Bilge Rat Seapost

  • Larinna should take over the seaposts trader's business;
    -The trader NPC's stay but sell black market goods instead of 3 items a day.
    -A rare chance to buy previous a single bilge rat time-limited cosmetics such as a Wailing Barnacle, bone crusher or Forsaken Ashen sets
    Perhaps one rare item every Friday for 24 hours in-game at an extortionate rate ( 3-5 times more expensive than originally).
    -A bundle deal for an entire set for a small discount.

    In Larinna's attempts to expand the Bilge Rats she should buy out the seaposts, she will remain outside the tavern's around the Seas but will oversee the business of the seaposts and in the process add to her "Bilge Rat grog fund" as she call it. The seaposts were a failing business as pirates who carried 2 million gold in their pocket didn't care much for a 10% discount on an item they didn't want. Most visitors only came to see the Hunter's call and often forgot to check in with the trader's. Now the richest pirates on the seas will have a reason to visit these traders in the hopes of finding that certain jacket or hat they were dying to get but missed for... reasons

    I think this would make those who beg for the time-limited cosmetics to come back happy whilst not angering those against it as it is a rare chance and much more expensive than it was. It also gives people a reason to visit the seaposts.

  • 28
    just for funfeedbackstory & loregeneral
  • @sailorkek sure make it a black market, but it shouldn't include old time locked cosmetics. If you missed them thats too bad, but they belong time locked.

    This just sounds like yet another "I missed out and want this" post.

  • @captain-coel time-locked not forever forgotten, never to see the light of day again.
    This way is the only way I could justify bringing these items back as it relies on RNG and comes at a large cost of gold. I'd be against bringing these time limited cosmetics to the black market permanently cause that would take the uniqueness away.

    But if every in game Friday they sold one random time limited cosmetic for 2, 3 or even 5 times the amount of gold then it would rely completely on luck and require the player to work to earn the money to get it and if they miss their chance to get their favourite cosmetic they'll have to get lucky once more.

  • @sailorkek it should not be random and it should not bring back old cosmetics. If anything it should be NEW cosmetics that way it is an addition for all players. You missed them, you don't deserve them. Sorry.

  • @sailorkek I made a post to the other thread about the exact same thing just a few threads under this one...I made a suggestion how they could bring back that should read it:

  • @captain-coel why are so many people so black and white on these forums about pretty much everything. It sounds so pathetic to just go "no that's bad, you missed out boohoo, too bad"

    Let me try and explain it once more to you, I wouldn't expect every single time limited item to now just be available to everyone, of course doing that would make trying to complete the challenge redundant.

    Of course I'm not asking for the random chance to get the golden banana jacket, golden hour sails or the obsidian sets because those things required very specific tasks. However with the sets like the bone crusher or the wailing barnacle, they were unlocked under the bilge rats accommodation and cannot see why they shouldn't and can't don't again, especially of the chance of finding one of these items is around 1-5%.

  • @schwammlgott ill check it out now, thanks.

  • @captain-coel he just upvoted my post...ohhhh....I wanna see his face when he reads my suggestion...🤣🤣

  • @schwammlgott I mean, 5 shrouded ghosts in one week is nigh on impossible so that's just torture hahha

    But having the ability to do 'time trials' would be an interesting way to unlock items. If you went to a certain NPC and they gave you special kind of voyage for a small amount of gold such as, "sink a dozen skeleton ships in one in game day" for a reward of the bone crusher item, complete it again for another item.

  • @sailorkek sagte in Bilge Rat Seapost:

    @schwammlgott I mean, 5 shrouded ghosts in one week is nigh on impossible so that's just torture hahha

    But having the ability to do 'time trials' would be an interesting way to unlock items. If you went to a certain NPC and they gave you special kind of voyage for a small amount of gold such as, "sink a dozen skeleton ships in one in game day" for a reward of the bone crusher item, complete it again for another item.

    Did you actually read my post? I was kidding btw...those things I suggested are all things that are impossible to achieve...

  • @schwammlgott Yes I did read it and whilst its obvious your trying to make a joke of it, quite frankly I'm desensitized to you negative nancies hahaha
    The cursed sails one would be easy enough if you grind skeleton fleets and killing 30 megalodons its downright easy.
    But just because it was meant as satire doesn't mean a similar idea could be made for new kinds of cosmetics. The concept of 1 week challenges that are repeatable incase you fail makes a hell of alot more sense than making something available for a couple of weeks and then never again.

  • @sailorkek im so glad you used the bone crusher set as an example. That set required a very specific set of tasks complete weekly at very specific real world times. If you missed it you missed out of that set.

    You missed out, look for the next set for fun cosmetics you can earn.

  • @captain-coel I understand that, with the bone crusher figurehead in particular you unlocked the ability to buy the cosmetic when you completed the task of defeating all the different fleets.

    If someone defeats each of the captains of the fleet today, besides the in game loot you aren't really rewarded and I can see that as less of an incentive to do them.

    What I'm suggesting is not to make it purchasable for everyone because that definatly would remove the allure of limited items, part of my suggestion is to keep the ability to buy these special items after completing certain objective but to also make it harder to buy by making it a 1% chance to find at the seaposts and much more expensive than those items already in the black market. This way those who are eligible to obtain the cosmetic in question will still have to rely on the RNG of the traders.

  • No, let the limited-cosmetics be time-limited.

    But i agree, let them sell black market stuff just like Larinna/Duke do/did.

  • @reapinglegion time limited or one time limited?

  • @sailorkek said in Bilge Rat Seapost:

    @reapinglegion time limited or one time limited?

    Any difference on it you mean?

  • @reapinglegion I think there should be a difference yes.
    I do agree that some if not most of the time limited cosmetics should be available once and only once but there are some, like the ones introduced with the bilge rats updates which I think could be introduced into the black market as a rare find.

    What I mean with this is that they will still be time limited in the sense that you **mighfind get lucky find one of these cosmetics for sale at the north star seapost on a Monday (in game not real world time) but by Tuesday it will be gone.

  • @sailorkek but it wasn't just defeating tbe fleets, they were only available during 4 hour increments in real time. so you had awkward timing to get it all done.

    But again you missed out, that is your fault. You did not earn them too bad, they should never come back.

    When rare does things they should introduce stuff for all players, not just the ones that are sad they missed out.

  • @captain-coel
    let me clear this up, I didn't miss out on anything.....
    Besides the barnacled jacket I lost when I reset my character, there are no time limited cosmetics I'm that desperate for. If I was desperate for these cosmetics I wouldn't of reset and would have most of the cosmetics in the game by now but I don't personally care for aesthetics, I care more for gameplay and story.

    But for the love of god please quit being so stubborn and black and white. I'm simply trying to think of new ways to expand the game whilst pleasing both insufferable sides of the constant arguments that plague these forums, I understand the annoyance of seeing the 60th post begging for these items to just be given to them even though they haven't worked for them or the many other topics like PvE servers but you must realise this attitude is far from productive and leaves the community with a horrible stigma.

  • I like this idea

  • @harmsyyt thank you, any ideas on ways to expand upon it are more than welcome, negative feedback too so long as it doesn't read like your trying to defecate on me hahaha

  • @sailorkek im not being stubborn or cut and dry.

    If you don't care about past cosmetics, asking for new cosmetics should be just as appealing to you. If its not, then as I suspected this is just a veiled method af trying to get time locked cosmetics and again you don't have them, you dont deserve them.

    Let's ignore that for a moment and focus on your actual idea. Rare cosmetics available for 24 minutes every Friday. Thats enough time to hit 2 or 3 seaposts depending on the wind. This idea is just bad. Random chances at cosmetics is as bad as loot boxes and those are everyone's favorite /s. Just look how much people enjoy the tomes...

    Introducing new cosmetics is always welcome but this method is a terrible idea. Moving black market items into the sea post stores so they can occasionally benefit from the 10% discount is fine.

    I will continue to defend time locked cosmetics. I will continue to put down ideas that tie cosmetics to randomness. Maybe take your idea back to the drawing board instead of thinking its a good one.

  • @captain-coel said in Bilge Rat Seapost:

    @sailorkek im not being stubborn or cut and dry.

    press X to doubt

    If you don't care about past cosmetics, asking for new cosmetics should be just as appealing to you. If its not, then as I suspected this is just a veiled method af trying to get time locked cosmetics and again you don't have them, you dont deserve them.

    Oh I would love some new cosmetics but so far any worth a second look are all in that damnable pirate emporium. don't get me wrong I don't hate the emporium but they ought to tone it back a tad IMO

    Let's ignore that for a moment and focus on your actual idea. Rare cosmetics available for 24 minutes every Friday. Thats enough time to hit 2 or 3 seaposts depending on the wind. This idea is just bad. Random chances at cosmetics is as bad as loot boxes and those are everyone's favorite /s. Just look how much people enjoy the tomes...

    Yes but you wouldn't be guaranteed to find one of these cosmetics every friday, just a small chance for the chance to buy it and only IF you have completed those tasks. Whether or not you could complete those tasks today is something I'm still not sure on as those items would become less unique.

    I agree with you on the tomes however, they were infuriating but I don't think it's the same as being able to buy a cosmetic if you've already completed the objectives to earn it but for whatever reason didn't buy it.
    If anything at least it would shut some people up hahaha

    Introducing new cosmetics is always welcome but this method is a terrible idea. Moving black market items into the sea post stores so they can occasionally benefit from the 10% discount is fine.

    I will continue to defend time locked cosmetics. I will continue to put down ideas that tie cosmetics to randomness. Maybe take your idea back to the drawing board instead of thinking its a good one.

  • @sailorkek I'm all in favour of this. I've never understood the point of time limited rewards. What's that? You did the exact same thing I did but did it two months later? Too bad! No rewards for you timmy! It just doesn't make sense. Why should someone that defeated all the skeleton crews NOT be rewarded the same rewards that other people got for defeating all the skeleton crews? (I understand that this particular example had specific IRL time windows, but that is just bad planning on Rare's part. It did not take skill or any kind of accomplishment to be there, you just had to be lucky with your timezone.) Why should someone that's destroyed hundred's of mermaid statues not get the rewards other crews got for doing the same task? Does it really matter that they did it a few months after you did?

    However, I do believe certain things should remain time exclusive. Day 1 Eye-Patch, Launch Crew EoR, Year 1 PL rewards, Year 1 regular rewards, stuff like that. Things not tied to ingame activities, but rather big milestones for the game itself.

  • Providing a relief measure to restore the missed contents is not a bad idea if such a measure accompanies higher obstacles to obtain the time-exclusive items. The revival of opportunities for those exclusive prizes, first and foremost, should happen after they become old enough to be forgotten. And then only a few selected players, who may climb exclusive ranking and win the highest position for instance, would acquire the returned time-exclusive items during a short period.

    The essence of this policy that gives back the opportunities to gain missed exclusives is a hopeful (yet exclusive still) promise that will entice players to long for Willy Wonka's invitations which they missed badly. The returned exclusive opportunities shouldn't be frequent and regular. Yet at least they should be promised so that they motivate players to wait until the resurrection.

    In brief, after initially distributing the time-exclusives, some irregular short revivals with difficult conditions that players should achieve will invoke new desires to engage more into gameplay. If they involve some new competitive features such as exclusive rankings I mentioned, new game mechanics will be added gladly.

    Assuming exclusives as absolute exclusive contents and opposing against any form of revivals seems to me nothing but actual exclusion against other players. If the motivation around time-exclusives is to be merciless for somebody who missed the items, it isn't productive. If we playing around with the desperate urge to find out a way towards missed items, there should be some productively sadistic contents to develop with. Yeah. Sadistic productively.

    P.S. I'm actually derailed from SailorKek's suggestion. Sorry, Kek, for writing my personal suggestion over yours.

  • @sailorkek sagte in Bilge Rat Seapost:

    @schwammlgott Yes I did read it and whilst its obvious your trying to make a joke of it, quite frankly I'm desensitized to you negative nancies hahaha
    The cursed sails one would be easy enough if you grind skeleton fleets and killing 30 megalodons its downright easy.
    But just because it was meant as satire doesn't mean a similar idea could be made for new kinds of cosmetics. The concept of 1 week challenges that are repeatable incase you fail makes a hell of alot more sense than making something available for a couple of weeks and then never again.

    Think of it closer...30 megs, while in the fog, and it has to be one of each meg...within a week...impossible
    200 skellie ships, only from a special type of ship we have now 4 events it would be even hard to get the 200, but getting them out of a special version of them? Not doable, believe me...

  • @mferr11 especially with the cursed sails stuff, you never did the exact same thing, because it never became the exact same thing...first of all there were 5 waves of ships...after the event it was 3 waves, also only at certain times this specific fleet was playable, so for example fleet 1 from 8am to 4pm, fleet 2 from 4pm to midnight, fleet 3 from midnight to 8am, and that changed every week...even people who did the event had a hard time to finish all of this...also you had to do each one with an alliance ship and all use the same sails...

    Edit: after Cursed Sails they introduced barrels 2.0, so this is another thing that made it harder, the extremely limitation of supplies we had back then...

  • i agree about this the sea post traders having only 3 items is getting kind of boring so how about a change

just for funfeedbackstory & loregeneral
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