Torn sails skins are kind of ruining all the not torn sails skins gameplaywise.

  • I try to keep this short and honestly I think it is in fact quite simple anyway:

    The torn sails like for example the Kraken-Sail allows you to have a MUCH better view at the sea form the position of Helmsman simply because of the many holes. This alone would not be a problem BUT it almost forces me to use such a sail because there is NO drawback to this.
    I would actually have loved to sail as a highly esteemed seafarer with
    obviously very well maintained sails.
    Lord Beckett-like ... but that denies me very helpful sight.
    Following: It kind of ruins everything cosmetic that does not go with a torn sail.

    Two solution propositions:

    1. Make them slightly slower, it would make sense and balance it out.
    2. (I guess much more in line with the cosmetic-Progress-only theme of SoT) Do add some kind of filler, like an in-place fog or quite a bit of torn thread into these holes, practically reskinning these few torn sails so they actually do not offer an advantage.

    Normally you could ignore minor things like this (like with the flintlock skins) but this seems to be a major thing and thus, from my humble point of view, really needs adjustment.
    I would really like to meme my Lord Beckett without being at such a disadvantage :(

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  • @lormiun It is not a huge advantage like you make it to be, and definitely not ruining the balance by making some sails better than others. The only time it is an advantage is when the sails are at default/stupid...and that only interferes with your site straight ahead when threats typically come from behind or the sides.

    I use said sails not for the better view. I use them to give my ship the appearance of the skeleton ones from a distance to discourage the less knowledgeable pirates on the seas.

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