Man-o-war not really needed - Alternate Suggestion

  • So I 've seen lots of people ask about new ship types, mainly the "man o'war" to alow for larger crews and such... But I honestly think the Manowar would be a nightmare to sail/maintain, among other things... So here's a simpler, less expensive, more beneficial for all players idea/solution... Why not just up the current crew size allowed for each ship by one person, and add another set of cannons to the sloop and maybe the brig... Meaning a Sloop would have 3 crew members and 4 cannons total, a Brig would have 4 crew members with 4 or 6 cannons total, and a Galleon would have 5 or 6 crew members still with the current 8 cannons total ... I think it would appease everyone involved without changing too much of how the game is currently played, but allow for larger groups of friends to enjoy the game together... While also still allowing for the smaller groups and solo players who would at least get the benefit of an extra canon on each side. 😎
    I have spoken.

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  • I think the main issue is that a 6 man crew would be too OP when coming up against a sloop no matter what ship they are on (gally/MoW).

  • Yeah, but not if the sloop has a crew of 3 pirates and 4 cannons

  • In my opinion the Brigantine and Sloop are mostly fine. The Galleon tho, that ship would benefit greatly from larger crew.

  • @eriwan-kenblomi said in Man-o-war not really needed - Alternate Suggestion:

    So I 've seen lots of people ask about new ship types, mainly the "man o'war" to alow for larger crews and such... But I honestly think the Manowar would be a nightmare to sail/maintain, among other things... So here's a simpler, less expensive, more beneficial for all players idea/solution... Why not just up the current crew size allowed for each ship by one person, and add another set of cannons to the sloop and maybe the brig... Meaning a Sloop would have 3 crew members and 4 cannons total, a Brig would have 4 crew members with 4 or 6 cannons total, and a Galleon would have 5 or 6 crew members still with the current 8 cannons total ... I think it would appease everyone involved without changing too much of how the game is currently played, but allow for larger groups of friends to enjoy the game together... While also still allowing for the smaller groups and solo players who would at least get the benefit of an extra canon on each side. 😎
    I have spoken.

    every one wants a man o war I sure do

  • @eriwan-kenblomi

    Every ship was tested with more crew, and every one of them was proven to be entirely overpowered with that kind of crew. They could be too efficiently sailed and nothing ever came out of the fights.

  • A Larger crew isnt the point. A new ship would just be cool. There are no more in betweens for the ships we have So we can only go up. Aarger ship probably won't work for adventure but a 1v1 or 1v1v1 in Arena could be cool with a larger ship

  • Firstly, Man-o-War is technically a modified Spanish Galleon crossed with a Carrack. That aside, I would be willing to say that the Magpie seen in the Maiden Voyage and the ship at Thieves Haven are the closest thing we'll see to one. If we ever did get one in game, it likely wouldn't be in the normal waters, but rather be part of some special Arena mode or special game mode featuring players fighting off waves of incoming skeleton ships in the shroud. Or maybe if anything it would be on a server type restricted to ships of such a size, but have the chances for kraken, megs, and skeleton ships cranked up.

  • @eriwan-kenblomi said in Man-o-war not really needed - Alternate Suggestion:

    Yeah, but not if the sloop has a crew of 3 pirates and 4 cannons

    Yes but what about the people who play solo? You have to consider the worst case scenario.

  • @sargent-sully

    Both the Thieves' Haven shipwreck and the Magpie's Fortune on Old Sailor's Isle are galleon wrecks. There is no model for a man-o-war, there's the galleon model and that's it. The hull is also incredibly thick on the galleons we sail, whereas the wrecks do not share this quality.

  • Afaik the ships design is to give every crewmember a task.
    If you have more crewmembers than stationary task positions you create imbalance.
    To add more positions like cannons and such would imho also become imbalance very quickly.

    To be possible to sail with more than 4 friends is to allow premade Alliances and servers who only have premade Alliances.
    But then there would be a risk that this servers literally become pve Servers.
    But i can assure you that i'm able to organize 2 PvP sloop teams and sometimes even 2- 3 Brigs or 2 Galleones who would roam the seas to plunder pve Alliances.

    The player count is a limitation i agree, but i am ready to sacrifice to play with more friends to not destroy balance and the PvPvE aspect of the game.

  • @ultmateragnarok The Magpie had too many decks to be a standard galleon. If memory serves me right, it had a lower hull, a level with the hammock, and one with the cells, then of course the top deck. The haven ship is a bit thinner, I will concede that. Still though, Magpie doesn't seem like a standard galleon.

  • @sargent-sully

    The Magpie's Fortune had the top deck, two decks within the ship, an area below the outer hull, and a 'hold' buried in the ground. The wreck itself was a galleon, but it was built and dug around enough to seem a lot bigger.

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