Detailed description of my idea for a submarine

  • Am new to the forum, here to suggest an idea that likely has been suggested many times, but that I couldn't seem to find in a superficial forum search. Here we go:

    A big barrel, 3/4 a sloop in length, 1 middle gallion deck in diameter. It has a steering wheel in the back, along with a periscope which, similarly to the spyglass, has a glare. It has a hatch that can be opened while submerged at the cost of the vessel quickly filling with water. There are bulls eye windows, but the maximum viewing distance is very limited, similar to diving regularly. For weaponry, there is a torpedo bay in the front which is basically a cannon but the projectiles go in a straight line and are considerably slower. It also allows for players to disembark from the vessel through the bay at the speed of sword lunging into water. Sail controls are replaced with dive controls which adjust the depth of the vessel. If it is submerged for too long, it will start to burst and leak. Naturally, the whole thing is rather cramped as is usual for a submarine. The only thing I'm not sure about is propulsion - whether it would have a motor or some kind of fin that uses underwater streams (basically wind but the direction is unrelated) - and size (of both the ship itself and its crew). I think it would introduce some interesting tactics, especially some that require patience to set up the perfect trap rather than simply driving up to an enemy and firing. Do let me know what you think.

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  • Actually a sub has only bee requested twice b4. One was very recently and was suggested to take after captian nemo ship the Nautalis.

    I don't see how sub would fit into this game.
    How would you even counter a sub?

    We don't have depth charges and how will most player see them coming?

    A sub would be too Op agianst old fashion sailing ships.

  • Here is a detailed description of what I think about submarines in this game.

  • @comradekitten1 Hand crank for motor.

  • I'd be curious about the different positions the crew could partake in, not having any cannons or sails...

  • @comradekitten1 Let me just say that I agree it's a really fun idea. I mean, who wouldn't want to play with that? But the thing is, it just doesn't fit for Sea of Thieves. There's no way it would fit within the period or lore of the game, nor could it really be balanced into gameplay. To put it simply, there are no submarines in pirates. But it's easy to imagine how much fun it would be to play around with.

    The Sea of Thieves inspires all kinds of ideas, doesn't it?

  • @enf0rcer Right, I forgot to mention how you would fight it (it was like 2am). As it is only capable of fighting in very short ranges, you might make it so that you have to first spot the sub (which shouldn't be that hard once you're hit), and then pull it to the surface with your harpoon. Over water, it can't fire it's torpedo bay (which only has a very limited firing angle) and is therefore helplessly exposed to cannon fire, with the only way out being a good old fashioned sword fight. As it only has a limited time window to engage anyways (limited diving time) I don't think it would be too OP. As an additional fun idea, you might be able to throw off for a makeshift depth charge. As the chances of one hitting the charge are obviously rather low, it should probably do serious damage to the vessel, I suggest almost beyond repair.
    Godspeed pirate!

  • @nabberwar said in Detailed description of my idea for a submarine:

    Here is a detailed description of what I think about submarines in this game.

    alt text

    alt text

  • @genuine-heather I must say, I'm not especially well versed in the lore... but isn't it all a story that happened already a long time ago, kind of one piece style? Some technological innovation makes sense I think. Also, how well something fits into the lore is often very different depending on the way it's designed. And after all, you can shoot yourself out of a cannon unharmed... I simply think sailing on the high seas is just kinda boring. You can see all other ships from far away and megs aren't a real threat, the only thing that really has any potential to sink even just a solo sloop are the volcanoes and the kraken. I detailed the combat in another reply (I forgot to do so in the original post). Submarine vs submarine combat might also become interesting.
    It does inspire all kinds of ideas! My personal favourite of Sea of Thieves Engineering is the explosive ram (explosive barrel on the bowsprit). I haven't got to try it yet...
    Godspeed pirate!

  • @comradekitten1 I'd be more concerned about submarines taking over the Sea.

    In any case, we already have submarines. 😅

  • @galactic-geek What do you mean by "taking over the sea"?

  • @comradekitten1 As people have said it is a fun idea but just doesn't fit the game. There are so many balancing issues that would have to be made that would have a huge effect on the current game. For instance the sea floor is not even modeled so you would be able to dive right down to the ferry of the damned.

  • @octopus-lime But... the dive time limitation... It's basically like the red sea, you physically can't get that deep.

  • @galactic-geek

    The crew would have to pedal or crank to move the sub, and fire the main weapon.

    I think the idea is cool. But it would be more a novelty, and so probably waste much too much dev time.

  • @comradekitten1 said in Detailed description of my idea for a submarine:

    @galactic-geek What do you mean by "taking over the sea"?

    No ships; every pirate in a submarine.

  • @comradekitten1 said in Detailed description of my idea for a submarine:

    @enf0rcer Right, I forgot to mention how you would fight it (it was like 2am). As it is only capable of fighting in very short ranges, you might make it so that you have to first spot the sub (which shouldn't be that hard once you're hit), and then pull it to the surface with your harpoon. Over water, it can't fire it's torpedo bay (which only has a very limited firing angle) and is therefore helplessly exposed to cannon fire, with the only way out being a good old fashioned sword fight. As it only has a limited time window to engage anyways (limited diving time) I don't think it would be too OP. As an additional fun idea, you might be able to throw off for a makeshift depth charge. As the chances of one hitting the charge are obviously rather low, it should probably do serious damage to the vessel, I suggest almost beyond repair.
    Godspeed pirate!

    Well 2 problems i Immediately see is

    1. Harpoon the sub would have physic issues the boat might be pull underwater or sub would collide with the ship in such a way that it could capsizes. Or any number of crazy effects.

    2. The sub has the opportunity of frist strike, my main issue is players being able to silently board a ship from seeming nowhere. At that point the battle be over b4 it even begun.

  • @enf0rcer 1. is fair, I didn't think about the limitations of the game engine admittedly.
    2. The opportunity of the first strike is kind of the point of the thing. It's small and can neither take nor deal (1 torpedo bay) a lot. Approaching an enemy takes patience and a disciplined trigger finger in order to not scare off your quicker enemy. For silently boarding: The way I described it that wouldn't be a very simple ordeal. You have the option to:

    Open the hatch while under water, the only way to get out of the vessel undetected, doing this is extremely risky though as it can sink your sub in the process.

    Surface and open the hatch, exposing you to the enemies line of sight.

    Fire yourself through the torpedo bay, which will accommodate your entry with the noise of the shot.

    Like doing anything with the sub, getting on a ship completely undetected would be extraordinarily tricky.

  • @galactic-geek I don't see why a sub would be attractive enough for everybody to want to use one. It's cool for sure, but utterly unfit for trading missions as it is small and slow, and unfit for combat against other subs because it loses its element of surprise if everyone is hidden.

  • @octopus-lime said in Detailed description of my idea for a submarine:

    @comradekitten1 As people have said it is a fun idea but just doesn't fit the game. There are so many balancing issues that would have to be made that would have a huge effect on the current game. For instance the sea floor is not even modeled so you would be able to dive right down to the ferry of the damned.

    Well actually your only partially correct as even tho the floor is not model it does exist as there is a invisiable barrier 100m down. So a ship of any kind couldnt go down pass that while the ferry exist apporox 300m down.

  • @comradekitten1 said in Detailed description of my idea for a submarine:

    @enf0rcer 1. is fair, I didn't think about the limitations of the game engine admittedly.
    2. The opportunity of the first strike is kind of the point of the thing. It's small and can neither take nor deal (1 torpedo bay) a lot. Approaching an enemy takes patience and a disciplined trigger finger in order to not scare off your quicker enemy. For silently boarding: The way I described it that wouldn't be a very simple ordeal. You have the option to:

    Open the hatch while under water, the only way to get out of the vessel undetected, doing this is extremely risky though as it can sink your sub in the process.

    Surface and open the hatch, exposing you to the enemies line of sight.

    Fire yourself through the torpedo bay, which will accommodate your entry with the noise of the shot.

    Like doing anything with the sub, getting on a ship completely undetected would be extraordinarily tricky.

    Also what treat does the sub face when in pve it meg couldn't properly attack and if it did that would be a death sentence for a sub as it could only fire once per meg circle. Not to mention the kranken.

    Additionally how would pvp agressors hunt subs if they can't see them from a distance and can't track them from distance once there submerged.

  • @enf0rcer Meg and Kraken would both screw over the vessel, that's the cost of having a submarine, just like with a sloop.

    It would be hard to hunt subs for PvP aggressors as they can see them from a distance when they're surfaced, but not when submerged (the dive time limitation). That's the value of having a submarine. Though it is slow, therefore a skilled PvP crew would be able to successfully track and engage the sub. If it is submerged it will likely still get the first strike though, which is the value of having a submarine.

  • The submarine would be the PvE players dream. Store your loot inside and submerge every time you get attacked.

    Im afraid submarines would not be used as attack ships, and more as a way to hide from all kind of PvP.

  • Look. You're talking about technology far, far beyond what was available in Golden Age of Piracy. Making an airtight vessel capable of submerging, rising, and supporting life is not simple stuff. And that's just the vessel itself. Then you're talking about torpedo bays and airlocks. The concept is, I'm very sorry to say, rather ridiculous.

    I get the appeal. It's a fun idea to talk about. But Rare is not going to add submarine warfare to a pirate game. What you're talking about is not only outrageously anachronistic, it would completely change the dynamics of the game.

  • @genuine-heather The first submarines exist since the 16th century. The golden age of piracy was from 1690-1730. And I'm not talking about torpedo bays in the form of modern self propelled explosive torpedoes fired from some sort of high-tech bay, I'm talking about a primitve contraption, and the mention of airlocks is just completely made up. Additionally, if we're gonna rate the game by realism, we might aswell trash it altogether. Last time I checked pirates that went over board didn't use magic mermaids to teleport themselves back on. "Outrageously anachronistic" is a simply ridiculous measure.
    "it would completely change the dynamics of the game."
    That is rather the point, as is with most additions, though I believe "completely is a serious overstatement.

    But as people keep mentioning the problems I specifically solved, a lot of them in the original post, I doubt the discussion has any sense. I feel like I'm explaining why the sloop can escape bigger ships over and over again.

  • @comradekitten1 said in Detailed description of my idea for a submarine:

    @genuine-heather The first submarines exist since the 16th century.

    You're talking about early concepts, not functioning vessels. The first submarine to actually sink a ship was in 1864, over a century after the Golden Age of Piracy was over. That feat is even less impressive when you learn that the blast likely killed the submarine crew, as well.

    The golden age of piracy was from 1690-1730. And I'm not talking about torpedo bays in the form of modern self propelled explosive torpedoes fired from some sort of high-tech bay, I'm talking about a primitve contraption, and the mention of airlocks is just completely made up.

    The earliest torpedos were spar torpedos; basically bombs on sticks. Even those didn't exist until the early 19th century. There were certainly no "torpedo bays" out of which you could fire things.

    Additionally, if we're gonna rate the game by realism, we might aswell trash it altogether. Last time I checked pirates that went over board didn't use magic mermaids to teleport themselves back on.

    Well, in that case why not introduce biplanes? I love biplanes. They're not much later than submarines, only a couple hundred years off. We have magic mermaids. Why not biplanes?

    "Outrageously anachronistic" is a simply ridiculous measure.

    Not at all.

    "it would completely change the dynamics of the game."
    That is rather the point, as is with most additions, though I believe "completely is a serious overstatement.

    The Sea of Thieves is a pirate game. Yes, it's cartoonish and even silly at times. But the genre is well-defined. Adding submarine warfare to Sea of Thieves would completely change the dynamics of the game. That's not an overstatement, but a simple fact. It would add an element that does not at all fit within the genre. The presence of submarines would change the way the game is played.

    But as people keep mentioning the problems I specifically solved, a lot of them in the original post, I doubt the discussion has any sense. I feel like I'm explaining why the sloop can escape bigger ships over and over again.

    I was supportive of the idea but with the caveat that it doesn't really fit into Sea of Thieves. I never expected you to keep doubling down on it as if it's a serious idea you really want to introduce into the game. Talk is fine and fun. But I think we all know the idea is not a good fit for Sea of Thieves and will never be seriously considered.

  • @comradekitten1 I would prefer different ships
    instead of a submarine, you can craft a wetsuit. However, there is nothing to do under water.

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