More green colored cosmetics

  • Hello Rare. So I recently got a friend into Sea Of Thieves and she's really enjoying it but Her favorite color is green and she is struggling to find a good cosmetic set to wear. Mercenary doesn't work and The green dress isn't her style. So as you probably have guessed. she asked me to request more green cosmetics that work well on Female characters. I'm thinking an Emerald Admiral (Or something like that) set for the black market could work as she likes clean cosmetics not rough ones.

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  • @mayorsam01 I think that there are already a bit too many green cosmetics in comparison to the other colors but I agree that they need more sets. I personally think that they should finish all the old sets in one monthly update (add in Ceremonial Admiral Cannons/Capstans and the like, so cannon and the like interactable parts of the ship sets for each sub type, figureheads for the ones that are not done etc)

    After they would finish all the old sets I think they could work on implementing 2 normal sets a month (entire ship cosmetic sets, and then entire clothing/equipment/weapons sets too) and 1 legendary set a month, which would be a normal set but a variant on one of the already implemented normal sets with a more legendary theme to it. They just need to add in a lot more cosmetics in general, especially with colours that are not used as often as main colours, such as white and some sets that use brown as a main colour instead of as a side colour.

  • @mayorsam01

    There are a few green sets I can currently think of already. The Royal Sovereign set is a nice green, though it does require some decent Gold Hoarder levels, but it is an option. The Fearless Bone Crusher set, if you have a good amount of doubloons, might work, it has a green and brown scheme (it's sold by Stitcher Jim in the tavern, ask him about the Black Market Archives). One of the Bilge Rat sets is also a dark green, though which one it is escapes me. More sets overall are always nice to have, though, it'd be a good thing for an update to have.

  • You can now change your top and bottom underwear to a nice deep green.
    My female Insider uses a short skirt and a couple of the shirts (one is a vest) that reveal the color underneath.

    If green is your color, Ashen Gloves are a must-have, along with the aforementioned high end Sovereign hat and jacket.

  • @mayorsam01 more green? The most common colors of the wardrobe is green and black... all your girl needs is a good shopping spree.

  • No, please... We need more black. Black Sails, Black Hull, Black everything!

    Also a black light on a black lantern.

  • @barnabas-seadog yeah she knows there is that option but she doesn't like to show off like that.

  • @ultmateragnarok Unfortunately she isn't High enough in GH for the RS. And she finds both sets you have mentioned a little too rough for her taste. Which Is why I suggested something clean like a Green Admiral Set in the Black Market

  • @jofjjay I will grant you that there are more green than I originally thought. (my bad) but she is very picky and clean and doesn't like any of the current ones. Too rough for her taste. She currently has the Ceremonial Admiral dress on and she likes that so thats why I thought of a Green Admiral set

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