Technical Help Needed, "Obsidian Beard Error"

  • Hi,

    I've installed on PC and Xbox, both the same "Obsidian Beard Error". When I look up the beard error guide Obsidian isn't listed. I successfully joined once out of many many attempts. It always occurs after the crew has joined my ship and it goes to the loading screen to advance to the game. Mods, please move this where appropriate, I could not locate a "Technical" subthread to post in. I had this installed prior, about a year or two ago with no issues. Only when I installed recently do I keep getting this same error code.

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  • Ahoy there! The support team is not available through the forums. Please submit a support ticket so that the team can investigate the issue with you.

  • @lady-aijou I had submitted a ticket without much success after trying all steps suggested, I was hoping this was something the community had more feedback to provide with a more precise and simple approach (as all suggestions provided were not obsidian beard specific from the ticket and referencing other beard errors for suggestions).

  • @ikkabotz same problems in mid of EU, same error codes
    for several days. Today after xth attempt got in game.. but its lagging and spiking like hell, unfortunately unplayable :( Speedtest 8ms 85/40Mbps.. FPS permanent value (no drops).. all other MMO or online games OK.. - isnt in my connection.

  • Ive been getting the same problem to. I really need help fixing the obsidian beard problem.

  • Ahoy maties!

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