Could Cargo Runs make sense

  • It makes absolutely no sense to me why the shop owners have or require a random assortment of cloth, rum and plants, it makes more sense for the Cargo NPCs on islands but still think they need work rather than just standing there. I think it should be more specific.

    Instead of getting rum bottles from the toolsmith surely every bit of cargo should be obtainable by the merchants or the most logical source; rum from taverns, cloth from clothing shop etc

    Rum bottles delivered to an outpost should go to the tavern, cloth to the clothing shop, plants to the tavern or the merchants.

    With more specific locations it could make sense to add new cargo too, crates of paper, wood that can't be used in repairs, metals for the weapons moth all of which would have their own specific traits of keep wet/dry.

    Oh and any cargo run delivered to Grog Soaked Ed at Shipwreck Bay should be all rum, he's not buying new clothes and there plenty of plant life around him.

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  • @sailorkek
    who are you to decide that Tom the toolsmith (golden sands) doesn't get to organise a party with his fellow outpost shopkeeps!!! 8 crates of rum are gone in no time on his legendary feasts!!! And well for the plants he requests he is trying to build a hedge maze, but hasn't been able to finish it yet, or so he told me last time in a drunken rant.

    And the cloth is just a matter of saving everyones eyes when Cecil decides he has had enough of being around clothes all day and throws them out with the sharks.

    All jokes aside an extension the the cargo items would be nice but i don't see the necessity to completely overhaul it.

  • @callmebackdraft not sure howbtom can throw a party in the toolshop when you can barely get 2 people in there hahah

    I agree it doesn't NEED an overhaul but it would be nice and this way the Cargo runs might be able to have more than 8 pieces per voyage for level 50 + merchant players.

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