Xbox Next Gen Upgrade?

  • So we know that the next generation of consoles are the Xbox Series X and Playstation 5 and with that, companies are upgrading some of their games to next Gen.

    Some companies like CD Projekt Red are upgrading the Witcher 3 for free for those who already own the game, whilst others require you to pay for the upgrade.

    What is Rare's stance on this in regards to Sea of Thieves? Of course for those who own the Microsoft Store version (such as myself), we don't have to worry about it but what about those who own an Xbox and upgrade to the next one?

    Will they receive a free upgrade of Sea of Thieves if they already own the game? Or will they need to buy it again? Or is it possible that SoT will not upgrade towards the next generation?

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  • @foxywiththemoxy it has been said there will be an upgrade, most likely for free, but what we get nobody knows...I guess 4k/60 fps

  • My concern is more that the game will continue to be held back by xbox one / bad networking.

    It's honestly the main reason why the flameheart fleets were ghost ships (no collision, no physics, limited geometry, etc), and why so long after long, there really hasn't been anything groundbreaking added gameplay or server-wise. The game literally just can't handle that many ships and more epic events, and I blame that on the game not being optimized for the best hardware, only to support the oldest possible.

    There will always be a compromise to support older hardware so the game can be played by more people, and maybe the limitations stems just with how Sea of Thieves was built, i.e. maybe the ocean and ship physics are just that resource intensive.

    But at some point, we have to ask, what other content is going to be held back in the future? Forget about upgrades to frame rate, it's the content which will continue to suffer. Bland islands, no new ship types, deserted servers on spacious empty maps, reskins to save on memory, you get the idea.

    Xbox one support will only end if Microsoft cuts off online play to the system, which I don't expect to happen until Sea of Thieves is already dead, 5-7 years probably? Also a very unpopular idea since probably 60% of players are on xbox.

  • I think it's going to be 60/120FPS upgrades.

    Which is honestly long long overdue for console.

    Console already has 4k and HDR so it cant be those.

  • I really hope that the upgrade is more than just a fps bump with ultra settings and that Rare will bring raytracing to SoT, to take advantage of the hardware accellerated raytracing of the Xbox Series X/S.

  • @foxywiththemoxy

    There is no "upgrade" version for most of if any of these games.

    The games are the exact same. The only difference is if they unlock the settings or turn up the settings that are already in the game.

    Example :

    Sea of Thieves on Xbox - All video graphical settings are prelocked and the FPS is also locked at 30FPS.

    Those settings are not the MAX settings of the game. The game is capable of higher settings, they are just locked behind the coding of the actual console.

    The game is the exact same on PC as it is on xbox. On PC however, those settings are unlocked and we are able to change them as much as we want to better set our needs or wants.

    So there is a huge misconception of "upgraded" or "boosted" version of games. The games are the exact same versions, just the console versions you guys are playing now have a big locked in front of the higher settings that are already available in the game. Backwards compatibility is a non issue now because the games are not ran by specific disk-scanners, they run off of the hard-drives.

    Example :

    CD projekt upgrading Witcher 3 - They aren't upgrading Witcher 3. The console version is the exact same game as the PC version. All that happens is the console has a line of code or a patch is released with a line of code (A key) that says that they are allowed to have access to the higher graphical settings.

    The game already has the capabilities and the settings, its just literally LOCKED by the xbox one console when the game is installed.


    PERFECT EXAMPLE - Day one DLC's. Remember when some games had day one DLC's or the gaming community found out that companies were having consumers pay for content that was ALREADY created and in the game, we were just paying to have it unlocked?? That is exactly what is happening here. The game already has higher graphical settings, its just locked.

  • @calicorsaircat sagte in Xbox Next Gen Upgrade?:

    My concern is more that the game will continue to be held back by xbox one / bad networking.

    It's honestly the main reason why the flameheart fleets were ghost ships (no collision, no physics, limited geometry, etc), and why so long after long, there really hasn't been anything groundbreaking added gameplay or server-wise. The game literally just can't handle that many ships and more epic events, and I blame that on the game not being optimized for the best hardware, only to support the oldest possible.

    There will always be a compromise to support older hardware so the game can be played by more people, and maybe the limitations stems just with how Sea of Thieves was built, i.e. maybe the ocean and ship physics are just that resource intensive.

    But at some point, we have to ask, what other content is going to be held back in the future? Forget about upgrades to frame rate, it's the content which will continue to suffer. Bland islands, no new ship types, deserted servers on spacious empty maps, reskins to save on memory, you get the idea.

    Xbox one support will only end if Microsoft cuts off online play to the system, which I don't expect to happen until Sea of Thieves is already dead, 5-7 years probably? Also a very unpopular idea since probably 60% of players are on xbox.

    While you are right, I don't think ghost ships have no collision because of that...these are just ghosts

  • @schwammlgott Well if they wanted it to be anything but ghosts, they technically could not make it. So you can believe what you want. I don't have proof that they are thought of ghosts as a convenient way to implement larger ship battles without killing the server, but I don't think they could've pulled it off any other way, and for that the point is that their creativity would be limited by hardware regardless of their intent.

    I'm actually giving them credit as designers by arguing that they knew the technical limits, because they already have skeleton ships they likely tested the event concept with, and decided, we need these to have no collision. Sure, ghost theme fits Flameheart, but who says Flameheart isn't a ghost in the lore for the same reason? I only worry about the next big idea, and am concerned that we have already hit the limit for the number of physical ships in the game.

    This means that anything else with large geometry (think Kraken being its own world event) can't coexist.

    Giant whirlpools? Probably causes too much ship jitter to be feasible.
    Intricate islands? Too much geometry.
    New ship types? Memory constraint

  • 60 fps on Series? Raytracing + DLSS? it would be great.

  • @foxywiththemoxy all game disks from all previous xbox consoles have been said to be compatible with the new xbox at launch. We can infer, then that all versions of the game will be made compatible with the optimization by releasing the updates to the game in an xbox series x version of the update. Just like how the update for the xbox one x and pc is different from an xbox one (s)

  • So does this mean users with higher FPS and graphical settings on the new series of xbox consoles will be be able to play in the current opt out preference?

    Could it be?

    alt text

  • @troubled-cells I continue to wonder how this upcoming discrepancy will be sorted out lol

  • @troubled-cells Those little lambs in their potty trainers are not going to like this XD I love it!

    They lost in this silly debate from every side, Steam users peaked the amount of pc users and from the beggining the amount of players who opted out was a joke, now they are going to eat their own mess and guess what?
    Many of us are not going to lift a finger to help 😂

  • @faceyourdemon said in Xbox Next Gen Upgrade?:

    @troubled-cells Those little lambs in their potty trainers are not going to like this XD I love it!

    They lost in this silly debate from every side, Steam users peaked the amount of pc users and from the beggining the amount of players who opted out was a joke, now they are going to eat their own mess and guess what?
    Many of us are not going to lift a finger to help 😂

    If it happens, which if we are being honest, most likely will.

    It Will prove what I was saying all along.

    I even called that this would happen one year ago, the denial was hilarious.

  • Xbox series S will be the most popular console by far..
    And as for opt out. It will still be a thing. Because as all of you above have written hundreds of times..
    Frame rates give no advantages!

  • @needsmokes No have one ever said that it dosent give any advantage, but that advantage is not that big of a deal but for the opt out side everything is a big deal.......

  • @faceyourdemon said in Xbox Next Gen Upgrade?:

    @needsmokes No have one ever said that it dosent give any advantage, but that advantage is not that big of a deal but for the opt out side everything is a big deal.......

    Hahaha 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    Oh yes they did.. And countless times.. All written in every crossplay thread since launch for you to refresh your memories .. One word for you.. Failed!

  • @faceyourdemon

    @needsmokes No have one ever said that it dosent give any advantage, but that advantage is not that big of a deal but for the opt out side everything is a big deal.......

    Regarding frames and the advantage, it is yet it isn't. Unless you have the reaction times to match the frames it isn't an advantage. If and only if you are at the pro-level is where frames actually start mattering. I mean break the math down, 30 FPS is 0.033 while 60 FPS is 0.016. If someone is getting their butt handed to them, it isn't the frames fault unless you are actually dipping from 30 FPS to lower. Side note, its rarely people using physical reaction time neither. What plays a lot in video game reaction time is the knowledge of what is going to happen before it happens. Take this IRL example, it is easier to catch a ball if you know the ball is going to be thrown instead of trying to catch it when you don't expect it. Pro game players tend to have the game knowledge to back up their reaction time.

    When it comes down to it, the vast majority of us don't have to worry about this simply because we aren't at that level of game-play to begin with.

    The big issue that consoles face isn't FPS but input delay. This is caused by a myriad of things like T.V. instead of a monitor, wireless controllers, and the dependency of Vsync.

  • @needsmokes said in Xbox Next Gen Upgrade?:

    @faceyourdemon said in Xbox Next Gen Upgrade?:

    @needsmokes No have one ever said that it dosent give any advantage, but that advantage is not that big of a deal but for the opt out side everything is a big deal.......

    Hahaha 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    Oh yes they did.. And countless times.. All written in every crossplay thread since launch for you to refresh your memories .. One word for you.. Failed!

    Nice to know that opt out was rare essentially giving the toddlers their pacifier after a tantrum.

  • @troubled-cells said in Xbox Next Gen Upgrade?:

    @needsmokes said in Xbox Next Gen Upgrade?:

    @faceyourdemon said in Xbox Next Gen Upgrade?:

    @needsmokes No have one ever said that it dosent give any advantage, but that advantage is not that big of a deal but for the opt out side everything is a big deal.......

    Hahaha 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    Oh yes they did.. And countless times.. All written in every crossplay thread since launch for you to refresh your memories .. One word for you.. Failed!

    Nice to know that opt out was rare essentially giving the toddlers their pacifier after a tantrum.

    Has an Xbox player sunk you and stole your loot recently? Super salty today.

  • @needsmokes said in Xbox Next Gen Upgrade?:

    @troubled-cells said in Xbox Next Gen Upgrade?:

    @needsmokes said in Xbox Next Gen Upgrade?:

    @faceyourdemon said in Xbox Next Gen Upgrade?:

    @needsmokes No have one ever said that it dosent give any advantage, but that advantage is not that big of a deal but for the opt out side everything is a big deal.......

    Hahaha 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    Oh yes they did.. And countless times.. All written in every crossplay thread since launch for you to refresh your memories .. One word for you.. Failed!

    Nice to know that opt out was rare essentially giving the toddlers their pacifier after a tantrum.

    Has an Xbox player sunk you and stole your loot recently? Super salty today.

    Nope cant say one has 🤣🤣🤣

    Why would I even be salty about a xbox player beating me for loot in cross play?

    If anything its GG's and more power to them, as I love a good contest on the seas.

    Here's hoping rare announces the much requested FPS increase for console.

  • @needsmokes Would you be so kind and show me evidence that supports that?
    Too many times you throw things to the air wirh zero facts so i welcome you to show me a proof that wasnt a clear troll, a proper community member who got supported for saying that..... Good luck im waiting

    For tiny advantages we were being called toxic and hackers, dosent offend me in the slightest but opt out side ignored every fact that was being presented and that is why they are a tini tiny minority in the community.

  • @faceyourdemon

    You at first jumped into this thread with a couple of others with the sole objective to ridicule the Xbox community once again with your remarks.

    I know and remember the many heated discussions we all shared on that topic for over a year. As do you. I've zero interest or willingness to spend time looking back through all of those threads again.
    The fact is, for the countless times, Xbox Players added an framerate disadvantage conversation into the crossplay debate, all were poopooed as folly and that this isn't an combat focused game and it really means nothing.. And now, you few bring the fps topic between the latest consoles as a reason for opt out to be void.
    I'm here to remind you, after being educated by so many of you wise forumers, this isn't a competitive game and frame rates are irrelevant.

    So it won't effect the opt out.. Or perhaps it will?? Rare will let us know in time I'm sure. Its only a handful of people who use it after all.

  • @needsmokes said in Xbox Next Gen Upgrade?:


    You at first jumped into this thread with a couple of others with the sole objective to ridicule the Xbox community once again with your remarks.

    I know and remember the many heated discussions we all shared on that topic for over a year. As do you. I've zero interest or willingness to spend time looking back through all of those threads again.
    The fact is, for the countless times, Xbox Players added an framerate disadvantage conversation into the crossplay debate, all were poopooed as folly and that this isn't an combat focused game and it really means nothing.. And now, you few bring the fps topic between the latest consoles as a reason for opt out to be void.
    I'm here to remind you, after being educated by so many of you wise forumers, this isn't a competitive game and frame rates are irrelevant.

    So it won't effect the opt out.. Or perhaps it will?? Rare will let us know in time I'm sure. Its only a handful of people who use it after all.

    I dunno man, it may not be a issue for me and yourself, but recalling those threads, it certainly seems like FPS was a big issue within the vocal minority, along with keyboard and mouse and SSD load times.

    Hence the pacifier.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Xbox Next Gen Upgrade?:

    For tiny advantages we were being called toxic and hackers, dosent offend me in the slightest but opt out side ignored every fact that was being presented and that is why they are a tini tiny minority in the community.

    Pretty much

    I predicted all these "advantages" would sit fine with them once they possessed them, when the new box comes along.

    When the boots on the other foot and the glove fits and all that is the core sentiment here.

    Will be interesting to see who's arguments were legit and who's weren't in less than 2 months time, if rare implement the FPS increase.

    I imagine there will be a even smaller minority if it's the case being like

    alt text

  • New consoles = Zero cheating

    I think all Xbox Players will remain happy.

  • @needsmokes said in Xbox Next Gen Upgrade?:

    New consoles = Zero cheating

    I think all Xbox Players will remain happy.

    A bit disingenuous in my opinion, given that we both know the multitude of arguments made.

  • @needsmokes Opt-out is only justifiable because how badly this game is optimized on consoles. 1080/60fps could easily be an option on the Xbox One X, yet it's locked at 30 for an unexplained reason; and if load times are too much of an issue, external SSDs are an option. Both of these will likely be addressed with these upcoming consoles.
    The Series S/X will be on par with, if not more powerful than, most player's computers. The fps and load times will reflect that (hopefully lol). At such point the only argument is that one doesn't want to play with people who are using mouse/keyboard, even when they're freely able to do the same.

    I predict that the Series S/X will be allowed to opt out of crossplay, and few will complain. It will be a matter of people not wanting a desktop experience with their console at that point; they'll want to sit on a couch and play on a TV with a controller instead of adapting their gameplay to a desktop.

  • @needsmokes Youve got that wrong mate, it is us who educated opt out side with cold facts.

  • @neon-ic0n said in Xbox Next Gen Upgrade?:

    @needsmokes Opt-out is only justifiable because how badly this game is optimized on consoles. 1080/60fps could easily be an option on the Xbox One X, yet it's locked at 30 for an unexplained reason; and if load times are too much of an issue, external SSDs are an option. Both of these will likely be addressed with these upcoming consoles.
    The Series S/X will be on par with, if not more powerful, than most player's computers. The fps and load times will reflect that (hopefully lol). At such point the only argument is that one doesn't want to play with people who are using mouse/keyboard, even when they're freely able to do the same.

    I predict that the Series S/X will be allowed to opt out of crossplay, and few will complain. It will be a matter of people not wanting a desktop experience with their console at that point; they'll want to sit on a couch and play on a TV with a controller instead of adapting their gameplay to a desktop.

    The Xbox Series X has already been confirmed to have a state of the art SSD. Opt-out wasn't really justified as the main concern of the community fell on the argument of PC players hack and M&K.

    The game got M&K support and the hackers of the game were less than 1% of the population, yet if you paid attention they cried like it happened ALL the time.

    Hackers are in the xbox servers. Which is HILARIOUS. I posted some links to some of those posts a while back and I was accused of making alt accounts lololololololol.


    I don't actually think anyone specified that frame rates give no advantage. I think the words used were along the lines of that the frame rates were only beneficial towards players with high levels of play and that even those players wouldn't complain about the frame rate issue in the first place. We never said it didn't hold an advantage, we just stated that the advantage is useless towards 99.99999999% of the population because they aren't good enough to utilize it. Plain and simple. Pros wouldn't throw up threads asking for opt out because of frame rates.

    Also, I don't see how the new console is going to prevent hacking entirely. Hacking happens now on consoles and I thought the majority of the argument was how the PC just had SOOOOO much over the console.

    Series X - Has high FPS, M&K support, SSD which is standard which means that this console has an advantage over PC players now GASP!!!, awesome processor and gpu.

    If you guys are okay with this being in opt out then your whole argument about Console vs PC was just a load of bull. Just prejudice against PC players.

    Wait, actually nevermind. I think you were one of those that said you didn't care, you just didn't want to play with PC players if I remember correctly. Nevermind carry on.

    Honestly why defend your argument when you said the real reason was you didn't want to play with PC?? Just say that instead.

  • @xultanis-dragon

    You're of course right.. At the time of the 1% figure you like to quote..
    But you never quote that at that same time, only 7% of the player base played on PC. That meant 1 in 7 players on PC were caught and banned for using those hacks..
    Not sure about you, but that was worrying numbers at the time.
    Did things get worse??
    Does a bear.............

  • @needsmokes said in Xbox Next Gen Upgrade?:


    You're of course right.. At the time of the 1% figure you like to quote..
    But you never quote that at that same time, only 7% of the player base played on PC. That meant 1 in 7 players on PC were caught and banned for using those hacks..
    Not sure about you, but that was worrying numbers at the time.
    Did things get worse??
    Does a bear.............

    35% of the playerbase were on PC and they never said that the hackers were only on PC. Again you assume that all hackers are on PC. Less than 1% of 35% is a very small number. So its not 1 in 7. Out of 100 players your chances of running into a player are less than 1, its even less than 0.5 . This is using just a straight 1% when it was stated by Rare that the hacker player base was less than 1%. So its even less than that.

    This also ignoring the fact that players have been and are hacking on xbox. Again they never stipulated who the hackers were, only that they took care of them. The argument is mute because you vehemently believe there is absolutely ZERO hacking on xbox regardless of whatever is provided which just again begs to wonder why do you even post anything on the threads anyways like you have any valid opinions.

    Let me rephrase, your belief is that you hate PC and want nothing to do with PC. Its has nothing to do with anything else, you just don't want to play with PC Players and everything else is just a smoke screen. So why even bother with the back and forth?? Regardless of what numbers come out and what is said you are never going to budge so why?? Just stick to your guns since its only going to hurt your argument in the end with all the double standards and the hypocrisy.

    I haven't seen one word from the opt out crowd where they stand with the Series X. Any questions or anything about how yall feel if the Series X was cross play only has been deflected with "oh I'm not going to play a theory game, we don't know what specs will be" even after there were videos with the specs confirmed.

    You guys are okay with Series X being in Opt Out with its massive FPS, super fast load times and everything else, which means that every single argument against PC players is just childish nonsense.

    So stop trying to debate on it when your only stance is "I don't want to play with PC."

    You don't like PC. Okay, so be it. Stop trying to dress up your double standard argument.

  • @needsmokes said in Xbox Next Gen Upgrade?:


    You're of course right.. At the time of the 1% figure you like to quote..
    But you never quote that at that same time, only 7% of the player base played on PC. That meant 1 in 7 players on PC were caught and banned for using those hacks..
    Not sure about you, but that was worrying numbers at the time.
    Did things get worse??
    Does a bear.............

    I don't know where you are getting your numbers from, but they're terribly inaccurate.

  • @d3adst1ck

    Not at all. When @Xultanis-Dragon refers to the 1% from way back then, at that time, the player base was 93/7 to console/PC.

  • @needsmokes Where is your source that 1 in 7 PC players were banned for hacking? Forgive me if I don't believe a word you say on this topic.

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