Are grinder servers against the rules?

  • I have seen several grinder servers around (servers where every crew is in a call and are in an alliance)
    Isn't this sort of cheating? It takes the thieving and pirating out of the game. So what you get is around 16 people farming world events and having nothing to worry about. I just think this seems very un-pirate like. A saying I have heard often in this game was "Loyal only to crew and coin" and those servers seem to go almost directly against it. I'm all for alliances, but when there is no opposition it takes the fun out of it.

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  • @theoneocelotz you are free to have or not have fun in this game.

    Personally, I see it as a form of boosting (frowned upon) but not illegal. Our first pirate legend boosted his way to get there and set this unfortunate precedent.

    (Btw you are also free to join and sabotage said servers ;) )

  • @captain-fob4141
    I would, but my friend joined one and it took 9 hours to get into the game. Usually the servers are full and the population is maintained.

  • @theoneocelotz

    It is exploiting the matchmaking system, yet it isn't cheating. It is not ideal and frowned upon by many, it will never fully be able to be prevented... yet Rare should diminish the ease at which they are created or at least how lucrative they are.

  • I think a system where alliances are automatically canceled after a certain amount of time would work (that would be like 8 hours) and players can't rejoin the alliance or make a new one for the rest of the session.

  • @theoneocelotz

    Alliance servers are not directly breaching any rules but are instead using tools of the game to exploit and servert the system. This would be more akin to Cheeseing at a game as it goes agians't the Sprite of the game and not against the rules. As such it is a practice that is look down upon by the community that doesn't engage in that pratice. It is however is a pratice that requires skill and patiecnce to do as it is not supported and by it's very nature cannot be countered or contested.

  • If its not ruining your own game, leave it be.

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