Uncertain instant death, please explain

  • Simply put, I was fishing in devils roar, a fairly long distance from anything noticeable and died instantly, I didn't see anything, there was no change in music and I didn't hear anything and I died in one hit to something. I couldn't see anything as my soul drifted up and the well didn't have a lantern flame for me. When i respawned my ship had sunk, any idea about WTH happened?

  • 6
    helpdeathdevils roarfishinginstant death
  • @sugilite42
    I would assume you got hit by a volcano rock, I don't know why you didn't get a lantern, but because your ship sank I can assume that you got hit by a volcano.

  • Did you get a clip?

  • No clip, and I died before the ship sank. It just happened again, only this time I wasn't in Devils roar, I was out near Rum Runners Isle.
    I had my volume on higher and I heard an explosion like a barrel going off, and I respawned about 5 seconds before by ship sank but there was no one else in sight again. Also the crates with pigs in I was carrying got cooked so...

  • Did you run into a gun powder barrel?

  • Yeah, it definitely sounds like you ran headfirst into gunpowder. Sometimes when you see barrels on the water, they have gunpowder kegs amongst them. If you're standing on the bowsprit, the explosion is right under you and will kill your pirate, and probably not give you enough time to do the repairs when you respawn.

    When you cast your line, keep your eyes on the horizon until you've landed the fish. But honestly, fishing while sailing in a solo sloop is just asking for trouble since you can't look around. You should really only be fishing when you've got another set of eyes(or one eye, as the case may be) on the ship keeping a lookout.

helpdeathdevils roarfishinginstant death
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