Enough of the ashen cosmetics already

  • There’s enough ashen cosmetics!!!! the flame heart story is wack. Give more incentive to becoming a pirate legend! Can we get some other cosmetics BESIDES SHIP COSMETICS!!!!
    Get some new ideas and finish the corny flame heart saga.


  • 9
  • @dettah Uhh Ghost set?

  • There is a single set of Ashen cosmetics (two if you count the Forsaken Ashes set, which you can no longer complete as parts of it were time-limited).

    There are two full sets of cosmetics (clothes+vanity+weapons+equipment+livery+pet costumes) that are only available to PLs.

    That aside, I do agree that they have been milking this Flameheart story for waaaaaaay too freakin long. I'm ready for it to be over as well.

  • @supersnipper60
    Uhhh Read the post! I’m asking for player cosmetics!

  • @rcadden
    Yea they have been milking the hell out of it.
    They need to read these forums and listen to some of these players. I’ve read some great ideas here.

  • @dettah said in Enough of the ashen cosmetics already:

    There’s enough ashen cosmetics!!!! the flame heart story is wack. Give more incentive to becoming a pirate legend! Can we get some other cosmetics BESIDES SHIP COSMETICS!!!!

    Ok boomer


    Ghost set...Ship set, clothes set, weapons set.

    Get some new ideas and finish the corny flame heart saga.


  • @dettah umm yeah it's not being milked, its being released at a pace that most of SoT could enjoy it at. they are just not catering to the power gamers. I would expect the flameheart story to continue for a other 6 months.

  • Pirate legend is so easy to get honestly

  • To be honest, the Flameheart story may well lead to more Legend content somewhat soon here. The pseudo hint in the game has always been the Pirate Lord's comment that one day something may come that only Pirate Legends can deal with.

    We're now to the point in the story where Flameheart is directly invading the Sea of Thieves. I suspect we are drawing to the point that the Pirate Legends on the seas may need to step up and handle some things.

    My guess is that we see this through some PL exclusive (meaning you need a PL in the crew to do it as normal) Tall Tale content and likely a few event things where PL will have some special side things alongside core events. I also wouldn't be surprised if this is where we start exploring the Sea of the Damned as a possible world expansion area that requires some kind of effort to get to (my guess is via the PL Hideout). I am leaning this way since Flameheart is also not physically in the Sea of Thieves right now, rather it would seem spiritually and his Armada is drawn directly from the Sea of the Damned. Plus Rare said back in the day they had more they wanted to do with this part of the world at some point.

    So, that all screams potential Legend content to me. And that would truly make things feel like becoming Legend is the actual end game. After all that time on the seas watching Flameheart trying to take over you finally get the means to go after him and try to take him down. This could easily be a PL "Shores of Gold" equivalent.

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