Help in running away

  • Ahoy scallywags,

    just started yesterday with the game together with my girl firend and to end the first hour in style, our little sloop was attacked by a galleon. I was new enough to the game that i wasn't sure if the attackers were actually players as i was able to see their ship on the map and thought that might indicate a skeleton ship, later i realized they must have used a faction flag, i think. Anyway, we tried to finish our merchant mission, "docked" a a tiny island to deliver 3 crates, got boarded were shot before ending the mission. Then spawncamped because they were probably furious to not find a single chest or skull o the board. Or for funs. Who cares. Here is the question...

    Considering we are new to the game and bad at fighting for now and would probably lose any fair fight, not to speak of any unfair fight, how would we ever manage to not die once someone is determined to hunt us down?
    The way i understand the game, the sloop is not faster then other ships, it might be better at manoevering though. Which means, out running an enemy is not possible. There are also no safe zones, so even if we were able to keep our distance, as soon as we stop somewhere we are dead. So, if we realized we can't win a fight, how can we not lose it? If i have 3 or 4 chests/skulls on board and just want to not lose them to someone who had eyes, what are my options? I guess i should try to sail against the wind so that i have a chance to outpace a galleon. But what if it is a brig? They don't seem to be significantly slower against the wind. If reaching the shore just means that now i am an easier target to be boarded, is the only way to not lose your loot once spotted to be more stubborn? Hope they lose interest? And i am not even salty about being ganked, i know that fighting is the game and i will try to fight soon enough. But right now, my girlfriend has not once adjusted the sails and there is no way i am winning a fight. So, how do i not lose it?

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  • @broetchenhoier

    The way i understand the game, the sloop is not faster then other ships, it might be better at manoevering though.

    Not quite, each ship has a wind type that makes it faster than the other ships. Sloop is against the wind with sails squared (sounds stupid I know), while the others is crosswind with Brig and Tailwind with Galleon. You will outrun a Galleon if you sail against wind as an example.

    For a better understanding of wind and its somtimes nuanced odditites, see this video. A lot of good info there in determining how to outpace the other ships.

    This is an old post I made awhile back, some usefull info there

  • @broetchenhoier when sailing against the wind, center your sails, you will be faster

    For detail watch this video:

  • @nabberwar damn...2 minutes too late 😅

  • @schwammlgott
    Everyone who plays this game needs to see that video. Happens to me to where you type up a post only to not see another post saying the same stuff until you refresh the page.

  • @broetchenhoier Great questions and great attitude matey. Far to often people come to the forums and cry about toxic behavior when they are attacked. And while that does indeed happen, not all encounters are the same.

    Some simply things to do to help you in your journey.

    You might want to join a discord community to find like minded people to sail with and show you the ropes like Rogue Legends (you can look them up here in the forums or ask @CodeName-Jenova)

    For sailing in a sloop, you are faster than any other ship when you set your sails to "stupid" - flat or straight accross, and against the wind. You want to be dead against the wind.

    Always keep an eye on the horizon, eventually you will learn how to tell the difference between skelly ships and pirate ships. Watch them and be wary. They might be just about their own business, but they also might be about your business. They could send pirates swimming towards you, so watch for mermaids between you and their ship. They are usually easy enough to spot. If you see one, then that means a pirate is on its way to you.

    Sell often. Don't spend hours playing the game without selling, at least not until you feel competent enough at fending off others on the seas.

    There is so much more to learn, I honestly believe that you would be well served by joining a community and learning the ropes from them.

    Fair winds and calms seas to you matey and welcome to the Sea of Thieves. #bemorepirate.

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