Sea of thieves game chat not working ?

  • Hello I don’t know if I should post this here or not but I’m having trouble hearing other crews and talking in game chat on Xbox one in sea of thieves. and I don’t know why it was working last week and then all of a sudden it stopped and the strange thing is my mic works in party chat but not in game chat. I’ve tried going into app privacy and allowing it but sea of thieves won’t even pop up and and I can’t find anybody with the same problem so if you have any info on what I could do it would be a big help thank you.

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    xbox onehelpchat
  • This has been a VERY reported issue on this forum for the past week or 2. i would suggest scrolling down the forum list to view some older ones. linking all of them would take too long but you should be able to find them easily. good luck.

  • Have you ever through the life of your current windows install had a VPN installed?

    Do you see speech bubbles above other heads?

    Do you see the speech bubble top right corner when you Push To Talk?

    Also have you checked, small chance, that crew voice is muted?

  • I have the same problem but it only happens when I enter a game inside a party or am in a party for to long. The it only way I have found to fix it was by leaving the game then joining back while being in game chat. It is a major waste of time. I hope Rare will fix this soon.

  • Same issue here, been playing the game for several years now and it just started happening after I grabbed the game on Steam. Submitted a support ticket and a Rare employee was quick to send me towards the FAQ pages (even though I explicitly stated in the support ticket that I had already tried all the frequently suggested fixes for this problem).

    This game really isn't the same without ingame voice, I don't think I'll play it at all without it. I went as far as to reinstall Windows, and it worked for a bit on version 1901 or 1903 (can't remember which one), but as soon as I upgraded to 1909/2004 ingame voice chat is entirely broken again (this turned out to be false, see edits for more info).

    Anyone else have ideas as to how to fix this? I've gone through everything. Even contacted Microsoft customer support (as suggested by the auto-reply support ticket response I got from Rare), who informed me that it sounds like an issue on Rares side.

    Additionally, I found that when it was working, Sea of Thieves was accessing my mic (looking at the Windows privacy settings), and now that it isn't, Sea of Thieves never even attempts to access my mic. This tells me the issue is 100% a game issue.

    If any actual Rare dev/employee wants to reach out, I'd be happy to help troubleshoot this problem. I've spent the past 3-4 days doing nothing but trying everything possible in order to get this working, but it's just not happening.

    Edit: I've narrowed down the issue to a piece of software called Process Lasso that I use to control default process thread affinities/priorities. When I disable this software, my in game voice works again.

    Edit 2: Specifically, Sea of Thieves seems to hate when you change the thread affinity of its process after it's launched. When I don't touch the games thread affinity, in-game voice works as expected.

    This is slightly annoying as I have a 3950x CPU and I prefer to limit games to running on the first CCD (cores one through eight). I would still definitely like to see this issue resolved, as it seems to be a brand new issue that just cropped up after the Steam release. There's also a possibility that some Process Lasso update could have caused the issue, so I may also contact their customer support and see what they have to say on the matter (though I don't think this is the case, as even manually switching the thread affinity via the windows task manager results in the same issue).

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