Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best Appreciation Screenshot

  • @lizalaroo
    Loving the new update and we're having a blast! Really fun as lately all other games aren't working well as a group but this one rocks!

  • @lizalaroo

    Yuzureika: So I heard there's a UNOFFICIAL Community Competition for the Best Appreciation Screenshot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Me: Let's Win!

  • We have an alliance server that we play on almost everyday. We decided to get a picture of our cats and some of the crew. #HawkNest #Friendsforever

  • @lizalaroo

    I played Sea Of Thieves for a year now, and all I have is good memories with my friends. I'm not a PvP guy like them but I do love maneuvering the ship to give 'em the support they need!
    I love the chill vibes this game gives me when I play it, I love the scenery the game offers us. It's relaxing and it keeps me distracted from nowadays problems such the pandemic.
    I hope to play more with my crew, they're such good people! ( @ViperousFilly1 , @Baboon-Pdas & @BaudaPlus )

  • @lizalaroo Here is my favorite photo of my brother, two of my friends and I finishing a long day of plundering. After finally agreeing on a hull to match my new sails, and sinking a personal record number of ships, we were so proud of ourselves we had to pose for a picture. One of my favorite memories on the seas, and I can't wait to make some more with them. My only regret is forgetting to turn the HUD off. (Note: the ship was promptly burned and sent off with an emotional playing of "becalmed", per pirate tradition)

  • This screenshot is from the first day I played the game, in the Sea of Thieves beta over two and a half years ago! Close friends of mine got together to try out this cool looking game, and we have been playing it since!

  • @lizalaroo !

    Just completed our first level 5 Gold Hoarders voyage. A few scares from different Reapers along the way. Including one hiding at the outpost we went to sell at!

    Captain Chest Haul

    Captain Chest Haul

  • @lizalaroo
    This is after our first Level 5 Gold Hoarder Emissary voyage.

    We had a few scares from Reapers along the way, including one hiding at the Outpost we were pulling into, to sell at!

    Captain Chest Haul
    Captain Chest Haul

  • just me and a friend and our pet chicken, what more do you really need for a good time on the seas

  • @lizalaroo

    Yesterday’s enemy and tomorrow’s possible rival yet again, but today… today we are friends, and the beast was summoned and slain. Till we meet again with cutlasses crossing or cannon powder igniting, Fair Winds to ye. *Tiphat *

    Note: this was the Hungering Deep event before Alliances, when normally a ship on the horizon was almost always ominous. The people in the frame are from all different crews from around world, China, Brazil, Europe, and the States.

  • After a long day at sea, I have to show appreciation for my fellow crew. A back massage is a great way to help your bearded womanly friends.

  • We go down as a team

  • Our end of session tradition.

  • Good times :D

  • @lizalaroo This picture was taken right before me and my online friends did a fort together. This game brings me a lot of happiness i have not found such a great and supportive community like this one before. This game helped me through a good amount of hard times and im glad that i am able to be a part of it everyday! Hope others feel the same as well!

  • I appreciate that crossplay allows me to play with family... Until they mutiny! alt text

  • The scenery sometimes just blows me away!

  • @lizalaroo

    A night on the Sea

    Me and a buddy after a long day of voyaging, enjoying a bromantic night on the wonderful sea

  • Matey, for you, I will go in and stay at a megalodon mouth forever!

    Or maybe just after we kill it. ;)

  • @lizalaroo
    Meg-a-deth Band plays an appreciation gig at the Sea Dog Tavern after some glorious Arena wins!

  • @valst0rm oh damn, what are the chances somebody else took the same shot haha! Nice one @Partisan-Spy477

  • I miss those times when me and my old crew just sailed around having fun. This is from one of the times we wanted to decorate Stephen Spoils.

  • Theres a few people I met week one of this game I still talk to now even if most of them dont play anymore. We've become genuine friends and still keep up with each other two years later. I had a hard time finding a good pic of everyone together so I opted for this pic of us partying on a sloop back in April 2018 - two of my crewmembers are part of the group im still in touch with! We wound up meeting a french player whos teammate left and he didnt want to be alone so he approached us. We helped each other wrap up our voyages before hanging out on his ship until the servers shut down (remember when that was once a week?) and even after a new player joined his crew (remember when every crew was open?). Even after this encounter I wound up playing with the french player we met a few more times

  • @lizalaroo

    She sailed us perfect, she deserved to stay in peace with a fire.

  • Building the thief squad one pirate at a time!

  • This was a picture of the last time me and my IRL friends were all on this game at the same time, none of us were good or knew what we were doing, we fired ourselves on a ledge at plunder outpost and thought we were the kings of the server, in fact we were so exited about it we all added it to our Instagram stories and the one in the middle added it to a new highlight real he made just for this, im on the right the one who took the picture is in the middle and our other friend to the left got us into the game in the first place, since then they have both stopped playing and i kept playing, it's a bad photo but I like to look back on it and remember the fun i had with them.

  • [link text](Day 1

    March 30th 2018... My first ever voyage I went to Shark Bait Cove... Clueless of what the next 2 years would bring me... Everytime I set foot on this island, I reflect back and it feels like it was just yesterday... Over 2 years sailing the seas... And I wouldn't have it any other way.

  • alt text
    Sea Of Thieves has always entertained us since day one with its ridiculous shenanigans and intense combat, but most recently it has given my friends and I something to do while quarantined, keeping us safe, and together through these challenging times. Thanks Sea Of Thieves and thank you devs for creating such an amazing game!

  • @lizalaroo

    Over the past two years of playing sea of thieves, it has strengthened many of my friendships, as well as making brand new ones with the many people I have met throught this amazing game that has come so far. This is from when me and my friends all made an alliance of our own and messed around for a bit. Sorry for the bad shot my file got corrupted so I had to use a worse picture.

  • Well that’s it for another week!
    Pop back tomorrow to find out who the winning recipient of the Lord Guardian sails are and what your next mission is......should you choose to accept it.

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