My Bioshock Big Daddy cosplay

  • A friend asked me to sent him my Big Daddy cosplay photos and i thought that maybe i should share it here as well for all the fellow cosplayers :)
    Ive made it few years ago because i couldnt stand watching cool cosplay costumes around the internet and ive always wanted to add something from me.
    It took me like a half year and ill NEVER EVER do it again it took me way too much time and resources but damn it was fun!
    The skeleton is made from cardboard, layers of paper and at the end after it was all ready ive covered it with fiber glass to it wont break, but the problem that ive discovered with fiber glass that its very toxic so when ive used it I had a mask when it was wet and when it dries its safe to use it and the second problem with fiber glass that its VERY heavy, luckily my exercise paid off so i could stay in it for like half an hour then ive needed to drink water rest 10 minutes and then i could wear it again.
    Big Daddy have lights and the hand drill is moving very fast the first time ive used it ive damaged my right hand a lot, in the drill there is an actual drill to move it.

    Its also funny to wear it first of all i wear the huge pants then the big shoes and then i wear the torso like a backpack, then the hands and i pretty much need someone with me just to make sure im not bumping into small kids because its like 2 meters costume.
    Thank you all for reading it, i just thought that it would be nice to share it here im not really using social media websites.

    The only other gaming character that i did other then Big Daddy was Craig the Psycho from Borderlands 2 if anyone wants to see that one too

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  • Just looked at the rest of the pictures in the link amazing job!

  • That big daddy helmet looks Heavy! Nice work.

  • @cannibalbob thank you!
    It was fun to make but it was difficult to do other things with my work and this.

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