Breaking Alliances

  • Thank you all for giving me some insight have a great day

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  • @vvaverider

    What happened, more precisely? How exactly were you double crossed?

  • This is part of the Risk/Reward concept of the Alliance.

    If they stay in the Alliance, they can get 50% of the value of anything you sell, while you get 100% value for it and vice versa. It is free money, but it isn't as much as they could have if they can take it and sell it themselves. This, however, requires them to be able to take you out, get the loot, get it to an Outpost, and sell it. If they fail at this, you likely won't remain in the Alliance, and thus they will get nothing and lose out on the free money.

    Risk and Reward. It seems the other crew decided the Risk of trying to take you out was worth it, and if they managed to do it they were essentially right. Perhaps it was something you said or did during your time in the Alliance that conveyed a perception of weakness to the other crew which tipped the scales of the Risk/Reward scales.

    Don't give them this perception, and be prepared for PvP in this game being as it is a PvEvP game so that just comes part and parcel with playing the game. I'll join into an Alliance, but you're not allowed on my ship unless I give you explicitly permission to come on board, and I am most assuredly not going to give this very often if ever. You come up that ladder, fire over from a cannon, or try something else slick to board and I'm killing you immediately, Alliance or not. I'm also not letting you get your ship into an advantageous position against my own, and if you keep trying to get into an advantageous position I'm going to immediately open fire and sink you and leave the Alliance. I'm never leaving my ship without a watch on board, either myself or a crew mate. If I am sailing solo, there will be no Alliance, period. I'm too vulnerable in this state, and it isn't worth it on the Risk/Reward scale.

    There can be honor among thieves, but if you don't respect my rules then there will be no quarter. In fairness, I will also respect my own rules in regards to you, but I'm not afraid to get into a battle or naval engagement if it comes down to it. We're all thieves, so I'm keeping my eye on you, rest assured. Play nice, great, we'll both get a little rub from one another. Get a little spicy with me and we're gonna go to war.

    Enjoy the Seas, keep your head on a swivel, and trust only your own crew (and only if it is a Closed crew, and only if you can actually trust those you play with not to troll the crew since there are some ways people can do this, and there is no way around that so just be aware of who is in your crew). Generally, you should be able to trust your own crew, and if you can't I recommend getting them to the Brig and consider not playing with them if they aren't a good enough crewmate to be respectful to your play time (cause, again, you shouldn't have to worry about your own crew).

    Be aware, be prepared, expect betrayal. Alliances are fragile, and easily broken.

  • There is indeed something that can be done about this; learn form this experience and remember this is something that can happen. Be prepared!

  • @vvaverider said in Breaking Alliances:

    Is it CODE for a pirate to break the alliance.

    It's not against the code, if that's what you are asking. An alliance is not an enforceable contract between crews. It is just a loose agreement between crews that can be broken the moment one crew decides to do so.

    I know it's the pirate way to grab the treasure before someone beats you to it but if you initiate the alliance and you doublecross the pirate who agreed to help you, carma should feed off your negative soul. Sea Creatures and the dead should be able to smell your greed a mile away.

    Next time you'll be more wary of trusting others screaming "WE'RE FRIENDLY!" and asking to form an alliance. Remember that we are all thieves.

    *My first day playing and I got played to be honest it sucked the fun out of the game but I like the game for it's content not pvps but is there something we can do about this.

    The strength of an alliance comes from all crews deciding they are better off sharing loot than going it alone. Ask yourself if you were to meet you on the seas, would it be more profitable to 1) rob you, or 2) ally with you. If you seem helpless and unlikely to find much in the near future then it may make more sense for them to grab what you have on board rather and cash it in. TO go for 100% now rather than hoping for 50% of what little you MIGHT scrounge up later. You asked if there is anything we can do about it. Yes. be wary of other crews and doubt their stated intentions. The game is based on thievery. Everyone you meet on the sea is probably a thief to some degree. Your eyes are open now. Watch the horizon for other crews and keep your distance. You could always join a larger crew and focus on the parts you like while the others in your crew handle the PvP aspects.

  • @vvaverider

    People seem to mistake the alliance feature as something that was implemented to encourage friendliness and good faith between pirates, but that's not right.

    As with any feature in the game, it was added as a neutral ingredient in the Shared World. Just as the alliance can be honored for long term profits, it can be broken for an instant pay day.

    The game should not punish anyone for breaking an alliance, as there is no rule that says the player must honor it. Betrayal is just as valid as a play style as anything else. This is the shared world of Sea of Thieves, anything can happen.

  • Alliances are simple

    either they stay away and be productive
    or the threat gets neutralized

    Unless you are pirate partying at the tavern before logging off or completing alliance related commendations there is no reason to be near enough to each other to cause harm.

    No splitting loot no sharing events no following each other around.

  • @greengrimz

    I've researched before playing the game to know to keep distance away from griefers. I wanted to go check out the Fort Of The Damned before going out to collect what I needed. Players approached the fort, and one was a LVL 5 griefer. I prepared to run, but they kept writing to me. They were friendly and said they just want to help out a new person to the game. I was hesitant at first, but then they said to show we aren't going to do anything, we offer an alliance, we will activate the Fort and allow you to take a chest we choose in exchange for your help. So I accepted the partnership, and we beat the waves and the boss. Opened the gate, then they walked up to a chest, kept flickering the light. Told me this one is yours so I walked up to it, picked it up, and immediately was killed came back instantly spawn killed on the boat while they lit it on fire than it went down, and I reappeared on another island. They were able to leave the alliance and said, take this as A lesson learned. I already knew of players like this but being in it was a completely different experience and them being able to leave an alliance before turning in any reward Was a surprise to me. I just wanted to suggest a system for that so other players aren't discouraged continuing the game

  • @ghostpaw thanks I appreciate your detail and understand

  • @vvaverider said in Breaking Alliances:


    I've researched before playing the game to know to keep distance away from griefers. I wanted to go check out the Fort Of The Damned before going out to collect what I needed. Players approached the fort, and one was a LVL 5 griefer. I prepared to run, but they kept writing to me. They were friendly and said they just want to help out a new person to the game. I was hesitant at first, but then they said to show we aren't going to do anything, we offer an alliance, we will activate the Fort and allow you to take a chest we choose in exchange for your help. So I accepted the partnership, and we beat the waves and the boss. Opened the gate, then they walked up to a chest, kept flickering the light. Told me this one is yours so I walked up to it, picked it up, and immediately was killed came back instantly spawn killed on the boat while they lit it on fire than it went down, and I reappeared on another island. They were able to leave the alliance and said, take this as A lesson learned. I already knew of players like this but being in it was a completely different experience and them being able to leave an alliance before turning in any reward Was a surprise to me. I just wanted to suggest a system for that so other players aren't discouraged continuing the game

    This almost sounds like they set you up so they could get a “stolen” chest of legends. Was it glowing green through the cracks in the chest and sitting dead center in the vault?

    If so those are some fake “legendary thief” players.

  • @redeyesith thank you for your detailed information it really helps a lot to know.

  • @vvaverider

    ever ever

    ever trust anyone in a FOTD situation that isn't in your crew

    No matter what anyone says to you. Never ever trust anyone anywhere near the FOTD.

  • @kommodoreyenser Yea, it was. That's vital information. I had no clue it would be considered stolen

  • @vvaverider said in Breaking Alliances:

    @kommodoreyenser Yea, it was. That's vital information. I had no clue it would be considered stolen

    Any loot that has yet to be touched by a player (including the vault, no matter who opened it) will be "marked" as the crew of the player's who touched it first.

    That other crew were either trying to get the "legendary thief" title which is for turning in 5 stolen chest of legends, or they were Reaper's emissary (black pennant with red stripe(s) on it at the top of their mast and an hourglass flag on the rear of their ship) and were trying to get more value for stolen loot when they turn it in.

    Sorry to hear they did this to you as a new and unsuspecting player. This is coming from someone who usually PvPs pretty heavily these days but only usually at the cloud events and other emissary ships.

  • @vvaverider

    You need to get out of this mindset of "greifers" and you.

    What I'm about to say will sound mean or harsh but please don't take it that way. I am just trying to share what I know in hopes that you'll be better off mentally and learn to enjoy the game fully.

    The concept of greifing is convoluted. Greifing original use was to describe instances when a player of a high level was circumventing in game policing mechanics to kill or keep low level players from playing the game. In an aspect they kept you from spawning or completing quests or from even leaving the starting area.

    The policing mechanics which were in place to punish the acts were usually avoided through glitches or exploits which kept the high level player free from punishment.

    THAT is greifing. When a player or players are circumventing/breaking a games intended protection mechanic and keeping players from PLAYING the game.

    Key word in that sentence is "playing". This is important because what is majorly believed to be greifing is when someone is hindering your "enjoyment" of the game. Which is where we come to the convoluted part and the hypocrisy of the current mind set.

    Every person has different levels of enjoyment and what they constitute as fun. A PvP game with PvP'ers in it where the PvE players who play on those PvP servers calling the PvP'ers greifiers.

    Lots of players would use WoW as an example for how PvP is done and how PvE servers are some how mandatory to the popularity of the game. Yet they forget to mention what the early days of WoW were like. WoW from the beginning had PvE and PvP servers as did almost every other MMORPG, so the concept wasn't exclusive or discovered by WoW, but with PvE servers available there were still PvE players who picked PvP servers.

    PvE players joining PvP servers would then complain about how they could be attacked. They demanded, pleaded, and cried like little whiney babies until even PvP servers had a flag toggle for PvP. Which essentially turned PvP servers into glorified PvE servers and yes the PvE players called PvP'ers greifers.

    Was there greifing in the game?? Yes there was. A high level finding a way onto a glitch spot in the wall where the guards couldn't attack him and he could snipe every single low level keeping them from leaving the keep. He circumvented the games policing mechanic. The games intention was that the guards of the game would protect low levels if high levels got to cocky or overzealous. High levels glitching or exploiting to avoid that is greifing.

    So why does all this matter? Its because the word greifing has become a shield for the weak minded and the weak willed. Children. Babies. Players use it to describe everything. Even things we have words for like harass or toxicity. Its become the token go to word because it draws the most attention from the developers or moderators.

    Its like a Karen describing how she was "assaulted" when all that happened was she was accidentally and lightly bumped into.

    Is there greifing in games? Yes there is clearly.

    Is there greifing in this game?? Yes, most definitely, however only possible from players in your own crew. You can not be griefed from enemy players. Spawn camping is not greifing either as the player has the option to scuttle. The ONLY reason players don't scuttle is because of their sense of pride or ego. Their made up sense of vanity, "Can't scuttle because its what they want!!! I won't let them win!!" So they sit there and take it over and over and when they do finally crack, they feel ashamed and embarrassed so they run to the forums to complain about being "greifed".

    PvP'ers will scuttle in a heart beat once we realize that strategically its a waste of time and we can't win the exchange. Its not an issue of pride for us like it is for PvE'ers. I scuttle in Arena when I get sandwiched and I realize that trying to keep my boat alive is just giving free cannon points to the ship who basically has me dead to rights.

    I want you to enjoy this game because there isn't anything out there like it. Its an amazing game. You just have to get out of your mindset that you are a defenseless victim and that you need mommy or daddy to come save you.

    This is a game where you slowly grow into your playstyle and you have to defend it. Are you the attacker or defender?? Are you both?? Are you prey?? Are you the predator?? The hunter?? The hunted?? All of the above??

    Example of the use for greifing being too wide spread -

    Case in point you called them Level 5 Greifers. You mean level 5 Reapers. What they did wasn't greifing by any stretch of the means. You got played, you got tricked. You know better now for the future.

    I just hope you took what I said logically and understood I'm just trying to rewire your brain so you can openly enjoy the adrenaline rush that comes from defending what you believe is yours or attacking to steal what others have.

    Good luck on there broski. Be safe and happy sailing on the seas!!

  • Well said! This should be pinned to the top of the "new topic" dialogue.

    Be prepared for the incoming assault from people who either don't understand what type of game SoT is, or do understand but want it to be something different.

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