How long does this new ghost ship event stay over one island?

  • I am a new player and have been attempting to do my first tall tale quest line but my current objective in the quest is to go to crooks hallow, but that pirate guy in the sky with the ghost ships has been over it for 2 hours or so now. In the patch notes it just said islands? Will he always spawn over this one and never go away without one of the other 6 ships deciding to go do this encounter? This seems silly.

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  • @luakdango He doesn't always spawn there. Just go to a different server

  • @dominusocto7

    I have done that 3 times already am I just getting unlucky? or is it putting me in the same server, getting tired of redoing these steps to be stuck.

  • It will despawn if no one engages with it for a specified amount of time. I want to say 20 minutes but I wouldn't bet on that being right.

    If ships enter the encounter range (ie. when the music starts), it will keep the event alive for longer so that players who leave to resupply don't have the event despawn on them. All world events work this way, except for Fort of the Damned which stays up until it's completed.

  • If it is just a Tall Tail, could always just row over outside of the aggro range.

  • @nabberwar Do those ships not aggro onto row boats?

  • @luakdango

    @nabberwar Do those ships not aggro onto row boats?

    These new ships, unsure, probably not. However, rowboats tend to not draw game aggro from the other threats. I believe as long as you don't touch them or shoot them you will be fine. Even regular skeleton ships of the roaming variety won't aggro unless you start it.

  • @nabberwar thanks Nabber that worked perfectly. Though created its own issues like my ship being sunk when I made it back to it, but I just spent longer in the rowboat using a compass to navigate all the way to an outpost and turn in the shroudbreaker. I suppose those issues just add to the tale.

  • @luakdango sagte in How long does this new ghost ship event stay over one island?:

    @nabberwar thanks Nabber that worked perfectly. Though created its own issues like my ship being sunk when I made it back to it, but I just spent longer in the rowboat using a compass to navigate all the way to an outpost and turn in the shroudbreaker. I suppose those issues just add to the tale.

    Nice work to finish it by rowboat with just the compass as a beginner, I'm really impressed

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