Just got a taste of double gun in Arena. Yeah it's really a problem.

  • @galactic-geek my bad. But the point still stands, swords need to be stronger or guns need to be weaker.

  • @baronbrr Well, Rare did say reworking the combat was going to be a long, drawn-out, extended process, and personally...

    I don't think that they're anywhere near done yet.

    I just wish we, as a community, had more Insight as to what they were planning for combat overall, because while we have seen quite a bit of improvement, we've also seen equal parts questionable decisions (both from Rare, and IMO, the community as well built out of ignorance and blind fandom/passion).

  • @galactic-geek curses and blessings of every community

  • The whole of sword/gun combat needs a overhaul.

  • @coldsheep said in Just got a taste of double gun in Arena. Yeah it's really a problem.:

    The whole of sword/gun combat needs a overhaul.

    I think most can agree on that. The problem lies on the specifics - what specifically should be fixed? That's where the disagreements start. No matter what Rare does, there will be those left disappointed. We can only hope that, when all is said and done, that it's not the majority of their pirate-base.

  • you are always going to come up against some try hards that take advantage of whatever the meta is. and you might feel as if the game is unbalanced but the truth is usually that they were just better than you. I just tip my cap and say "well played, good sir."

    for me, this game is all about the ship combat and the CQC is just a free for all button mashing kinda thing. yea, i have some nice duels and fights sometimes but the controls just aren't tight enough (on console) to really take it seriously. Yea, I wish it were better (and 60fps), but hey, that's just what I have to deal with.

    I really hope their is a 60fps option on XSX.

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