoying when you get knocked off the ship because of a cannonball, but in order to be good at sloop you need to have a different playstyle in order to avoid those situations entirely.

  • @stevent2002

    I think back in the day before cursed cannonballs, blunderbombs, firebombs, chainshots, or different tiers of holes you are absolutely right as it was nearly impossible to sink an equally skilled ship because of different hitboxes and such. However now with the introduction of different cannon ammo it is absolutely a matter of who has more skill.

    you also cannot successfully board a galleon of equal skill since it will be a 4 v 1. you have to rely on them being significantly lower skill than you to be able to successfully board and kill off the enemy crew. and obviously if you do board that leaves one player alone on your sloop.

    Very true. But if you play your cards right and get 5 tier 3 holes in the bottom deck they have to send 1 person down below to repair, and 2 people to bail. Not to even mention if you can get some sleep balls, ballastballs, anchorballs in the firing rotation, they are FORCED to stop trying to cannon and have to send 3 people down below to repair the ship. When that happens then you can easily board as you only need to win the 1v1 and not the 1v4. Along with that you also have blunderbombs which make boarding much easier, and you can also throw blunderbombs along the outside of the ship when you're on the water to prevent them from repairing.

    The galleon / sloop difference is enormous and while the galleon is favored if the sloop stays in the line of 4 cannonballs firing, the sloop is favored if you use your maneuverability to get infront of the cannons and get tons of tier 3 holes, chainshots, and cursed cannonballs. With a galleon you can just send boarders immediately and overwhelm them with boarders until they die. With the sloop you have to be more methodical and have a different playstyle than a galleon would.

  • @closinghare208 actually not th case, I want these buffs more for chasing down ships running from me. Most disable me and run. So nah. Plus I didn't come up with any of this myself. I'm relaying suggestions from streamers actually

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